
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不规则abnormal farm
专业化specialized farming
世界粮情报global information and early-warning on food and agriculture
主要作物main crop
企业化business farming
低利业投资inferior agricultural investments
使业多样化diversify agriculture
供销售的作物经济作物cash crop
偏僻村地区back country
全国性业信贷countrywide agricultural-credit
共同业政策欧共体农业一体化政策common agricultural policy
agriculture (agr.)
业一体化agro-industry cooperation
业一体化agricultural cooperation
业与机械的agricultural and mechanical
业专业化agriculture's level of specialization
业专业化区agricultural specialization region
业互助保险金agricultural mutual aid insurance money
业交易中的票据agricultural paper
业产业军industrial army for agriculture
业产量指数index number of farm output
业人口agrarian population
业人口过剩agrarian overpopulation
业仑库agricultural warehouse
业价格支持计划agricultural price support program
业企业farm firm
业企业agricultural business
业企业管理management of agricultural enterprises
业体制system of agriculture
业体制agricultural system
业保护后果consequence of agricultural protection
业信用合作社agricultural cooperative credit society
业信贷法agricultural credit act
业信贷银行agricultural credit bank
业信贷银行agricultural credit banks
业信贷项目agricultural credit project
业加工品processed farm product
业劳工制farm labour system
业单一经营concentrate on one branch of agriculture
业危机agrarian crisis
业发展基金agricultural development fund
业发展项目agricultural development project
业合作化co-operation in agriculture
业合作化集体化collectivization in agriculture
业合作社communal agricultural organization
业合作社agricultural cooperation
业和机械的agricultural and mechanical
业品agricultural goods
业品销售法agricultural marketing act
业国agricultural country
业国agrarian country
业基本建设basic construction in grain
业基础产业agriculture-based industry
业增加值value-added of farm
业增长率agricultural growth rate
业局bureau of agriculture
业展览agricultural show
业工人agrarian laborer
业工人farm hand
业工程学学士Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering
业工资委员会agricultural wages board
业市场经营farm marketing
业总产值Gross Agricultural Product
业成本agricultural cost
业承包经营rural contracting operation
业技术经济学agrotechnology economics
业投资公司farm investment corporation
业抵押贷款公司agricultural mortgage corporation
业拨款agricultural appropriation
业推广服务agricultural extension service
业支出agricultural expenditure
业支援服务agricultural support service
业收入farming income
业改良基金制度agricultural improvement funds system
业梯级agricultural ladder
业混合经营既种粮食作物,又种经济作物mixed farming
业滞后agricultural lag
业灾害agricultural damage
业灾害补偿agricultural disaster indemnity
业现代化agricultural modernization
业生产信贷agricultural production credit
业生产合作社cooperative of agricultural production
业生产合作社agricultural producer's co-operative
业生产周期agricultural production cycle
业生产基金farm production funds
业生产总值gross farm production
业生产成本farm cost
业生产指数agricultural production index
业生产效率agricultural production efficiency
业生产率agricultural productivity
业生产资料capital goods in the agricultural sector
业生态系统agroecological system
业生物环境工程agrobiological environment engineering
业畜牧制arable-livestock system
业相关产业agriculture-related industry
业票据互助基金mutual aid fund for agricultural bills
业科学博士Doctor of Agricultural Science
业科学学士Bachelor of Agricultural Science
业科学学士Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences
业税agriculture tax
业税farm tax
业税farm land tax
业税agricultural duty
业税及征购额agricultural tax and state purchase quotas
业税附加agricultural surtax
业簿记agricultural bookkeeping
业系统工程agricultural system engineering
业经济agrarian economy
业经济结构agroeconomic structure
业经济联合体agricultural economic associations
业经营管理farm management
业经营贷款farm operating loan
业经营资金cultivation funds
业经营集约化程度degree of intensive farming
业统计agricultural statistics
业自然资源agriculture's physical resources
业茨产包括农产品、 家畜、工具等farm stock
业营销法agricultural marketing act
业补助aid to agriculture
业补贴agricultural subsidy
业补贴政策agricultural subsidy policy
业规模经营agricultural operation of scale
业试验场agricultural experiment station
业试验场agricultural experiment station
业调整agricultural adjustment
业调整政策agricultural adjustment policy
业购买合作社agricultural purchasing cooperative
业贷款基金agricultural loan fund
业部门agricultural sector
业银行farmer's bank
业集约经营intensive agricultural operation
英国 18世纪业革命即主张平均地权The Agrarian Revolution
业顾问adviser in agriculture
产价格farm price
产品farm output
产品交换比价指数farm parity price ratio
产品交易管理局Commodity Exchange Authority
产品仓库agricultural warehouse
产品价格支持farm price support
产品价格支持政策agricultural support policy
产品价格政策crop-pricing policy
产品价格政策crop pricing policy
产品价格补贴farm subsidies
产品价格补贴farm subsides
产品加工剩余物agro-industrial residue
产品加工厂farm products processing factory
产品合同定购contracted fixed quotas for purchasing agricultural products
产品对工业品的相对贸易条件指工农产品的相对交换比价和比率,并据此得出贸易条件有利或不利terms of trade of agriculture vis-avis industry
产品市场produce market
产品平价agricultural parity prices
产品平价指数agricultural parity index
产品平价比率farm parity price ratio
产品批发商assembler of farm products
产品抵押有限公司Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd.
