
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
上海村商业银行Shanghai Country Commercial Bank
业和粮食安全有关的气候问题部际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate in Relation to Agriculture and Food Security
世界业信息中心World Agricultural Information Centre
世界业信息中心主任WAICENT Manager
世界业信息中心/信息传播管理科WAICENT/INFO Dissemination Management Branch
世界业信息中心信息传播管理科WAICENT Information Dissemination Management Branch
世界业信息中心外延及能力建设科WAICENT Outreach and Capacity Building Branch
世界业信息中心/知识交换及促进科WAICENT/Knowledge Exchange and Facilitation Branch
世界业信息中心/粮农组织信息数据库组WAICENT/FAOINFO Group
世界业信息中心能力建设及外延科WAICENT Capacity Building and Outreach Branch
世界业及粮食生产工人联合会World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers
世界业发展前景研究Perspective Study of World Agricultural Development
世界业和粮食加工业工人联合会World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers
世界业图书馆网络Worldwide Network of Agricultural Libraries
世界场动物福利协会Compassion in World Farming
世界林中心World Agroforestry Centre
世界卫生/粮组织/联合国环境计划署合办的环境管理病媒控制专家组Joint WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control
世界土地改革和村发展会议World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
世界土地改革和村发展会议行动纲领World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Programme of Action
世界土地改革和村发展会议行动计划World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Programme of Action
世界粮食和业植物遗传资源状况The State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
世界粮食和业植物遗传资源状况State of the World's PGRFA
世界粮食和业植物遗传资源状况State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
世贸组织关于业、渔业和林业的多边贸易谈判WTO Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
东南亚区域业研究生及研究中心SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
东非业信贷培训中心Eastern African Centre for Agricultural Credit Training
中国业科学院Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
中国业银行Agricultural Bank of China
中国村发展研究中心China Rural Development Research Center
中美洲业合作区域理事会Regional Council for Agricultural Cooperation in Central America
中美洲业理事会Central American Council of Agriculture
中美洲业理事会Central American Agricultural Council
为增强实现可持续业生计能力的地方机构建设Local Institution Building to Improve Capacity for Achieving Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
为常驻代表举办的有关粮组织参与联合国改革和设在罗马的各机构之间合作的研讨会Seminar for Permanent Representatives on FAO's Engagement in the UN Reform and Cooperation between the Rome-based Agencies
为粮食安全和持续业及乡村发展的国别政策和规划援助而制定的特别行动计划Special Action Programme on Country Policy and Programming Assistance for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
乌拉圭回合后续活动和产品多边贸易谈判总体培训计划Umbrella Programme for Training on Uruguay Round Follow Up and Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture
乡村发展业知识和信息系统Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development
亚太业必需品计划Agricultural Requisites Scheme for Asia and the Pacific
亚太业研究机构联合会Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions
亚太业统计委员会Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics
亚太业需求计划Agricultural Requisites Scheme for Asia and the Pacific
亚太林兼作网络Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Network
亚太区域业信贷协会Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association
亚太经社委员会/粮组织联合农业司Joint ESCAP/FAO Agriculture Division
亚洲业复兴组织Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization
亚洲业资料库Agricultural Information Bank for Asia
亚洲业院校联合会Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities
亚洲村改革和乡村发展非政府组织联盟Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
亚洲民促进可持续农村发展协会Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development
亚洲及太平洋业统计委员会Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics
亚洲及太平洋区域场管理委员会Commission on Farm Management for Asia and the Pacific
亚玛森村调查网Agrarian Investigation Network for Amazonia
亚非村复兴组织Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization
全国场主联盟美国农场主教育与合作联盟National Farmers Union Farmers’ Educational and Cooperative Union of America
