
Terms for subject Environment containing 农作物 | all forms | in specified order only
农作废弃物crop waste Any unusable portion of plant matter left in a field after harvest (收割后弃于田地间、没有任何使用价值的农作物部分。)
农作物保护crop protection The problem of crop protection has changed dramatically since 1945. There is now a whole arsenal of chemicals with which to combat agricultural pests and diseases, but this development has itself many drawbacks. Such sophisticated techniques are available only to a minority of farmers; in most parts of the world the standard of crop protection remains abysmally low. In addition, modern crop protection methods have been criticized for relying too heavily on chemical control. Biological controls, both natural and contrived, have been neglected. In some cases involving misuse of agricultural chemicals, crops must be protected from the very measures intended for their protection. Meanwhile previously localized pests and diseases continue to spread worldwide (自从1945年以来,农作物保护问题发生了巨大的变化。现在我们有许多化学试剂用以对付农作物害虫和疾病,但这种发展本身也存在着许多不足。例如,成熟的技术仅能被少数农民所利用;在世界范围内,农作物保护的标准仍然很低。此外,现代的农作物保护措施也因为过多依赖化学手段控制而受到指责。生物手段控制,无论是自然的还是人工的都被人们所忽略。在误用农用化学试剂的情况下,需要采用适当的方法来包括农作物。与此同时,先前存在的重害病仍在世界范围内传播。)
农作物生产crop production The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption (为家畜或人类需求而从事生产农产品的行为或过程。)
农作物虫害infestation of crops Invasion of crop by parasites. Among vertebrate animals, many crop pests are mammals, especially in the order of rodents and birds. Among invertebrates, certain species of gastropods and a large number of roundworms from the class of nematodes harm crops. The most varied and numerous species of crop pests are arthropods-insects, arachnids and some species of millipedes and crustaceans. Diseases vary from viral, bacterial, and nutritional to fungal, environmental and non-specific. The FAO has estimated that annual worldwide losses done by plant pests and diseases amount to approximately 20-25% of the potential worldwide yield of food crops (农作物遭受寄生虫的侵害。在脊椎动物中,许多的作物害虫为哺乳动物,尤其是啮齿目动物和鸟类。在无脊椎动物中,某些种类的腹足动物和数量颇大属线虫纲的迴虫也会对作物造成危害。种类最多和数目最大的作物害虫为节肢昆虫、蛛形纲动物和某些种类的节肢动物和甲壳纲动物。病害随著病毒、细菌、真菌、覃菌类营养和环境而异。FAO (联合国粮农组织) 估计每年全世界植物病虫害的损失约占全世界食用作物产量的20~25%。)
农作物防治crop treatment Use of chemicals in order to avoid damage of crops by insects or weeds (用化学物质防止农作物被害虫和杂草所伤害。)
块根农作物root crop Plants which store edible material in a root, corm or tuber; root crops used as food vegetables or fodder include carrots, parsnips, swedes and turnips; starchy root crops include potatoes, cassavas and yams (根、球茎或块茎且能食用的植物;块根农作物作为食物、蔬菜或草料包括胡萝卜、欧洲防风草、甘蓝和萝卜;淀粉块根作物包括马铃薯、木薯和红薯。)