
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
乳品dairy farm A commercial establishment for processing or selling milk and milk products (生产或销售牛奶和牛奶制品的商业产业。)
从事业的劳动人口working population engaged in agriculture The number of a particular region or nation's working population gainfully employed or otherwise occupied with the production of crops, livestock or poultry (某一地区或国家的进行有酬工作、或从事作物生产、畜牧业或家禽业的劳动人口的数量。)
传统traditional agriculture
传统traditional farming system
全球业生态区global agro-ecological zone
共同业政策common agricultural policy The set of regulations and practices adopted by member countries of the European Community that consolidates efforts in promoting or ensuring reasonable pricing, fair standards of living, stable markets, increased farm productivity and methods for dealing with food supply or surplus (欧盟会员国所采用的法规与策略,用以促进与保障合理价格、适当生活标准、稳定市场、增加农场生产力及处理食物供给或剩余的方法。)
agriculture The production of plants and animals useful to man, involving soil cultivation and the breeding and management of crops and livestock (生产对人类有用的动物和植物,包括土地耕种以及农作物和家畜的饲养和管理。)
业不动产agricultural real estate Property of agricultural land and anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, fences, etc. (农业用地和土地上任何永久附属物(如建筑、栅栏等)的所有权。)
业低估agricultural undervaluation The underrating or diminishing in value of agricultural or farming goods and services (对农业产品和农业服务价值的低估。)
业储存agricultural storage Any deposit or holdings of farm products, fertilizers, grains, feed and other related supplies in facilities or containers, often to prevent contamination or for times when production cannot meet demand (农产品、,化肥、谷物、饲料的交存或持有,以及其它用来防止污染或预防生产无法满足需求时所需的相关设施或容器。)
业和畜牧业agriculture and cattle industry Large scale growing of crops and livestock grazing for profit (用于盈利的大规模农作物种植和家畜养殖)
业害虫agricultural pest Insects and mites that damage crops, weeds that compete with field crops for nutrients and water, plants that choke irrigation channels or drainage systems, rodents that eat young plants and grain, and birds that eat seedlings or stored foodstuffs (损害农作物的昆虫和小虫、与农作物争夺营养和水分的野草、堵塞灌溉渠道或排水系统的植物、幼苗和谷物的啮齿类动物以及吃秧苗或余粮的鸟类。)
业工程agricultural engineering A discipline concerned with developing and improving the means for providing food and fiber for mankind's needs (关于发展和提高食物和纤维生产方法以满足人类需求的学科。)
业废弃物agricultural waste Unusable materials, liquid or solid, that result from agricultural practices, such as fertilizers, pesticides, crop residue (such as orchard prunings) and cattle manure (由农业实践活动,例如化肥,杀虫剂,农作物残留(如果园剪枝)和家畜肥料产生的不可用的材料、液体或固体)
业建筑agricultural building The buildings and adjacent service areas of a farm (农场的建筑及相邻服务区。)
业开发agricultural exploitation No definition needed (无需定义。)
业技术farming technique The business, art, or skill of agriculture (农业的商业、艺术或技能。)
业排放物agricultural effluent Any solid, liquid or gas that enters the environment as a by-product of agricultural activities (作为农业活动的副产品而被排入环境中的任何固体、液体或气体。)
业政策agricultural policy A course of action adopted by government or some other organization that determines how to deal with matters involving the cultivation of land; raising crops; feeding, breeding and raising livestock or poultry; and other farming issues (政府或其他组织采纳的措施,决定如何处理土地耕种、农作物种植、牲畜或家禽饲养及其他农业问题。)
业方法agricultural method Practices and techniques employed in agriculture to improve yields and productivity. Over the last few decades they have undergone big changes: tilling, sowing and harvesting have become increasingly mechanised, and the methods of applying fertilisers and pesticides have become more sophisticated. Many changes within the agricultural system can be summed up by "intensification". The result and aim of intensification has been to achieve increases in production, yields and labour productivity in agriculture (农业中用于提高产量和生产力的方法和技术。在过去的几十年里,农业方法发展迅速:耕种、播种和收获已经逐渐机械化,施肥和施用杀虫剂的方法更加复杂。农业系统的许多变化都可以归纳为"强化"。强化的结果和目标已经使得农业生产、产量和劳动生产力大幅提高。)