全球业产业论坛Global Agro-industries Forum
全球业及粮食伙伴关系Global Partnership on Agriculture and Food
全球业及粮食安全计划Global Agriculture and Food Security Program
全球业和粮食伙伴关系Global Partnership on Agriculture and Food
全球业研究促发展会议Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development
全球业研究论坛Global Forum on Agricultural Research
全球业研究论坛秘书处Secretariat of the Global Forum for Agricultural Research, GFAR
全球业论坛Global Forum on Agriculture
全球村发展捐助者平台Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
全球作物多样性信托基金与《粮食和业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定Relationship Agreement
全球作物多样性信托基金与《粮食和业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定Relationship Agreement between the Global Crop Diversity Trust and the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
全球水资源和业信息系统Global Information System on Water and Agriculture
全球水资源和业信息系统Information System on Water and Agriculture
全球涉产业论坛Global Agro-industries Forum
全球粮食及业高级专家网络Global Network of High-Level Experts on Food and Agriculture
全球粮食和业信息及预警系统Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture
全球重要业文化遗产系统Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention
关于在地中海地区实施粮组织《负责任渔业行为守则》第9条的磋商会Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean
关于应对高粮价和业发展挑战的宣言Declaration on Responding to the Challenges of High Food Prices and Agriculture Development
关于建立近东区域土地改革和村发展中心的协定Agreement for the Establishment of a Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East
关于水与可持续业发展的国际行动纲领International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agricultural Development
关于粮组织独立外部评价的理事会委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
关于粮组织面临的战略挑战的研讨会Seminar on Strategic Challenges of the Organization
关于设立粮组织西南亚沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia
关于设立粮组织西南亚沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定Agreement for the Establishment of a FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia
关于高粱和谷子业气象学国际专题讨论会International Symposium on the Agrometeorology of Sorghum and Millet
关西产品交易所日本Kansai Agricultural Commodities Exchange
业与跨文化对话Agriculture and intercultural dialogue
业中的气候变化问题Climate Change Issues in Agriculture
业产业技术合作网络Agro-industry Technical Cooperation Network
业企业官员金融Agribusiness Officer Finance
业信息管理标准Agricultural Information Management Standards
业信息管理磋商会Consultation on Agricultural Information Management
业信贷发展计划Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development
业信贷官员Agricultural Credit Officer
业信贷管理局Farm Credit Administration
业信贷系统Farm Credit System
业信贷署Farm Credit Administration
业动力组Farm Power Group
业参赞Agricultural Counsellor
业及消费者保护部Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department
业及粮食系统组Agriculture and Food Systems Group
业发展专业培训计划Programme for Professional Training for Agricultural Development
业发展和粮食安全知识交流会Knowledge Share Fair
业发展和粮食安全知识交流会Knowledge Share Fair for Agricultural Development and Food Security
业发展研究信息协调计划CIARD Initiative
业发展研究信息协调计划Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development Initiative
业发展经济司Agricultural Development Economics Division
业合作社管理局Farmer Cooperative Service
业和乡村合作技术中心Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
业和人口规划援助及培训电脑系统Computerized System for Agricultural and Population Planning Assistance and Training
业和农村统计工作全球战略Global Strategy
业和农村统计工作全球战略Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics
业和动物技术研究所Institute of Agricultural and Zootechnical Research
业和粮食工程技术处Agricultural and Food Engineering Technologies Service
业和粮食生产的生物安全Biosecurity for Agriculture and Food Production
业商品市场状况The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets
业在发展中国家作用的社会经济分析及政策影响Roles of Agriculture Project
业在发展中国家作用的社会经济分析及政策影响Socio-Economic Analysis and Policy Implications of the Roles of Agriculture in Developing Countries
