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先进接口单元 AIUS-Agroresursy 全俄业资源自动信息控制系统科学研究中心advanced interface unit (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
全球业生产率估算global agricultural productivity estimation
业信息系统agricultural information systems
业分类agricultural classification
业区agricultural land
业区划agricultural regionalization
业地图agricultural map
业地带agricultural land
业废物agricultural wastes
业景物分辨力agricultural scene understanding
业气象监测总规划Group Agromet Monitoring Project (欧洲)
业环境agricultural environment
业环境监测agricultural environ mental mon itori ng
业用地面积agricultural area
业类型agricultural type
业类型agricultural classification
业自然资源监测agricultural natural resources monitoring
业自然资源调查agricultural natural resources survey
业覆盖类型agricultural cover type
业资源开发agricultural resources development
业资源监测agricultural resource monitoring
业资源评价agricultural resources evaluation
业遥感agricultural remote sensing
作季节agricultural season
作物产量估测实验agricultural resources inventory survey experiment (印度)
lunar calendar
agricultural field
Chalet (卫星,美国电子侦察卫星,后名 Vortex)
卫生与村教育卫星计划satellite for health and rural education (programme, 国际通信卫星组织的)
可调作物事历adjustable crop calendar (model, 模型)
惠特克-香采样定理Whittaker-Shannon sampling theorem
病害作物diseased crop
粮食与业组织Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国)
维尔弹道与空气动力研究所Laboratoire de Recherches Balistiques et Aérodynamiques, Vernon (法国,隶属于武器装备部导弹技术局,法文)
航空和航天遥感技术测量业与资源储藏量agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing
航空航天遥感业和资源清查agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing (计划)
遥感卫星业估产crop yield estimation by remote sensing satellite
预测作物产量forecasting crop yield
公式Shannon equation
Shannon entropy
理论Shannon theory
第一定理Shannon's first theorem
第二定理Shannon's second theorem
编码Shannon coding
采样定理Shannon's sampling theorem