
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不作出复议fail to make a reconsideration decision
不批准逮捕的decide to disapprove the arrest
不服判的上诉和抗诉appeal or protest against a judgment
不服复议not satisfied with the review decision
不许可的decision not to grant permission
不适当的an inappropriate decision
不适当的定和命令inappropriate decision and order
不适当的inappropriate resolution
中 央算草案draft of central final accounts
中央算报告the final budget of the central government
中央算报告a report on the final accounts of the central government
为发言和表承担法律责任hold legally liable for speeches or votes
举手表方式by a show of hands
争取和平统一的努力不放弃will never give up our efforts to achieve peaceful reunification
争议解办法method of dispute settlement
争议解机构dispute resolution service provider
争议解程序dispute resolution process
亟待解的问题problems that urgently need to be addressed
议案交付大会表a bill or proposal put to vote at the session
交付表put to vote
人民法院by decision of a people's court
付诸表put smth to the vote
仲裁机构的裁award of an arbitral organ
仲裁裁arbitration award
仲裁裁arbitral award
仲裁裁ruling of arbitration
作出make of decisions
作出make a resolution
作出adopt a resolution
作出是否抗诉的decide whether to present the protest or not
作出裁before making an award
作岀不起诉make a decision not to initiate a prosecution
依法定中央国家机构组成人员appoint personnel in Central Government departments in accordance with the law
依法就关系国家全局的重大问题作出make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State
依法行使民主选举、民主策、民主管理、民主监督等权利exercise their rights of democratic election, decision-making, administration and supervision in accordance with the law
先行裁make an award first
《全国人大常委会关于加强中央预算审查监督的定》Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Improving Examination and Oversight of the Central Budget
《全国人民代表大会关于香港特别行政区第一届政府和立法会产生办法的定》Decision of the National Peopled Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2008 《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区2007年行政长官和2008年立法会产生办法有关问题的定》Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year 2007 and for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the year
《关于修改中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法的若干规定的议》the Resolution on the Revision of Certain Provisions in the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses of the Peopled Republic of China
关于修改人民法院组织法的The Decision on Revision of the Organic Law of the Peopled Courts
关于第十届全国人民代表大会代表名额和选举问题的the decision on the number and election of deputies to the Tenth NPC
关于解国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约Convention on the Settlement of investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of other States
《关于进一步加强农村教育工作的定》Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
关于预算和预算执行情况的议草案the draft resolution on the new budgets and on the implementation of the old central budget
不辜负人民的期望live up to the expectations of the people
mete out
定.... 人选decide on the choice of...
定个别省、自治区、直辖市进入紧急状态decide on a state of emergency in particular provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government
定个别省、自治区、直辖市进入紧急状态declare a state of emergency in particular provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government
由主席团定交各代表团审议,或者并交有关的专门委员会审议the Presidium decide whether to refer the bills or proposals to the various delegations or to the delegations and relevant special committees for deliberation
定人选decide on the choice of
定会议议程set agendas for the meetings
定全国总动员或者局部动员decide on general or partial mobilization
定全国总动员或者局部动员declare general or partial mobilization
定全国进入紧急状态decide on entering into the state of emergency throughout the country
定全国进入紧急状态declare a state of emergency throughout China
定减征或者免征tax reduction or exemption decided on
定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
定和批准任免一批国家机关工作人员make decisions on and approve the appointment and removal of a number of employees in Chinese state organs
根据中华人民共和国主席的提名定国务院总理的人选decide on the choice of the Premier of the State Council (upon nomination by the President of the People's Republic of China)
定国家大事,决定国家重大事项decide on important state affairs
定国家大事,决定国家重大事项decide major issues of state
定战争与和平的问题decide questions of war and peace
定战争状态的宣布decide on the proclamation of a state of war
由主席团定是否列入大会议程the Presidium decide whether or not to put the bills or proposals on the agenda of the Congress
定特赦make decisions on the granting of special pardons