业在可持续发展中的作用High-Level Special Event on the Role of Aquaculture in Sustainable Development
业在可持续发展中的作用The Role of Aquaculture in Sustainable Development
业培训及推广官员Agricultural Training and Extension Officer
业培训及推广组Agricultural Training and Extension Group
业委员会Committee on Agriculture
业官员Agricultural Officer
业工程及农产品加工业官员Agricultural Engineering and Agro-industries Officer
业工程师 手工工具及挽畜技术Agricultural Engineer Handtools and Animal Draught Technology
业工程组Agricultural Engineering Group
业干事Agricultural Attaché
业投资官员Agricultural Investment Officer
业推广官员系统Agricultural Extension Officer Systems
业支持系统司Agricultural Support Systems Division
业政策及投资官员Agriculture Policy and Investment Officer
业政策官员Agricultural Policy Officer
业政策支持处Agricultural Policy Support Service
业政策支持官员Agriculture Policy Support Officer
业政策支持官员培训Agricultural Policy Support Officer Training
业政策/计划官员Agricultural Policy/Programme Officer
业教育及推广官员Agricultural Education and Extension Officer
业教育组Agricultural Education Group
业景观中的环境服务付费payment for environmental services from agricultural landscapes
业景观环境服务付费payment for environmental services from agricultural landscapes
业本体论服务Agricultural Ontology Service
业机构官员Agricultural Institutions Officer
业机械部Ministry of Agricultural Machine-building Industry
业气象和实用水文学及其应用的区域培训中心Regional Training Centre for Agrometeorology and Operational Hydrology and their Applications
业气象委员会Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
业气象官员Agrometeorology Officer
业气象组Agrometeorology Group
业水利技术转让制Water for Agriculture Technology Transfer System
业、渔业和林业与贸易有关的能力建设计划Umbrella II Programme
业、渔业和林业与贸易有关的能力建设计划Trade-related Capacity Building Programme for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
业生产经济学家Agricultural Production Economist
业、生物安保、营养及消费者保护部Agriculture, Biosecurity, Nutrition and Consumer Protection Department
业研究促进发展国际合作中心International Cooperation Centre of Agricultural Research for Development
业研究信息系统Agricultural Policy Information System
业研究官员Agricultural Research Officer
业研究、推广及教育官员Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Officer
业研究项目档案资料库Permanent Inventory of Agricultural Research Projects
业管理组Agricultural Management Group
业管理经济学家Farm Management Economist
业管理、销售及金融处Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Service
业、粮食安全和营养全球伙伴关系Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
业系统开发官员Farming Systems Development Officer
业组Agriculture Group
业经济及发展司Agricultural and Development Economics Division
业经济学家耕作制Agricultural Economist Farming Systems
业统计信息系统Information System for Agricultural Statistics
业融资High-Level Special Event on Financing of Agriculture
业融资Financing of Agriculture
业资源经济学家Farm Resource Economist
业遗传工程研究所Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute
业部Ministry of Agriculture
业部Agriculture Department
业部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, AG
业金融官员Agriculture Finance Officer
业项目管理技术合作网络Technical Cooperation Network on Agricultural Project Management
业领域减缓气候变化特别基金Special Fund for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture
业高等教育代表的工作会议Working Conference of Representatives of Higher Education in Agriculture
产品交易管理局Commodity Exchange Authority
产品加工业委员会Agro-Industry Commission
产品市场准入数据库Agricultural Market Access Database
产品销售及农场供应组Agricultural Marketing and Farm Supply Group
产品销售局Agricultural Marketing service
产食品产业组Agrifood Industries Group
产食品系统官员Agri-Food Systems Officer
场会计数据网络Farm Accountancy Data Network
场管理分析数据包Farm Analysis Package
场管理数据收集和分析系统Farm Management Data Collection and Analysis System
场管理经济学家Farm Management Economist
垦部Ministry of State Farms
家干酪标准Standard for Cottage Cheese
村人口教育Education for Rural People
"村人口教育"计划主任Enterprise Resource Planning Programme Manager
"村人口教育"计划主任ERP Programme Manager
村体面就业工作组Decent Rural Employment Team