业景观agricultural landscape No definition needed (无需定义。)
业机械agricultural machinery Machines utilized for tillage, planting, cultivation and harvesting of crops. Despite its benefits in increasing yields, mechanisation has clearly had some adverse environmental effects: deep ploughing exposes more soil to wind and water erosion; crop residues can be removed as opposed to ploughing back into the soil; removal of residues can lead to a serious loss of organic content in the soil, which may increase the risk of soil erosion (用来耕种、种植、养殖和收获农作物的机器。尽管有利于农业增产,但机械化仍然会对环境产生负面影响:深耕使更多土壤暴露于风蚀和水蚀侵害;农作物残余可能被重新犁回到土壤中;清除残余物可能导致土地严重丧失有机成分,从而加大土壤被侵蚀的风险。)
业林学agroforestry The interplanting of farm crops and trees, especially leguminous species. In semiarid regions and on denuded hillsides, agroforestry helps control erosion and restores soil fertility, as well as supplying valuable food and commodities at the same time (农作物和树木的隔间种植,尤其是豆类物种。在半干旱地区和裸露的山坡,农业林学可以帮助控制侵蚀和储存土地养料,同时提供有价值的食物和商品。)
业气象学agrometeorology The study of the interaction between meteorological and hydrological factors, on the one hand, and agriculture in the widest sense, including horticulture, animal husbandry and forestry, on the other (一方面指研究气象和水文因素之间相互作用的学科;另一方面指研究广义上的农业的科学,包括园艺、畜牧业和林业等。)
业水力学agricultural hydraulics Science and technology involved in the management of water resources, in the control of erosion and in the removal of unwanted water (可用于水资源管理、腐蚀控制和污水处理的科学技术。)
业污染agricultural pollution The liquid or solid wastes from farming, including: runoff from pesticides, fertilizers, and feedlots; erosion and dust from plowing; animal manure and carcasses, crop residues, and debris (农业活动产生的液体或固体废物,包括杀虫剂、化肥、饲育场的污染流出物、耕犁产生的侵蚀和灰尘、动物肥料和尸体以及农作物残留和垃圾。)
业法规agricultural legislation Agricultural law is a blend of traditional fields of law including the law of contracts, bailments, torts, criminal, environmental, property, nuisance, wills and estates, and tax law. As such, it is a gathering of statutory and common law (农业法融合了多种传统法律,包括合同法、委托法、民事侵权法、刑法、环境法、财产法、妨害法、遗嘱法、财产法和税法。因此,它是法规和通用法律的集合。)
业灾害agricultural disaster Violent, sudden and destructive change in the environment either affecting or caused by land cultivation or the raising of crops or livestock (影响土地耕种和农作物/牲畜生长或由此引发的猛烈的、突然的、破坏性的环境变化。)
业环境影响environmental impact of agriculture Agricultural activities have significant impacts on water quality, including increases in stream sedimentation from erosion, and increases in nutrients, pesticides, and salt concentrations in runoff. In certain regions, the misuse of pesticides has led to the development of pesticide-resistant strains of pests, destroyed natural predators, killed local wildlife, and contaminated human water supplies. Improper application of fertilizers has changed the types of vegetation and fish types inhabiting nearby waterways and rivers (农业活动对水质的显著影响,包含因侵蚀而增加溪流的沉降,径流中营养盐、农药和盐类浓度的增加。某些特定地区,因杀虫剂的不当使用,已产生具有抗药性的昆虫、毁害自然捕食者、造成当地野生动物死亡,并污染人类的水源供给。不当的使用肥料已经改变了栖息在邻近水道与河川的鱼类和植物型态。)
业环境措施agri-environmental measure
业环境政策agro-environmental policy
业环境法规environmental legislation on agriculture A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any aspect of farm and livestock production that poses a threat to ecological integrity and human health, especially the use of pesticides, fertilizers and land (政府为规范任何对生态完整性以及人体健康造成威胁的农场和牲畜产品而定的必须遵守的规则和法体,特别是在农药、肥料以及土地的使用方面。)
业生产agricultural production
业生产方式means of agricultural production No definition needed (无需定义。)
业生产的调控regulation of agricultural production A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty pertaining to the cultivation of land, raising crops, or feeding, breeding and raising livestock (由政府、管理部门或国际组织或条约制定的一套规则或规定,主要关于土地耕种、培养农作物、或饲养、繁殖和提高牲畜数量。)
