
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 冷藏 | all forms | in specified order only
人工冷藏artificial refrigeration
冷冻食品贮藏frozen-pack storage
冷藏deep freezing
冷藏低温贮藏cold storage
冷藏cold storage room
冷藏deep freezer
冷藏refrigerated store
冷藏cold storage depot
冷藏损伤cold storage injury
冷藏损失cold storage loss
冷藏果品cold storage fruits
冷藏水果frozen fruit
冷藏cold storage method
冷藏浸酸acid-treatment after chilling
冷藏refrigerated (refrigeratus)
冷藏bulk milk cooler
冷藏refrigerated tank
冷藏bulk cooler
冷藏cold meat
冷藏蔬菜freezing vegetable
冷藏蔬菜cold storage vegetables
冷藏蛋品cold storage eggs
冷藏设备refrigeration equipment
冷藏设施cold storage installation
冷藏refrigerated wagon
冷藏车辆refrigerated vehicle
冷藏运货refrigerated cargo
冷藏运输设施refrigerator van
冷藏chill room
冷藏食品运销food marketing under cold temperature
冷藏食品运销food marketing under refrigerated condition
复式冷藏twostep refrigeration
复式冷藏two-step cold storage
冷藏dry-cold storage
根株冷藏cold storage of stock
根株冷藏cold storage of plant
浸酸冷藏cold-storage after acid-treatment
湿润冷藏wet cold storage
牛奶冷藏bulk milk cooler
细胞冷冻贮藏cell freeze storage
谷物冷藏grain chilling
果实采收用冷藏装置harvest cooler