村创收活动Rural Income Generating Activities
村发展中妇女和家庭问题工作组Working Party on Women and the Family in Rural Development
村发展及机构官员Rural Development and Institutions Officer
村发展司Rural Development Division
村发展机构间小组Inter-Agency Group on Rural Development
村发展计划Rural Development Programme
村可持续环境和能源网络Sustainable Rural Environment and Energy Network
村合作社发展区域网络Regional Network for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives
村基础设施及涉农产业司Rural Infrastructure and Agro-industries Division
村机构及推广处Rural Institutions and Extension Service
村电气化管理局Rural Electrification Administration
村社会学家/机构专家Rural Sociologist/Institutions Specialist
村组织行动计划Rural Organizations Action Programme
村综合发展区域中心Regional Centre for Integrated Rural Development
村脱贫官员Rural Poverty Alleviation Officer
村贫困Rural Poverty
"民之路"组织La Via Campesina
民宪章Peasants' Charter
用工业及收获后活动高级官员Senior Agro-industry and Post-harvest Officer
用工业及收获后活动高级官员Senior Agroindustry and Postharvest Officer
研合作中心International Cooperation Centre of Agricultural Research for Development
艺和农业科学专家Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences Expert
艺性状agronomic trait
药包装和储存准则Guidelines for the Packaging and Storage of Pesticides
药标签良好规范准则Guidelines on Good Labelling Practice for Pesticides
药残留分析良好实验室操作准则Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Pesticide Residue Analysis
药残留分析良好实验室操作规范准则Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Residue Analysis
药残留法典委员会Committee on Pesticide Residues
药残留法典委员会Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
药管理专家组Panel of Experts on Pesticide Management
药管理组Pesticides Management Group
药行动网Pesticides Action Network
加勒比海地区业信贷协会Caribbean Agricultural Credit Association
加勒比海地区业研究及发展研究所Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
加强村金融能力建设Improving Capacity Building in Rural Finance
北京村商业银行Beijing Rural Commercial Bank
区域业信息系统Regional Agricultural Information Systems
区域和全球粮食及业自然资源前景协调组Coordination Unit on Regional and Global Perspectives on Natural Resources for Food and Agriculture
"千年发展目标"非洲业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
"千年发展目标"非洲业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
南部非洲业研究合作中心Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research
各种文明对业的贡献The contribution of civilizations to world agriculture
向食典和粮组织/卫生组织成员国提供科学咨询研讨会Workshop on Provision of Scientific Advice to Codex and FAO/WHO Member Countries
土地改革和村发展区域中心Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
土地改革和村发展国际会议:振兴农村社区的新挑战和方案International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
土地改革和村发展国际会议:振兴农村社区的新挑战和方案International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development: New challenges and options for revitalizing rural communities
土地改革和村发展特别计划Special Programme for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
土地资源综合规划与管理以及业特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources, and on Agriculture
外部低投入和持续业信息中心Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture
多种语言业术语汇编Multilingual Thesaurus of Agricultural Terminology
妇女参与业和农村发展行动计划Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Agricultural and Rural Development
妇女变革业和自然资源管理组织Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM
妇女变革业和自然资源管理组织Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
审查粮组织事务的计划委员会与财政委员会的特别联席会议Special Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Review of FAO
Small Farmers
及乡村组织官员Small Farmer and Rural Organizations Officer
场主发展计划Small Farmers Development Programme
当前业研究信息微机-CDS/ISIS软件包及其地方兼容系统Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for CARIS and Compatible Local Systems
当前业研究信息系统Current Agricultural Research Information System
性别、平等及村就业司Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division
性别、平等及村就业高级官员Senior Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Officer
