
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
不务nonagricultural a non-aggression
不包括业的就业情况employment excluding agriculture
专业化specialized farm
专供销售的作物money crop
专供销售的作物money crops
世界world agriculture
个体family farm
个体由一家人经营的.family farm
个体an individual peasant
个体peasant farmer
个体民经济individual peasant economy
个体经营individual farming
中国垦进出口服务总公司China Agriculture and Land Reclamation Import and Export Service Corporation
中国机进出口联营公司China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company
中等规模的商品生产middle scale commercial farmer
为离开业的人口提供的补助allowance for people leaving agriculture
主要业产品种植面积及产量area and output of principal agricultural products
主要作物staple crops
主要作物产量key annual crops
主要作物年产量key annual crops
主要的一年一熟作物key annual crops
互助业信贷mutual agricultural credit
亚商业sub-commercial farmer
亚洲及太平洋村综合发展中心Centre of Intergrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
优化业产业结构optimizing the industrial structure of agriculture
优质业投入quality agricultural input
优质业投入品quality agricultural input
会分share tenant
a tenant peasant
tenant peasant
tenant farmer
agricultural tenancy law
低收入业区low-income farm area
供出口的作物agricultural export crop
供销售的作物cash crops
全国性的业信贷countrywide agricultural-cred it
全时制full-time management of the farm
全时制full-time farming
全球业生产估算global agricultural productive estimation
美国全部活都由自己干的dirt farmer
公司corporation farm
公司corporation farm
公营public sector of agriculture
共同业基金common agricultural fund
欧洲联盟共同业政策Common Agricultural Policy
共有场财产co-shared farm property
agricultural industry
人口普査an agriculture census
水土资源的时空利用率rate of time and space utilization of agricultural resources
业一体化agricultural integration
业不动产资本non-real estate capital in agriculture
业专业化区integration specialization region
业中的纯粹竞争情况purely competitive conditions in agriculture
业主导技术leading agricultural technologies
业互助保险金integration mutual aid insurance money
业交易中的票据integration paper
业产业化industrialization of agriculture
业产品的平价agricultural parity prices
业人口的生活水准rural standard of living
业仓库an agricultural warehouse
业仓库integration warehouse
业企业agricultural industry
业企业agricultural enterprise
业企业发展agro-enterprise development
业企业联动agribusiness linkage
业会计the farm accounting
业会计the agricultural accounting
业估价farm appraisal
业体制integration system
业体系integration system
业体系agricultural system
业借款agricultural lending
业债券farm bond
业值farm value
业储蓄款项的开支drainage of agricultural savings
业共济保险制度integration mutual aid
业内部的信贷交易intra-agricultural credit transactions of capital
业净出口国简写为NAEX国家NAEX country
业净出口国简写为NAEX国家net agricultural exporting countries
业净出口国简写为NAEX国家NAEX countries
业净出口国简写为NAEX国家net agricultural exporting country
业净进口国简写为NAIM国家NAIM country
业净进口国简写为NAIM国家NAIM countries
业净进口国简写为NAIM国家net agricultural importing countries
业净进口国简写为NAIM国家net agricultural importing country
业利润agricultural profit
业加工品the processed farm products
业劳动生产率farm labour efficiency
业劳动者integration labourer
业劳工制farm labor system
业化学化chemization of agriculture
业区agricultural country
业区an agricultural area
业区域综合开发comprehensive regional development of agriculture
业协定farming on agreement
业单位本身的消费agricultural unit's own consumption
业危机the agrarian crisis
业原料integration raw material
业发展rural development
业发展中心agricultural development centre
业发展信贷farm installation loan
业发展信贷agricultural improvement credit
业发展战略agricultural development strategy
业发展计划agricultural development programme
业发展银行agricultural development bank
业合作cooperation in agriculture
业合作agricultural cooperation
业合作社cooperative agriculture associations (society)
业合作社cooperative agricultural association
业合作社agriculture cooperative