定程序enactment procedure
定议程decide on the agenda
定逮捕的时间time limit for deciding on an arrest
定重大问题decide on major issues (concerning)
定问题make a decision
breach a dike
策机制policy-making mechanism
重大问题策责任制度decision accountability system (for major issues)
算草案draft of final account
议的表决vote on a resolution
议草案the draft resolution on
分别作出以下判make judgment respectively as follow
切实解群众反映强烈的突出问题find effective solutions to serious problems that are reflected in many petitions and evoke a strong reaction from the people
刑事处罚判criminal penalty judgment
make an adjudication
make a judgment
written judgment
prior to the rendering of a judgment
变更order to be altered
和裁定judgment and order
执行之日date the judgment begins to be executed
撤销order to be recalled
确定之日date the judgment becomes final
结果outcome of adjudication
维持judge to be maintained
十届全国人大四次会议的有关定、决议relevant decisions and resolutions passed at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
协商解negotiate a settlement
协调解coordinate and solve
原判original judgment
参与participate in adopting the resolution
及时研究和解take quick steps to address (new problems)
反对"台独"分裂活动不妥协will never compromise on our struggle against secessionist activities aimed at "Taiwan independence"
发布定和命令issue decisions and orders
发布定的方式form of releasing the decision
发布promulgate the resolutions
发生法律效力的decision with legal effect
发生法律效力的判、裁定legally effective judgment or order
发言和表speech and voting
发言和表不受法律追究may not be held legally liable for deputies'speeches or votes
受理对于选民名单不同意见的申诉并做出handle and decide on petitions (concerning the name list of voters)
司法判judicial decision
vote against
一项议案法案throw out a bill
和平方式解争端settle dispute through peace means
和平解国际争端公约Convention for Peaceful Settlement of International Conflicts
咨询和策机制consultation and policy-making mechanism
回避decision on avoidance
2006 国务院关于 2006 年中央算的报告the State Council's report on the final accounts of the central government for
国务院的行政法规、定和命令administrative regulations, decisions and orders issued by the State Council
国务院的行政法规、定和命令the administrative regulations, decisions, decrees of the State Council
国家重大事项定权the power to decide major issues of state (key state issues)
定许可时或者决定许可后upon or after granting permission
地方性local resolutions
予以禁止be resolutely prohibited
依法惩处各种违法违规行为resolutely punish in accordance with the law all types of actions that violate laws and regulations
制止不良风气put a resolute stop to these unhealthy practices
反对铺张浪费resolutely combat extravagance and waste
惩处腐败分子punish those guilty of corruption
查处违纪违法案件resolutely deal with all breaches of the law or disciplinary regulations
没收法西斯国家的在华财产resolutely confiscated the property of fascist countries in China
纠正存在的问题resolute efforts to rectify existing problems
纠正损害人民群众利益的不正之风be determined to rectify unhealthy conduct that affects the interests of the people
遏制投资过快增长resolutely curb overheated growth of investment
坚持一个中国原则不动摇will not waver on the one-China principle
坚持民主集中制、集体行使职权、集体定问题、依法按程序办事的原则uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures
《域名争议解办法》Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (CNNIC)
基本表basic vote
处罚decision on punishment
处罚定书written decision on the penalty
复查decision made after reexamination
复核review decision
复核decision on the final examination
复议reconsideration decision
妥善解实际困难appropriately resolve the practical difficulties of
完善公众参与、专家论证和政府策相结合的决策机制improve the policy-making process by integrating public participation, expert evaluation and government decision-making
审批decision after examination
审查review decision
审计audit decision
审计auditing decisions
审议make a decision after deliberation
审议deliberation and decision
审议deliberate and decide
宣告判announce the judgment
对仲裁裁不服dissatisfy with the arbitral award
对各项议案进行表vote on bills
对复议定不服disagree with the review decision
对治安管理处罚定不服not satisfied with the decision on penalty for administration of public security
对法律和有关法律问题的定的实施情况进行检查examine the implementation of laws and legal decisions
对行政处罚定不服unsatisfied with the decision on administrative sanction
对行政复议定不服dissatisfy with the decision made after administrative reconsideration
将法律草案表稿提请常务委员会全体会议表决refer the final version of a draft law to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for a vote
将草案提请十届全国人大五次会议审议的the decision on submitting the draft to the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Peopled Congress for deliberation