意大利商会、工业和业联盟Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture
意大利/粮组织合办的拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区农业和乡村发展规划、政策和项目培训计划Italy/FAO Training Programme on Agricultural and Rural Development Planning, Policies and Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
所有非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家产品计划All ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme
投资业促进粮食安全 - 惠及全世界Investing in Agriculture for Food Security - The whole world will profit
挪威/粮组织关于共享鱼类资源管理的专家磋商会Norway/FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks
文化与Cultures and agriculture
有机Organic Agriculture
欧洲业发展研究倡议European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development
欧洲业合作研究网系统European System of Cooperative Research Networks in Agriculture
欧洲业委员会European Commission on Agriculture
欧洲业委员会/粮农组织联合农业司Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division
欧洲业指导及保证基金会European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund
欧洲业机械制造商协会委员会European Committee of Associations of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery
欧洲业经济学家协会European Association of Agricultural Economists
欧洲业联盟European Confederation of Agriculture
欧洲业能源数据库Agricultural Energy Data Bank in Europe
欧洲村社会学学会European Society for Rural Sociology
欧洲用核技术学会European Society of Nuclear Methods in Agriculture
欧洲保护作物品种基金会Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe
欧洲保护作物品种基金会SAVE Foundation
FAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和业统计学研究小组FAO/ECE/CES Study Group
FAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和业统计学研究小组FAO/ECE/CES Study Group on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe
欧洲经济委员会/粮组织联合农业及木材司Joint ECE/FAO Agriculture and Timber Division
欧盟业组织委员会Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the European Union
欧盟业组织委员会Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the EU
欧盟/粮组织"粮食安全信息行动"计划EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme
欧盟/粮组织"粮食安全信息行动"计划Food Security Information for Action
气候变化与村发展能力中心Centre of Competence for Climate Change and Rural Development
气候变化与粮食和业生物多样性专家会议Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
水和可持续业发展国际行动计划International Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agricultural Development
企业及金融组Agribusiness and Finance Group
灌溉及村基础设施工程师Irrigation and Rural Infrastructure Engineer
爱克斯业期货交易所荷兰AEX-Agricultural Futures Exchange
理事会粮组织独立外部评价委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
生物技术在业、渔业和林业中的应用Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
用于业发展的专业培训计划Programme for Professional Training for Agricultural Development
登博施可持续业和农村发展宣言Den Bosch Declaration for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
登博施可持续业和农村发展宣言Den Bosch Declaration
组织与阿拉伯地区渔业产品销售信息及咨询服务中心合作协定Cooperation Agreement between FAO and the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region
组织与非洲开发银行协议Agreement between FAO and the African Development Bank
组织专业人员协会AP in FAO
组织专业人员协会Association of Professionals in FAO
组织/世卫组织关于人类营养中碳水化合物问题联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition
组织/世卫组织关于在粮食和农业领域应用纳米技术专家联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Application of Nanotechnology in the Food and Agriculture Sectors
组织/世卫组织关于鸡肉中沙门氏菌和弯曲菌的专家会议FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Salmonella and Campylobacter in Chicken Meat
组织/世卫组织兽药残留安全评价基于风险的决策树方法专家联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on a Risk-Based Decision Tree Approach for the Safety Evaluation of Residues of Veterinary Drugs
组织/世卫组织农药管理联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Management
组织/世卫组织农药管理联席会议FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Management
组织/世卫组织农药规格联席会议FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Specifications
组织/世卫组织农药规格联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Specifications
