
Terms containing 净 利润 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.产品净利润明细表the statement analysing net income from product sales
securit.付税调整后的经营净利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
textile全部净利润total net profit
econ.公司1999年度总结令人振奋,净利润增长 30%The company's results for 1999 are exciting that the net profits have risen by 30%
tech.内部准备对净利润比率ratio of internal reserves to net profits
econ.净值利润率profit rate of net worth
busin.净值利润率profit rate to net worth
tech.净值利润率profit ratio of net worth
agric.净利润operator's profit
econ.净利润retained earnings
interntl.trade.净利润retained profit
textile净利润net margin
proj.manag.净利润pure profit
fin.净利润clear profit
fin.净利润total net profit
econ.净利润retained profits
earth.sc.净利润net benefits
earth.sc.净利润net profit
tech.净利润neat profit
interntl.trade.净利润与净销售比率ratio of net profit to net sales
busin.净利润与资本之比ratio of net profit to capital
securit.净利润中可支配的所得net-net income
tech.净利润再投资reinvest profit
securit.净利润分配division of net profit
fin.净利润分配额net profit quota
econ.净利润对净销额之比ratio of net profit to net sales
econ.净利润对资本之比ratio of net profit to capital
tech.净利润对资本比率ratio of net profit to capital
commer.净利润对资本的比率ratio of net profit to capital
textile净利润总额total net profit
textile净利润总额total net earning
econ.净利润权益net profit interest
commer.净利润比率net profit margin
commer.净利润水平level of net profit
proj.manag.净利润清理clear profit
textile净利润net profit rate
textile净利润net rate of profit
securit.净利润net profit margin
earth.sc.净利润的分配distribution of net profit
tech.净利润的分配division of net profit
tech.净利润的处理disposition of net profit
busin.净利润statement of net profit
securit.净承销利润net underwriting profit
busin.净流动资本净利润比率net profit to net working capital ratio
busin.净流动资本净利润比率net profit on net working capital ratio
econ.净的利润net profit
securit.净经营资本的纯利润率net profits on net working capital
busin.净资本利润率profit rate of net worth
textile净销售净利润net profit on net sale ratio
textile净销售净利润比率net profit to net sale ratio
textile净销售利润profit to net sales
econ.分配净利润赎回redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
tech.分配净利润赎回股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
busin.利润与销售净额比率P/V ratio
busin.利润与销货净额比率ratio of profit to net sales
econ.利润对净产值的百分比profit percentage of net output
fin.利润对销售净额百分比ratio of profit to net sales
interntl.trade.剩余净利润residual net profit
fin.商业净利润clear commercial profit
econ.在此笔交易中他们净获利润3 万英镑They net ted a profit of £30.000 from this deal
econ.实质净利润real net profit
interntl.trade.实际净利润real net profit
econ.平均利润average net profit
tech.平均净利润average net profit
commer.净利润annual net profit
tech.折旧前净利润net profit before depreciation
tech.折旧后净利润net profit after depreciation
econ.报酬根据账册所示的、会计年度末的净利润决定The consideration was determined by the net profits shown in the account books at the end of the fiscal year
busin.有形净值净利润net profit on tangible net worth ratio
securit.有形资产净值的纯利润率net profits on tangible net worth
econ.未分配利润净额net business savings
oil本年净利润net profit for the current year
oil本年净利润net profit current year
busin.本期净利润current term net profit
textile本期纯利,本期净利润net profit of the term
econ.权益利润率,负债与净值总额利润率profit ratio of capital rate of return; return on investment, profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
busin.正常净利润normal net profit
el.每年净利润net annual gain
fin.税务调整净营运利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
textile税后净利润net profit after tax
textile税后净利润net profit after taxation
commer.税后净利润net profit after tax (与税前净利润(net profit before tax) 相对)
econ.税后净经营利润net operating profit after tax
oil税后净营业利润net operation profit after tax
fin.税后净营运利润net operating profit after tax
securit.税后经营净利润net operating profit after tax
securit.税率调整后净经营利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
tech.纳税前净利润net profit before taxes
securit.经营净利润net operating profit
proj.manag.综合净利润consolidated net profit
commer.营业净利润net operating profit
tech.调整后净利润adjusted net profit
busin.负债与净值总额利润率profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
busin.负债总额与净值的利润率profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
oil资产净值利润率return on net worth
oil资本净利润profit rate of net worth
econ.资本净利润profit rate to net worth
tech.资本净利润net profit ratio of registered capital
textile资本净利润率,净值利润率profit rate of net worth
busin.资本净值利润率profit rate of net worth
corp.gov.边际净利润marginal net benefit
textile边际净利润marginal net profit
securit.通过分配净利润赎回股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
busin.净利润赎回股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
textile销售净利润net profit on sale
busin.销货净利润net trading profit