业生态学agricultural ecology
业生态知识agro-ecological knowledge
业生态系统agricultural ecosystem
业生态系统稳定性stability of agro-ecosystem
业生态系统稳定性agro-ecosystem stability
业生物技术agricultural biotechnology
业用水water for agricultural use Water used in agriculture for irrigation and livestock. Livestock watering is only 1 percent of the total water withdrawal for agricultural use. Of all functional water uses, irrigation is the largest agricultural use of water (农业中用于灌溉和畜牧业的水。畜牧业用水只有农业总用水量的百分之一。在所有功能性用水中,灌溉用水占有最大的农业用水比重。)
业的生物多样性agricultural biological diversity
业的生物多样性agricultural biodiversity
业管理agricultural management The administration or handling of soil, crops and livestock (土地、农作物和牲畜的管理。)
业粮食agri-foodstuff Industry dealing with the production, processing, and supply of agricultural food products (生产、处理和供给农业食物产品的产业。)
业系统agrosystem Ecosystem dominated by the continuous agricultural intervention of man (人类持续的农业干涉占主导地位的生态系统。)
业纲要计划agriculture framework plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of soil, crops and livestock (管理土壤、农作物和牲畜的普通或系统化方法。)
业经济学agricultural economics An applied social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of agricultural or farming goods and services (关于农业产品和农业服务的生产、分配和消费的应用社会科学.)
业结构agricultural structure The buildings, machinery, facilities, related to agricultural production (与农业生产相关的建筑、机器和设施。)
业规划agricultural planning The development of plans and measures to achieve greater and more efficient output from agriculture; a sound agricultural policy should be able to reconcile three basic needs: the production of food and agricultural products, the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the socio-economic structure of rural areas (用于实现更多更有效的农业产出的计划和措施;一个健全的农业政策必须协调三类基本需求:农产品和食物的产量、环境保护以及维持农村地区的社会经济结构。)
业设备agricultural equipment Machines utilized for tillage, planting, cultivation, and harvesting of crops (用来耕作、种植、养殖和收获农作物的机器。)
业财产agricultural holding As defined by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, an agricultural holding is simply a basic unit for agricultural production (根据联合国粮食及农业组织的定义,农业财产是农业生产的基本单位。)
事价值agronomic value The monetary or material worth at which buyers and sellers agree to do business for agricultural goods and services (购买者和销售者同意交易农业产品或农业服务的货币或原料价值。)
产品agricultural product The output of the cultivation of the soil (土壤种植的产物。)
产品价格farm price The amount of money or monetary rate at which agricultural goods and services can be bought or sold (可以买卖的农业产品和农业服务价格或货币汇率。)
产品处理processed agricultural produce No definition needed (无需定义。)
作废弃物crop waste Any unusable portion of plant matter left in a field after harvest (收割后弃于田地间、没有任何使用价值的农作物部分。)
作物保护crop protection The problem of crop protection has changed dramatically since 1945. There is now a whole arsenal of chemicals with which to combat agricultural pests and diseases, but this development has itself many drawbacks. Such sophisticated techniques are available only to a minority of farmers; in most parts of the world the standard of crop protection remains abysmally low. In addition, modern crop protection methods have been criticized for relying too heavily on chemical control. Biological controls, both natural and contrived, have been neglected. In some cases involving misuse of agricultural chemicals, crops must be protected from the very measures intended for their protection. Meanwhile previously localized pests and diseases continue to spread worldwide (自从1945年以来,农作物保护问题发生了巨大的变化。现在我们有许多化学试剂用以对付农作物害虫和疾病,但这种发展本身也存在着许多不足。例如,成熟的技术仅能被少数农民所利用;在世界范围内,农作物保护的标准仍然很低。此外,现代的农作物保护措施也因为过多依赖化学手段控制而受到指责。生物手段控制,无论是自然的还是人工的都被人们所忽略。在误用农用化学试剂的情况下,需要采用适当的方法来包括农作物。与此同时,先前存在的重害病仍在世界范围内传播。)