组织/世卫组织动物饲料对食品安全影响专家联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Animal Feed Impact on Food Safety
组织/世卫组织拉丁美洲及加勒比区域协调委员会Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean
组织/世卫组织拉丁美洲及加勒比区域协调委员会Regional Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean
组织/世卫组织拉丁美洲及加勒比区域协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean
组织/世卫组织欧洲区域协调委员会Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe
组织/世卫组织欧洲区域协调委员会Regional Codex Coordinating Committee for Europe
组织/世卫组织欧洲区域协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Europe
组织/世卫组织欧洲区域协调委员会Codex Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe
组织/世卫组织欧洲区域协调委员会Codex Coordinating Committee for Europe
组织/世卫组织生物技术和食品安全联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Biotechnology and Food Safety
组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex
组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金Codex Trust Fund
组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex
组织/世卫组织联合食品法典委员会Codex Alimentarius Commission
组织/世卫组织联合食品法典委员会FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission
组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组FAO/WHO Consultative Group for the Trust Fund
组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组Consultative Group for the Trust Fund
组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组FAO/WHO Consultative Group for the Codex Trust Fund
组织/世卫组织食品标准中应用风险分析联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Application of Risk Analysis to Food Standards Issues
组织/世卫组织食品法典亚洲区域协调委员会Regional Coordinating Committee for Asia
组织/世卫组织食品法典亚洲区域协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia
组织/世卫组织食品法典亚洲区域协调委员会Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia
组织/世界卫生组织人体维生素及矿物质需求专家磋商会FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements
组织/世界卫生组织农药残留问题联席会议Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group
组织/世界卫生组织农药残留问题联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues
组织/世界卫生组织功能食品专家磋商会FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Functional Foods
组织/世界卫生组织北美和西南太平洋协调委员会Codex Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific
组织/世界卫生组织北美和西南太平洋协调委员会Regional Coordinating Committee for North America and South West Pacific
组织/世界卫生组织北美和西南太平洋协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific
组织/世界卫生组织北美和西南太平洋协调委员会Coordinating Committee for North America and the South-West Pacific
组织/世界卫生组织北美和西南太平洋协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and South West Pacific
组织/世界卫生组织奶及奶制品原则规范政府专家联合委员会Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products
组织/世界卫生组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment
组织/世界卫生组织营养专家联合委员会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition
组织/世界卫生组织非洲协调委员会Regional Coordinating Committee for Africa
组织/世界卫生组织非洲协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa
组织/世界卫生组织非洲协调委员会Regional Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa
组织/世界卫生组织非洲协调委员会Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa
组织/世界卫生组织食品标准联合计划Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives
组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
组织/世界银行合作计划FAO/World Bank Cooperative Programme
组织中心地区蝗虫委员会秘书Secretary, FAO Central Region Locust Commission
组织全球小麦锈病计划Wheat Rust Disease Global Programme
组织/卫生组织对 粮农组织/卫生组织对食品法典及粮农组织和卫生组织其它食品标准工作的联合评价Joint FAO/WHO Evaluation of the Codex Alimentarius and other FAO and WHO Work on Food Standards
组织大使计划FAO Ambassadors' Programme
组织2000-2015年战略框架Strategic Framework for FAO 2000-2015
组织性别和土地权利数据库FAO Gender and Land Rights Database
组织性别和土地权利数据库Gender and Land Rights Database
组织成员FAO Member
组织改革FAO Reform
组织改革Immediate Plan of Action IPA for FAO Renewal
组织改革Immediate Action Plan Immediate Plan of Action
组织改革Immediate Plan of Action
