
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
"三"农业、农村和农民问题agriculture, rural areas and farmers
中华人民共和国业部Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China
中国工民主党Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party
主要作物main crops
乡镇民集体所有owned by the collective of farmers of a town or township
以工联盟为基础based on the alliance of workers and peasants
优质产品quality agricultural products
低残留low-residual pesticide
保护民利益protect the interest of farmers
党在村的基本政策the Party's basic rural policies
全国人大业与农村委员会法案室the Legislative Department of the Agricultural & Rural Affairs Committee of the NPC
《关于进一步加强村教育工作的决定》Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
关注"三"工作concern about work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
业与农村委员会the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee
业产业化经营industrial management of agriculture
业保险制度system for agriculture
业信息服务information services to agriculture
业初级产品primary products from agriculture
业劳动力rural labor force
业劳动力rural worker
业劳动力labor force in agriculture
业劳动者agricultural laborer
业协定Agreements on Agriculture
业基础薄弱the country's inherently weak agricultural infrastructure
业富余劳动力surplus agricultural workers
业工人的集会结社权公约Convention Concerning the Rights of Association and Combi nation of Agricultural Workers
业技术推广工作work of agro-technical popularization
业技术推广机构agro-technical popularization setup
业技术推广项目project of agro-technical popularization
业技术教育agro-technical education
业投入品agricultural inputs
业法the Agriculture Law
业生产力productive force of agriculture
业生产合作社rural agricultural producer cooperative
业生产经营agricultural production and operation
业生产经营体制system of agricultural production and operation
业生产经营组织agricultural production and operation organization
业生产经营者agricultural producer
业生产资料means of agricultural production
业生态环境agricultural ecological environment
业科学技术agricultural science and technology
业科学技术成果agricultural scientific and technological achievement
业科研单位institutions of agricultural scientific research
业税和农业特产税agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products
业综合生产能力overall agricultural production capacity
业资源区划regional division of agricultural resources
业资源监测制度monitoring system for agricultural resources
业转基因生物agricultural transgenic organism
业转基因生物agricultural genetically modified organism
业部the Ministry of Agriculture
事活动activities relating to farming
产品加工业the agricultural and sideline product processing industry
产品地理标志geographic mark for agricultural products
产品行业协会trade association of agricultural products
产品认证certification for agricultural products
产品质量安全quality and safety of agricultural products
产品质量安全事故accident involving the quality and safety of agricultural products
产品质量安全标准quality and safety standard of agricultural products
产品质量安全法the Law on the Quality and Safety of Farm Products
产品质量安全监测monitor the quality and safety of agricultural products
产品质量标志quality label for agricultural products
产品进出口贸易import and export trade of agricultural products
作物品种crop varieties
村义务工voluntary work in rural areas
村"五保户"childless and infirm rural residents receive subsidies for food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses
村代表a rural deputy
村信用社rural credit cooperatives
村合作医疗rural cooperative medical service
村合作医疗制度rural cooperative medical care system
村土地land in rural areas
村土地rural holding
村土地承包法Law on Land Contract in Rural Areas
村土地承包法the Law on Rural Land Contracts
村妇女rural women
村富余劳动力surplus rural labor force
村居民人均纯收入rural per capita net income
村居民人均纯收入per capita net income of rural residents
村扶贫开发aid the rural poor through development
村扶贫开发工作efforts to alleviate rural poverty through development
村承包经营户leaseholding farm household
村改革reform in rural areas
村最低生活保障低保制度a system of providing basic cost of living allowances for rural residents
村最低生活保障低保制度a basic cost of living allowance system for rural residents
村残疾人person with disabilities in rural areas
村每一代表所代表的人口数the number of people represented by each rural deputy
村每一代表所代表的人口数同镇或者企业事业组织职工每一代表所代表的人口数之比the ratio between the number of people represented by a rural deputy and the number of people represented by a town deputy or a deputy of an enterprise or institution
村经济体制rural economic system
村经济结构rural economic structure
村综合改革overall rural reforms
村综合改革试点trials in comprehensive rural reform
村金融组织rural financial institutions
村集体经济组织rural collective economic organization
村集体经济组织the rural collective economic organizations
林牧渔业agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries
民专业合作社specialized farmers cooperative
民专业合作社成员大刽membership assembly of a specialized farmer cooperative
民专业合作社法the Law on Specialized Farmer Cooperatives
民专业合作经济组织specialized cooperative economic organization of farmers
民利益interests of farmers
民工rural migrant workers in cities
民权益保护protection of the rights and interests of farmers
民负担farmers' burden
民负担burden on farmers
民集体所有collectively owned by the farmer
民集体所有的土地land owned by peasant collective
民需求needs of farmers
牧业部门department of farming and animal husbandry
用地land for agriculture
用地转用conversion of the use of the agriculture land
用地转用审批手续examining and approving formalities for the change of land use
用地转用审批手续formalities of examination and approval for the conversion of land use
田水利设施water conservancy facility of farmland
药广告advertisement for farm chemicals
药残留pesticide residues
减轻民负担alleviate fanner's burden
减轻民负担reduce the burden on farmer
减轻民负担约 1250 亿元relieve the financial burden on farmers by about 125 billion yuan
加大"三"农业、农村和农民工作力度expand support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers
县、乡、村三级村卫生服务网络the three-tier rural health care service network at the county, township and village levels
发展develop agriculture
发展development of agriculture
取消了业税和农业特产税rescinded the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products
民收费collect fees from farmer
国家业技术推广机构national agro-technical popularization setup
基本primary farmland
基本田保护制度system of protection for capital farmland
实现工业、业、国防和科学技术的现代化modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology
巩固、完善、加强支惠农政策consolidate, improve and strengthen policies for supporting agriculture and giving favorable treatment to farmers
建立国际业发展基金的协定Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
征收用地expropriation of land for agriculture
扶持support peasants
根据本地村经济社会发展水平in light of the local rural economic and social development
沿海coastal farmland
经济活动economic activities involving agriculture
agriculture and fishery
社会主义新advanced new socialist countryside
科教兴invigoration of agriculture through science and education
科教兴方针guideline of developing agriculture with the help of science and education
筹集业资金raise agricultural funds
粮油等副产品grain, edible oil and other farm and sideline products
联合国粮食及业组织章程Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization
节水型water-saving agriculture
蜜蜂授粉agronomic techniques of honeybee pollination
贫困残疾a poor disabled farmer
贫困老年a poor aged farmer
适合村特点geared towards rural areas
重大产品质量安全事故major accident involving the quality and safety of agricultural products
业建设non-agricultural construction
产业non-agricultural industries
建设non-agricultural development
食用产品edible agricultural products