
Terms containing 决不 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.争取和平统一的努力决不放弃will never give up our efforts to achieve peaceful reunification
gen.决不至于干这件事he is the last man to do it
fin.全部的或决不all or none
gen.完全in no respect
gen.完全in no respects
gen.not begin to (+ inf.)
gen.决不not... on any account
gen.决不be anything but
gen.决不on not any account
gen.决不on no account
gen.决不in no case
gen.决不on no consideration
gen.决不under no consideration
gen.决不not for a moment
gen.决不not a bit (of)
gen.决不not by a long shot
gen.决不not on any terms
gen.决不upon no terms
gen.决不no way
gen.决不not... for the world
gen.决不at no time
gen.决不not upon any terms
gen.决不the sorra
gen.决不in no shape
avia.决不less than
inf.决不not for anything in the world
gen.决不on no occasion
gen.决不not in any degree
econ.决不by no manner of means
econ.决不by no means
econ.决不in no degree
proverb决不in a pig's eye
idiom.决不under no circumstances
exhib.决不under no account
gen.决不never for a moment
gen.决不by no manner of means
gen.决不the devil
gen.决不not on any consideration
gen.决不in no circumstances
gen.决不anything but
gen.决不in no way
gen.决不会太cannot... over
gen.决不会太cannot... too
econ.决不允许未经许可查看公司的记录Unauthorized access to the company's records is by no means allowed
gen.决不never more
textile决不展延期限peremptory period
econ.决不延展时期a peremptory period
gen.决不in no sense
gen.决不so far from
gen.决不far from (+ ing)
gen.决不是那么回事nothing of the sort
gen.决不是那么回事nothing of the kind
gen.决不是那样nothing of the kind
interntl.trade.决不细展时期peremptory period
IT决不in no event
gen.决不能令人满意be anything but satisfactory
China, polit.决不辜负人民的期望live up to the expectations of the people
econ.卖方保证决不出售、赠送或交付上述货物给任何其他买主The seller guaranteed not to sell, give away or deliver the above-mentioned goods to any other buyer
China, polit.反对"台独"分裂活动决不妥协will never compromise on our struggle against secessionist activities aimed at "Taiwan independence"
China, polit.发言和表决不受法律追究may not be held legally liable for deputies'speeches or votes
gen.在任何情况下决不in no circumstances
China, polit.坚持一个中国原则决不动摇will not waver on the one-China principle
China, law对仲裁裁决不dissatisfy with the arbitral award
commer.我们决不可忽视引进技术的原则Under no circumstances shall we neglect the principle of technology acquisition
gen.我们决不可放松对敌人的警惕性we must not slacken our vigilance against the enemy
econ.我相信像这样的争端能够迅速得到解决,不至于损害我们的业务关系I believe a dispute like this can be settled swiftly without detriment to our business relations
gen.+ad. 怎么决不会太…can never + inf. +too +
gen.+ad. 怎么决不会太…can not + inf. +too +
gen.物体决不会运动never will the bodies move without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance
econ.决不满问题委员会a grievance committee
econ.那家银行决不会同意贷给这家亏损公司这样大一笔款子的The bank will never agree to lend the lossmaking company such a great sum of money