组织改革特设联合咨询委员会Ad Hoc Joint Advisory Committee on FAO Reform
组织改革问题特设联合咨询委员会Ad Hoc Joint Advisory Committee on FAO Reform
组织/政府合办的合作计划FAO/Government Cooperative Programme
组织/政府级海洋学委员会合办的关于生物资源的海洋科学方案Joint FAO/IOC Programme on Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources
组织/欧洲农业委员会/联合国工发组织合办的森林工业咨询小组Forest Industry Advisory Group
组织/欧洲农业委员会/联合国工发组织合办的森林工业咨询小组FAO/ECA/UNIDO Forest Industry Advisory Group
组织/欧洲经委会森林经济和统计工作组Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics
组织/欧洲经委会森林经济和统计工作组Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics
组织/欧洲经委会森林经济和统计工作组FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics
组织水产养殖问卷调查专家工作组Working Group of Experts on the FAO Aquaculture Questionnaire, FISHSTAT AQ
组织/湄公河委员会/泰国/荷兰旨在改善湄公河流域捕捞渔业统计工作的新方法特别专家磋商会FAO/MRC/Thailand/Netherlands ad Hoc Expert Consultation on New Approaches for the Improvement of Inland Capture Fishery Statistics in the Mekong Basin
组织生计支持计划FAO Livelihood Support Programme
组织生计支持计划Livelihood Support Programme
组织职工养恤金委员会Staff Pension Committee
组织职工养恤金委员会FAO Staff Pension Committee
组织职工合作社FAO Staff Coop
组织职工商店FAO Commissary
组织职工商店基金Staff Commissary Fund
组织职工商店基金FAO Staff Commissary Fund
组织职工日FAO Staff Day
组织/联合国教科文组织/国际劳工组织农业、教育、科学及培训联合咨询委员会FAO/UNESCO/ILO Joint Advisory Committee on Agricultural Education, Science and Training
组织/联合国环境规划署东非沿海综合管理联合项目FAO/UNEP Joint Project on Integrated Coastal Management in East Africa
组织/联合国环境规划署事先知情同意程序专家组Joint FAO/UNEP Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent
组织/联合国环境规划署关于实施事先知情同意程序的联合计划Joint FAO/UNEP Programme for the Operation of Prior Informed Consent
组织/荷兰伙伴关系计划FAO-Netherlands Partnership Programme
组织/荷兰伙伴关系计划FAO/Netherlands Partnership Programme
组织/荷兰关于粮食及生态系统用水国际会议:采取实际行动FAO/Netherlands International Conference on Water for Food and Ecosystems: Make it Happen
组织/荷兰农业和土地多功能特性会议Maastricht Conference
组织/荷兰农业和土地多功能特性会议FAO/Netherlands Conference on the Multifunctional Character of Agriculture and Land
组织行政资源管理系统FAO Administrative Resources Management System
组织:革新图变的挑战FAO: The Challenge of Renewal
组织驻不丹代表处FAO Representation in Bhutan
组织驻东帝汶代表处FAO Representation in Timor Est
组织驻中国代表处FAO Representation in China
组织驻中非共和国代表处FAO Representation in Central Africa Republic
组织驻伊拉克代表处FAO Representation in Iraq
组织驻伊朗代表处FAO Representation in Iran
组织驻刚果代表处FAO Representation in Congo
组织驻刚果民主共和国代表处FAO Representation in Democratic Republic of Congo
组织驻利比亚代表处FAO Representation in Libya
组织驻利比里亚代表处FAO Representation in Liberia
组织驻吉尔吉斯斯坦代表处FAO Representation in Kyrgyzstan
组织驻吉布提代表处FAO Representation in Djibouti
组织驻土库曼斯坦代表处FAO Representation in Turkmenistan
组织驻土耳其代表处FAO Representation in Turkey
组织驻土耳其共和国代表处FAO Representation in the Republic of Turkey
组织驻圭亚那代表处FAO Representation in Guyana
组织驻多哥代表处FAO Representation in Togo
组织驻多米尼加共和国代表处FAO Representation in Dominican Republic
组织驻尼加拉瓜代表处FAO Representation in Nicaragua
组织驻尼日利亚代表处FAO Representation in Nigeria
组织驻尼日尔代表处FAO Representation in Niger
组织驻尼泊尔代表处FAO Representation in Nepal
组织驻布基纳法索代表处FAO Representation in Burkina Faso
组织驻布隆迪代表处FAO Representation in Burundi
组织驻朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表处FAO Representation in Democratic People's Republic of Korea
组织驻格鲁吉亚代表处FAO Representation in Georgia
组织驻欧洲代表处FAO Representation in Europe
组织驻欧洲及中亚代表FAORs in Europe and Central Asia
组织驻津巴布韦代表处FAO Representation in Zimbabwe
组织驻洪都拉斯代表处FAO Representation in Honduras
组织驻索马里代表处FAO Representation in Somalia
组织驻缅甸联邦共和国代表处FAO Representation in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
组织驻老挝人民民主共和国代表处FAO Representation in Lao People's Democratic Republic
组织驻萨尔瓦多代表处FAO Representation in El Salvador
组织驻贝宁代表处FAO Representation in Benin
美国业会联合会American Farm Bureau Federation
美国场主教育和合作联盟Farmers'Educational and Cooperative Union of America
美洲业发展委员会Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development