履行判implement the judgment
履行处罚comply with the punishment decision
平等表equal vote
应对突发事件的定、命令decision and order in response to emergency
强制隔离戒毒定书written decision on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation
当场作出make decision on the spot
当场作出decision may be made on the spot
当庭宣告判announcement of judgment in court
影响到案件的判affect the judgment on the case
影响案件正确判hinder the correct judgment of the case
征收decision on expropriation
径行判、裁定make a judgment or a written order directly
执行implementation of the resolution
执行execute the resolutions (of)
执行海事仲裁裁enforcement of a maritime arbitral award
批准approval decision
批准或者with the approval or by decision
承认及执行外国仲裁裁公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Wards
把矛盾化解在基层、解在当地resolve conflicts at the local level in the place where they arise
报请中央人民政府report to the Central People's Government for decision
拒不履行判、裁定refuse to implement the judgment or decision
拘留detention decision
授权enabling decision
授权a decision on authorization
议案提交大会表put the bills or proposals to a vote at a plenary meeting
提请大会全体会议表be submitted to the plenary meeting of the session for voting
提请大会全体会议表be voted on at a plenary meeting
提请审议、表submit the drafts for deliberation and put them to the vote
提请常务委员会会议submit to a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for approval
提请常务委员会全体会议表request the Standing Committee to put the draft to vote at a plenary meeting
撤职案的表vote of a proposal for removal from office
撤销定书written closure decision
改变或者撤销不适当的决议alter or annul inappropriate resolutions
改变或者撤销不适当的决议alter or annul inappropriate decisions
放弃表abstain from voting
政府投资策责任追究制度an accountability system to cover decisions made on government-financed projects
整顿rectification decision
无罪判pronounce innocence
暂不付表not to put the bill to vote for the time being
暂不付表vote on the bill may be postponed
暂不付表not be voted on for the time being
暂不付表间隔两年two years have lapsed without a vote
最终裁finally ruled
有关法律问题的legal decisions concerning legal issues
有权定解剖have the power to order an autopsy
有罪判pronounced guilty
有针对性地解突出矛盾和问题find specific solutions to serious issues and problems
枉法裁pervert the law in making awards
根据全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的授权upon authorization by decision of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee
根据全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的授权under authorization decided on by the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee
根据全国人民代表大会的in pursuance of the decisions of the National People's Congress
根据全国人民代表大会的定和全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定in pursuance of the decisions of the National Peopled Congress and its Standing Committee
民主democratic decision-making
民主democratic policy-making
治安管理处罚定书written decision on penalty for administration of public security
法律草案表稿the final version of a draft law to be voted on
法律草案表稿vote version of the draft law
法律草案表稿a draft for vote
法律解释草案表稿vote version of the draft legislative interpretation
法律解释草案表稿a draft legal interpretation for vote
法案和议案的表vote on bill and motion
法案的提出、审议和表程序the procedures for submission, deliberation and voting of bills
海事仲裁裁maritime arbitral award
生效判effective sentence
由主席团by decision of the Presidium
由主席团提请大会全体会议be presented by the Presidium to a plenary meeting for approval
由人民法院at the discretion of the people's court
由大会全体会议decided upon by the plenary session
申请作出赔偿apply for a compensation decision
监察decision for supervision
相应的relevant resolution
相应的议、决定appropriate resolution or decision
省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会和它的常务委员会的地方性法规和regulations and resolutions issued locally by the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their standing committees
省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府的定、命令和规章decisions, orders and regulations issued by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government
着力解人民群众反映强烈的问题strive to resolve the issues of greatest concern to the people
着重解现实生活中迫切需要规范的法律问题concentrate on passing legislation urgently needed to solve practical problems in daily life
研究解立法项目涉及的重大问题work out ways to address major issues
研究解立法项目涉及的重大问题address major issues
科学scientific policy-decision
科学scientific decision-making process