业合作社cooperative agricultural society
业合作社agricultural cooperative
业合作社联合会Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives
业周期agricultural cycle
业和农村发展the agriculture and rural development
业品与工业品的单项比价single party rate of agricultural and industrial products
业品运销integration marketing
业商品agricultural commodity
业商品依赖agricultural commodity dependence
业商品依赖primary commodity dependence
业商品依赖commodity dependence
业商品经济commodity farming
业型经济agriculture-based economy
业型经济agriculture based economy
业增加值gross farm production or value added of farm
业复兴agricultural rehabilitation
业多种经营法diversified farm production system
业定价格政策agricultural pricing policy
业实践agricultural practice
业就业on farm employment
业就业employment in agriculture
业就业agricultural employment
业就业farm employment
业居民farm people
业展览会agricultural exhibition
业平价率integration parity ratio
业库存farming inventory
业库存farming stocktaking
业总产值农产品总价值total value of farm products farm output
业总产值total value of farm output
业总产值total value of agricultural production
业总产值农业增加值gross agricultural product value added in agriculture
业恐慌agricultural crisis
业手工企业agricultural handicrafts enterprise
业打工者agricultural wage-earners
业技术the farm technology
业技术integration technology
业技术推广agricultural extension
业技术站an agro-technical station
业技术经济学agricultural technological economics
业投入中的损失losses in agricultural inputs
业投入/产出比率input-output ratio in agriculture
业投资farm investments
业投资agricultural investment
业抵押公司agricultural mortgage corporation
业抵押银行farm mortgage bank
业振兴revitalization of agriculture
业损益farm income or loss
业推广agriculture extension
业支援服务integration support service
业收入farm earning
业收入the farming income
业收入agricultural revenue
业收入或亏损farm income or loss
业改良agricultural improvement
业政策integration policy
业政策agricultural policy
业政策指标agricultural policy indicator
业救济法farm relief inflation act
业普查agriculture census
业有价证券agricultural bill portfolio
业机械integration machinery
业机械化mechanization of agriculture
业机械化integration mechanization
业机械化agriculture mechanization
业机械化水平level of agricultural mechanization
业机械工业agricultural machinery industry
业机械设备代理处farm machinery and equipment agency
业标准化standardization of agriculture
业梯级integration ladder
业殖民farm colony
业水利化irrigation of agriculture
业活动agricultural activities
业现代化integration modernization
业现代化基金制度agricultural improvement funds system
业生产farming industry
业生产信用integration production credit
业生产区production belt
业生产合作社agricultural productive society
业生产对价格的反应agricultural production response to price
业生产废料farm wastes
业生产总值gross agricultural production
业生产总值gross farm production or value added of farm
业生产情况integration performance
业生产投入farm inputs
业生产指数indexes of farm output
业生产指数index of farm output
业生产指数integration production index
业生产指数index number of faim output
业生产指数index number of agricultural production
业生产效率integration production efficiency
业生产模型agriculture production model
业生产模型agricultural production model
业生产模式agricultural production pattern
业生产潜力agricultural potential
业生产环比指数link index number of agricultural production
业生产的组织形式farm pattern
业生产者国际联合会International Federation o£ Agricultural Producers
业生产责任制integration production responsibility
业生产贷款充足adequacy of credit for agricultural production
业生产资料价格指数price index number of rural means of production
业生产过剩agricultural surpluses
业生态区项目Agro-ecological Zones Project
业用地integration land
业电气化the electrification of agriculture
业电气化electrification of agriculture
业畜牧业制度arable livestock system
业的价值中所占的份额增加agricultural policy indicator
业的季节性seasonal nature of farming
业的混合经济mixed farming