美洲业合作研究所Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
美洲业文献和资料中心Inter-American Centre of Agricultural Documentation and Information
美洲业科学信息系统Inter-American Information System for the Agricultural Sciences
美洲可持续业生产协会联合会Confederation of American Associations for the Production of Sustainable Agriculture
美洲间业图书馆馆员及资料员协会Inter-american Association of Agricultural Librarians, Documentalists and Information Specialists
联合国应对非洲之角长期粮食安全、业发展和有关问题的机构间工作组Inter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa
联合国开发计划署/粮组织南中国海计划UNDP/FAO South China Sea Programme
联合国粮食及业组织与世界知识产权组织的协定Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization
联邦作物保险公司Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
艾滋病毒/艾滋病对粮食和业的影响Implications of HIV/AIDS on Food and Agriculture
萨拉戈萨地中海艺研究所Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza
萨赫勒药委员会Sahelian Pesticides Committee
西亚经社委员会/粮组织联合农业司Joint ESCWA/FAO Agriculture Division
西非业信贷培训中心Western African Centre for Agricultural Credit Training
西非业研究合作中心Western Africa Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research
西非小及农业生产者组织网络Network of Peasant Farmers’ and Agricultural Producers’ Organizations of West Africa
订单Contract Farming Resource Centre
适宜的业合作社管理系统Appropriate Management Systems for Agricultural Cooperatives
销售及村金融官员Marketing and Rural Finance Officer
阿姆斯特丹产品期货市场荷兰Agricultural Futures Market, Amsterdam
阿拉伯业发展组织Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
阿拉伯业投资与发展管理局Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development
降低药风险组Pesticide Risk Reduction Team
非洲业企业和农产品加工业发展倡议African Agribusiness and Agro-Industries Development Initiative
非洲业企业和农产品加工业发展问题高级别会议High-Level Conference on the Development of Agribusiness and Agro-industries in Africa
非洲业发展规划者协会Association of Agricultural Development Planners in Africa
非洲业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
非洲业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
非洲业和粮食安全马普托宣言Maputo Declaration
非洲业和粮食安全马普托宣言Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa
非洲业和粮食安全马普托宣言Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa
非洲业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑战Ministerial Conference on Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: the Challenges of Climate Change
非洲业和能源用水部长级会议:气候变化的挑战Sirte Water and Energy Conference
非洲业复兴计划Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme for Africa
非洲业技术基金会African Agricultural Technology Foundation
非洲业研究特别计划Special Programme for African Agricultural Research
非洲业研究论坛Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
非洲业科学促进会Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa
非洲业、粮食和自然资源部长论坛Forum of African Ministers of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
非洲业综合发展计划Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
非洲业综合发展计划协议CAADP Compact
非洲业综合发展计划协议Country CAADP Compact
非洲业综合发展计划协议Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Compact
非洲业项目管理网络African Network on Agricultural Project Management
非洲学院协会Association of African Faculties of Agriculture
非洲户调查能力计划African Household Survey Capability Programme
非洲村综合发展中心Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Africa
非洲共同业计划Common African Agricultural Programme
非洲区域村和农业信贷协会African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association
非洲、近东和小岛屿发展中国家的业用水问题Round Table on Water for Agriculture in Africa, the Near East and Small Island Developing States
非洲、近东和小岛屿发展中国家的业用水问题Water for Agriculture in Africa, the Near East and SIDS
预防和处置过期药计划Programme on the Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides
饮水、能源、健康、业和生物多样性water, energy, health, agriculture, biodiversity
饮水、能源、健康、业和生物多样性WEHAB Initiative
饮水、能源、健康、业和生物多样性water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity
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