科学民主scientific and democratic decision making
科学民主make decisions scientifically and democratically
科学民主scientific and democratic policy-making
科学民主make decisions scientifically and democratic ally
立即处immediate execution
第一审判judgment of first instance
终审判final judgment
终审的判和裁定judgments and orders of final instance
经主席团subject to the approval of the Presidium
经人民检察院批准或者with the approval or by decision of a people's procuratorate
经人民检察院批准或者定或者人民法院决定with the approval or by decision of a people's procuratorate or by decision of a people's court
统筹解人口问题comprehensively address the issue of population
缺席判judgment by default
缺席裁award rendered by default
罚款定与罚款收缴分离制度system of separating the decision on fines from the collection of fines
罢免代表的resolutions to recall deputies
罢免的the resolution on the recall
自行定的顺序in the order of one's own preference
自行定解散decide to dissolve of one's own accord
致力于解贫困人口的温饱问题spare no effort to help poverty-stricken people have enough to eat and wear
董事会的resolution of the board of directors
行使表exercise the voting right
行政administrative decisions
行政处罚decision of the administrative sanction
行政处罚定书written decision for administrative penalty
行政复议decision made after administrative reconsideration
行政机关最终裁final ruling by an administrative organ
行政法规的定程序the decision-making procedures for administrative regulations
补充a supplementary decision
vote on
be put to vote
方式voting form
未获得通过的法律案a bill that has failed to be adopted by
未获得通过的法律案a legislative bill that has failed to pass the vote
权数number of votes
稿voting version
结果voting results
通过本级人民代表大会各专门委员会组成人员的人选vote for determining the component members of various special committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels
通过议案vote a bill through
定人person against whom the decision is made
make a decision
make a resolution
make a arbitral award
make a judging
make a ruling
争议adjudicate disputes
理由reasons of decision
的事项matters dealt with by the award
结果final decision
裁定解decided in the form of an order in writing
规定和定授予国家的勋章和荣誉称号institute State medals and titles of honour and decide on their conferment
争端、维护和平resolve disputes and maintain peace
广大人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题promptly solve practical problems concerning public interests that the people are most concerned about and that effect them most directly
机构resolution service provider
民生问题solve problems to improve people's well-being
民生问题resolve issues related to the people's wellbeing
民生问题address problems affecting people's well-being
程序resolution process
……等问题in addressing these problems
……等问题address the problems of
纠纷settle a dispute
纠纷settle disputes
讨论、定本行政区域内的重大事项discuss and decide on major issues in their respective administrative areas
赔偿compensation decision
起诉decision to initiate a prosecution
追加判additional judgement
选举、定任命中央国家机构组成人员elect and appoint members of the central state organs
通过adopt a resolution
通过一项adopt a resolution
通过和发布adopt and promulgate resolutions
通过外交途径解resolve through diplomatic channel
通过开展爱国卫生运动教育宣传活动的passed a resolution concerning strengthening education and publicity to increase patriotic sanitation campaign
通过补充adopt a supplementary decision
逮捕decide on the arrest
逾期不作fail to make a decision within the legal term
采用举手方式表议案vote on bills by show of hands
采用投票方式表议案vote on bills by ballot
采用无记名投票的表方式be voted by secret ballot
重大major policy decision
重大事项定权making decisions for important issues
重大事项定权making decisions for major issues
重大问题集体策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公示和社会听证制度、决策责任制度systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearings, and for accountability in policymaking
重新审判后的判judgment rendered after the retrial
重要important policy decision
长期得不到解的问题longstanding problems (in)
附件 2:关于争端解规则与程序的谅解Annex 2: Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
附加表right to extra vote
限期治理的decide on the treatment within a time limit
除名resolution on one's expulsion
集体定问题make a decision collectively
集体定问题collective decision making
集体定问题decide on issues collectively
集体策制度collective decision-making system
算审查室the Office for Examining the Budget and Final Accounts
香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和表程序Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedure
高度重视并且采取坚有力措施maintain a high degree of vigilance and take firm and effective measures