美国农业部产品收购价farm price supports
产品收购价格指数index of agricultural products purchasing prices
产品比价agricultural parity prices
产品比价率farm parity price ratio
产品营销信贷agricultural marketing credit
产品营销合作社agricultural marketing cooperative
产品营销服务agricultural marketing service
产品计价法farm price method
产品购销价倒挂补贴计划指政府以较高价收购农产品,以较低价向市场出售Brannan-Benson Plan
产品销售合作社agricultural cooperative
产品销售委员会Agricultural Marketing Board
产品销售运输船market boat
产品销售额farm market sales
产品预购定金advances for the purchase of farm produce
作技术agricultural practice
作物一般质量average quality of the harvest
作物保险agriculture crop insurance
作物收获季节大幅跌价crop year break
作物轮作rotation of crops
作物间作catch crop
farm tools
副产品subsidiary agricultural products
副产品收购政策purchasing policy for farm products and sideline products
场企业farm business
场估价farm appraisal
场劳动者farm hand
场经营管理farm management
场购置借款farm ownership loan
场贷款债券farm loan bond
学博士Doctor of Science in Agriculture
学博士Doctor of Agriculture
学士Bachelor of Agriculture
学学士Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
工一体化agro-industrial cooperation
工企业agro-industrial enterprise
工合作企业agro-industry cooperation
工商联合企业agricultural manufacturing and commercial conglomerate
工商联合企业associations embracing agriculture, industry and commerce
工商联合企业integrated agricultural-industrial and commercial complex
工商联合企业coordinated enterprise of agriculture, industry and trade
工商联合企业agricultural-industrial-commercial combine
工商联合企业farm-indus try-commerce -enterprise
工联合体agro-industrial complex
、工、贸综合经营comprehensive management of agriculture, industry and trade
farm household
agricultural machinery
机制造业agricultural machine industry
机站agricultural machinery station
村信用合作社rural credit association
村信用合作社rural credit cooperatives
村信用社rural credit association
村劳力农民外流rural exodus
村向城市转移人口劳力rural-urban migration
村地区grass roots
村家庭工业rural domestic industry
村工业village industry
村市场country market
村市场贸易country market trade
村计划rural planning
村集市cross road
村集市价格rural market prices
村集市贸易village fair trade
村集市贸易价格rural market prices
、林、渔业金融机构financial institutions for agriculture, forestry and fisheries
民所得税occupier's tax
民购货价格指数indexes of prices paid by farmers
牧业animal husbandry
牧业税agriculture and animal husbandry tax
用工业品agro-industrial product
用拖拉机agriculture-related tractors
田电气化farm electrification
畐产品farm and sideline products
艺专业化agronomical specialization
farm chemicals
贸联营joint undertaking by agricultural and commercial department
贸联营joint operation of agriculture and trade
出口作物export crop
剩余产品surplus agricultural commodities
商业性commercial agriculture
商业性commercial farm
商品commercial agriculture
商品性commodity-producing agriculture
供销售的商品性作物money crop
商品蔬菜truck farm
国际产品市场market for international agricultural goods
基本产品basic crop
基本作物产品basic crops
多种multiple agriculture
多角化diversify agriculture
大规模large-scale farming
大规模商品生产large-scale commercial farmer
家庭family-sized farm
密集intensive agriculture
富裕well-off peasants
富裕better-off peasant
产品展销会county fair
业产量增加increase in industrial and agriculture
业总产值value of total output of industry and agriculture
业总产值total value of industrial and agricultural output
贸结合、产销见面industry agriculture and trade must be combined to bring producers and sellers together
工厂化如奶牛场、家禽厂factory farming
广种薄收式extensive agriculture
工业agro-support industry
资金agriculture aid funds
斯堪奖励制Scanlon plan
有机产品organic agricultural products
本年度作物一般质量average quality of the prevailing harvest
cotton grower
水体aquatic agriculture
生存subsistence farming
线图Shannon's diagram
精耕业制intensive farming
综合业政策overall agricultural policy
〈美》业区farm belt
联合国粮组织Food and Agriculture Organization (TAD)
自经economic viable farm
自给业经营subsistence farming
苏格兰业证券信托公司Scottish Agricultural Securities Corporation
试验pilot farm
资本主义capitalist agriculture
集体业组织communal agricultural organization
集体庄贸易collective farm trade
业收入non-agricultural receipt