作物生产crop production The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption (为家畜或人类需求而从事生产农产品的行为或过程。)
作物虫害infestation of crops Invasion of crop by parasites. Among vertebrate animals, many crop pests are mammals, especially in the order of rodents and birds. Among invertebrates, certain species of gastropods and a large number of roundworms from the class of nematodes harm crops. The most varied and numerous species of crop pests are arthropods-insects, arachnids and some species of millipedes and crustaceans. Diseases vary from viral, bacterial, and nutritional to fungal, environmental and non-specific. The FAO has estimated that annual worldwide losses done by plant pests and diseases amount to approximately 20-25% of the potential worldwide yield of food crops (农作物遭受寄生虫的侵害。在脊椎动物中,许多的作物害虫为哺乳动物,尤其是啮齿目动物和鸟类。在无脊椎动物中,某些种类的腹足动物和数量颇大属线虫纲的迴虫也会对作物造成危害。种类最多和数目最大的作物害虫为节肢昆虫、蛛形纲动物和某些种类的节肢动物和甲壳纲动物。病害随著病毒、细菌、真菌、覃菌类营养和环境而异。FAO (联合国粮农组织) 估计每年全世界植物病虫害的损失约占全世界食用作物产量的20~25%。)
作物防治crop treatment Use of chemicals in order to avoid damage of crops by insects or weeds (用化学物质防止农作物被害虫和杂草所伤害。)
地耕作cultivation of agricultural land Cultivation of land for the production of plant crops. Agricultural land may be employed in an unimproved state with few, if any, management inputs (extensive rangeland), or in an intensively managed state with annual inputs of fertilizer, pest, control treatments, and tillage (为了农作物生产的土地耕作。农业土地可能以未改良的状态下、几乎不加管理的使用,或者可能以一种每年施肥、防制病虫、控制处理以及耕种等高度管理的状态被使用。)
farm Any tract of land or building used for agricultural purposes, such as for raising crops and livestock (任何土地或建筑地带,用于农业目的,例如饲养农作物和牲畜。)
agronomy The principles and procedures of soil management and of field crop and special-purpose plant improvement, management, and production (管理土地以及改良、管理和生产大田作物和特殊用途植物的原则和程序。)
村人口rural population The total number of persons inhabiting an agricultural or pastoral region (在农业或牧业地区居住的人口总数。)
村发展rural development Any course destined to promote economic growth, modernization, increase in agricultural production and the creation of a framework in which to fulfill primary needs, such as education, health and supply of water in the rural areas. The attainment of such objectives depends in general on the type of administrative systems proposed for the various programmes and on the national political situation as regards, for instance land tenure, agrarian reform, the disbursement of assistance and food policy (任何致力于发展经济、现代化、增加农业产量和建立满足个人需求(例如在农村教育、健康和水的供给)的框架的工作。实现这些目标通常依赖于众多纲领提出的监管系统和国家的政治状况,例如要考虑土地使用权、农业改革、援助和粮食政策。)
村地区规划planning of rural areas
村居住rural settlement A collection of dwellings located in a rural area (农村地区的住宅的集合。)
村居驻地rural habitat The biotopes located in areas where agriculture is practiced (在生产农作物的地方建立的小区。)
村建筑farm building The dwelling on a farm as distinguished from utility buildings as a barn, corncrib, milk house (农场里的住宅,区别于功用型建筑,如谷仓,玉米仓,牛奶房。)
村水供给rural water supply
村法rural law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government pertaining to matters of importance to residents of sparsely populated regions, especially agricultural and other economic issues (由政府制定的联编或主体的规则,和人口稀少地区的重要事务相关,特别是农业和其它经济问题。)
村环境rural environment Environment pertaining to the countryside (农村的环境。)
村管理和计划rural management and planning The activity or process of overseeing and preparing for the future physical arrangement and condition of any agricultural or pastoral area, which may involve protecting and developing natural and human resources that affect an area's economic vitality (为农业或牧业地区未来的生产生活条件做规划和准备的活动或过程。这个过程可能包括保护和发展某地区经济的自然资源和人力资源。)
村结构rural architecture No definition needed (无需定义。)