业的混合经营mix farming
业研究促进发展agricultural research for development
业社会主义agrarian socialism
业社会安全计划agricultural social security scheme
业票据agriculture paper
业票据agricultural paper
业科技产业agricultural scientific and technical industry
业科技创新innovation of agricultural science and technology
业税the tax on agriculture
业税tax on agriculture
业税integration tax
业税agricultural tax
业税及征购派购integration tax and state purchase quotas
业税收政策agricultural taxation policy
业立法integration legislation
业立法agricultural legislation
业管理基金farm management funds
业簿记the agriculture bookkeeping
业簿记软件software for agricultural bookkeeping
业类型type of farming
业经济farm economy
业经济rural economics
业经济rural economy
业经济agricultural economy
业经济区agroeconomic zone
业经济区agro-economic zone
业经济发展the agro-economic development
业经济发展活动agro-economic development activities
业经济学rural economics
业经济学economics of agriculture
业经济学farm economics
业经济学agrarian economics
业经济学agricultural economics
业经济帐户farm economic accounts
业经济帐户farm economic account
业经济效益agricultural performance
业经济结构economic structure of agriculture
业经济资料agroeconomic data
业经营债务farming debts
业联合局farm bureau federation
业补助the farm aid
业补贴farm subsidies
业衰落agricultural depression
业规划integration projects
业规划agricultural projects
业设备farm equipment
业证书farm warrant
业调整法Agriculture Adjustment Act
业调整法agricultural adjustment act
业调整法案agricultural adjustment act
业调整法案agriculture adjustment act
业调整法案及输入限额agricultural adjustment act, and import quotas
业调节局Agricultural Adjustment Administration
业调节法案Agricultural Adjustment Act
业财产税简写为AHTagricultural holding tax Ind
业购买合作社integration purchasing cooperative
业贷款agricultural loans
业贷款integration loan
业贷款farm credit
业贷款rural credit
业贷款farming loans
业贷款服务处window for agricultural loans
业贷款计划farm credit program
业贸易integration trade
业贸易agricultural trade
业资产farm stock
业资产农具等farm stock
业资产agricultural assets
业资本agricultural capital
业资源farm resources
业资源integration resource
业资源agricultural resources
业资源开发agricultural resource development
业资金farming funds
业辅助计划farm aid program
业退休金farm retirement pension
业金融agricultural finance
业销售farm marketing
业销售值farm market transactions (额)
业销售额farm market sales
业长期贷款long-term farm loans
业附加税integration surtax
业集体farm consolidation
业集体化agricultural collectivization
业集市agriculture fairs
业集约化local food system
业革命agricultural revolution
业革命green revolution
业革命agrarian revolution
业项目agricultural projects
业项目财务评价financial evaluation of agricultural project
业顾问an advisor in agriculture
业顾问an adviser in agriculture
业预算计划farm budget plan
业鼓励措施agricultural incentive measures
战思想policy of farming and war
民互助贷款协会farmer's mutual loan association
民储蓄计划farmer saving programme
民出售价格指数index of price received by farmers
民出售价格指数index of prices received by farmers
民分组farmer's groupings
民可得到的贷款farmer's access to credit
民售货价格指数indexes of prices received by farmers
民外流the rural exodus
民小土地所有制peasant proprietorship
民年金farmer's annuity
民所付价格指数price-paid-by-farmer index
民所得价格指数price-paid-by-farmer index
民所得价格指数price-received by-farmer index
民所得税an occupier's tax
民所有制peasants property
民收人增加income increase of the peasants
民生产能力farmer's capacity to produce
民经济peasant economy
民经济the peasant agriculture
民联合会farmers' union
民购入价格指数indexes of prices paid by farmers
民购入价格指数index of prices paid by farmers
民购货价格指数index of price paid by farmers
民贷款信托公司farmer's loan and trust company
民-贸易商之间的联系farmer-trade linkage
民通讯farmer's letter
民银行farmer's bank
分成share tenant
分成crop tenant
分益佃metayer system
创汇agriculture to earn foreign exchange
初级业商品integration primary commodity
初级产商品agricultural primary commodity