村面积rural area Area outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town, village, or any other designated residential or commercial area such as a subdivision, a business or shopping center, or community development (不属于任何城市,小镇、村庄、或任何其它指定的居民区或商业区,如行政区、商业或购物中心、或社区发展限制之内的区域。)
用化学品agrochemical Any substance or mixture of substances used or intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, attracting, inhibiting, or controlling any insects, rodents, birds, nematodes, bacteria, fungi, weeds or other forms of plant, animal or microbial life regarded as pests (用于预防、消灭、驱除、吸引、抑制或控制被认定为害虫的昆虫、啮齿类动物、线虫、细菌、真菌、野草或其它形式的植物、动物或微生物的物质或其混合物。)
用土地agricultural land Land used primarily for the production of plant or animal crops, including arable agriculture, dairying, pasturage, apiaries, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, animal husbandry and the necessary lands and structures needed for packing, processing, treating, or storing the produce (主要用于植物或动物农作物生产的土地,包括耕种农业、乳品业、畜牧业、养蜂场、园艺业、花卉业,葡萄栽培、畜牧业和包装、加工、处理或储存产品所必需的土地和建筑。)
用工业agroindustry Industry dealing with the supply, processing and distribution of farm products (供应、处理和分配农产品的工业。)
farm animal
艺经济模型agronomic-economic model
药的互作用性interaction of pesticides The enhancement of activity of pesticides when they are used in combination with others (与其它药物合用时,本农药的活性增强的特性。)
药通路pesticide pathway The specific or known route or vector of any chemical substance released into the environment to prevent, destroy or mitigate any pest that is directly or indirectly detrimental to harvest crops and other human interests (所有化学物质具体的或已知的路线,或通过传染媒介释放入环境,用来防止和缓和对收获庄稼直接或间接地有害的昆虫。)
块根作物root crop Plants which store edible material in a root, corm or tuber; root crops used as food vegetables or fodder include carrots, parsnips, swedes and turnips; starchy root crops include potatoes, cassavas and yams (根、球茎或块茎且能食用的植物;块根农作物作为食物、蔬菜或草料包括胡萝卜、欧洲防风草、甘蓝和萝卜;淀粉块根作物包括马铃薯、木薯和红薯。)
多功能multifunctional farm
实验experimental farm
密集型intensive farming Farming in which as much use is made of the land as possible by growing crops close together or by growing several crops in a year or by using large amounts of fertilizers (尽最大可能提高土地利用率的农业生产。其通过将多种作物紧密种植在一起、或一年内种植多种作物、或者使用大量化肥来实现。)
旱地dry farming A system of extensive agriculture allowing the production of crops without irrigation in areas of limited rainfall. Dry farming involves conserving soil moisture through mulching, frequent fallowing, maintenance of a fine tilth by cross-ploughing, repeated working of the soil after rainfall and removal of any weeds that would take up some of the moisture (一种粗放耕作系统。可以在少雨地区无需灌溉的情况下生产农作物。 可以在少雨地区无需灌溉的情况下生产农作物。 旱地农业可通过覆盖物、休耕和交叉耕作来保持土壤水分。 此外,也可通过在降水后复耕土壤和去除吸收水分的杂草来保持天土壤水分。)
有机organic farming Farming without the use of industrially made fertilizers or pesticides (没有使用工业制造化肥和农药的农业。)
有机教育bio-educational farm
欧共体关于生物性药的指示EC directive on biocides Directive regulating the placing of biocidal products on the market (指示规范生物农药产品在市场上的配售。)
残留性residual pesticide A pesticide remaining in the environment for a fairly long time, continuing to be effective for days, weeks, and months (在环境中保留时间相当长的农药,有效时间持续达几天、几周和几个月。)
混合mixed farming Type of agriculture based on the combination of crop production and cattle raising (基于粮食生产和家畜饲养相结合的农业类型。)
灌溉irrigation farming Farming based on the artificial distribution and application of water to arable land to initiate and maintain plant growth (建立在人工分配、使用水以种植和维持植物的生长基础上的农业)
环保environmentally friendly agriculture
生态ecological agriculture
生物动力biodynamic agriculture
耕种arable farming Growing crops as opposed to dairy farming, cattle farming, etc. (与奶产品业,畜牧业相对的耕种农业。)
观光agritourism Holidays organized in a farm: meals are prepared with natural products and guests are entertained with handicraft, sporting and agricultural activities (在农场度过的假期:膳食由天然产品加工而成,参观者的娱乐项目是手工艺活动、运动和农业活动。)