制度化的业信贷体系institutionalized agricultural credit system
剩余产品integration surplus
剩余产品agricultural surpluses
副业share-time farm
副业part-time farm
半自耕semi-tenant peasant
半自耕a semi-owner peasant
半自耕semi-owner peasant
单一作物经济single-crop economy
单人one-man farm
单干individual peasant household
历年业生产annual agricultural production
合伙partnership farm
合作cooperative agriculture
合作co-operative agriculture
合作co-operative farm
合同承包contract farming
合股partnership farm
向移民或业季节工人提供的贷款loans to migrants
吸收从业中游离岀来的劳动力absorb all the freed labour from the countryside
商业commercial agriculture
商业性业生产truck agriculture
商业性业生产commercial agriculture
商务场,按生产类型分组commercial farms, by type
商品性产品integration product for the market
商品生产commercial farmer
商品蔬菜truck farm
土地及业经济专业分会land agency and agriculture
多种经营diversified farm
多角diversified farming
factory farm
牧场rancher (或管理人)
大型large scale farming
西欧大陆业经济continental farming
如果当时通货膨胀不能控制,工业的发展就会受到阻碍If the inflation had then been uncontrollable adj., the agricultural and industrial development would have been obstructed
安排村剩余劳动力就业creating jobs for rural surplus laborers
宏伟的业发展计划extensive plan of agricultural development
peasant proprietor
主导的生产smallholder-led production
地租peasant rent
small farm
苏格兰, 非常小的农场croft Scotland, very small farm
奖励法Small Holding Act
cottar, cotter
所有制small peasants property
放款计划small-farmer lending programmes
生产力smallholder productivity
私有生产资料所有制small peasant private ownership of the means of production
经济small peasant economy
经济family farming
经济small-scale peasant economy
经济petite culture
经济稳固论theory of the stability of small-pensant farming
调查委员会small holdings commission
小佃small holder
小型业企业small agro-enterprise
小规模small scale farming
市场导向的market-oriented agriculture
1978 年美国《业外国投资曝光法案》Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978
当前业与农村问题current agricultural and rural problems
我们经营产品和矿产品出口业务We are engaged in the export of agricultural and mineral products
所有物, holding
工业an agro-support industry
机构integration support institution
收益分成的share-crop farm
收购产品的批发商an assembler of farm products
整顿agricultural adjustment
易腐产品perishable farm products
有利可图的业项目profitability of an agricultural project
机械化业经济power farming
根据契约进行生产的contract farm
模式场计划pattern farm plan
模范modal farm ICE
欧洲continental agriculture
父子业企业father-son farm
生产商品粮的cash shop farm
生产自用产品的subsistence farm
生活村化ruralization of life
生计型subsistence farm
用机械装备equip agriculture with machines
稳定的业生态系统sustainable agro-ecosystem
简单aimless farming
粗放low agriculture
粗放extensive farming
粗放作制extensive farming system
美国业调整署Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the United States
美国业部United States Department of Agriculture (DOA)
美国产信贷公司Commodity Credit Corporation
美国产品销售局Agricultural Marketing Service
美国药管理委员会Association of American Pesticide Control Officials
美国1933年制定的业信贷法Farm Credit Act of 1933
联合joint farm
联合国粮组织Food and Agriculture Organization
营业作物money crops
蔬菜truck farm (garden)
补贴subsidized farming
财产租用的自有owned farm with rented properties
质量quality agriculture
贫困的业地区deprived rural area
资源匮乏的resource-poor farmer
转让农庄,农地farm transfer
轮种作物convertible husbandry
适宜于小规模户的信贷程序procedure of credit suited to small farmers
业人口nonagricultural population
业人口the non-aggression population
业商品a non-aggression commodity
业的nonagricultural a non-aggression
业经济non-farm economy
事农村发展an off-farm rural development
贷款non-farm business loan
非专业化业生产the diversified agriculture
非灌溉dry agriculture
非粮食产品integration nonfood product
非粮食作物non-food agricultural raw material
面向市场的market-oriented agriculture
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