
Terms for subject Finances containing 内地 | all forms | in specified order only
业务重点为中国内地的集团China-focused property group
中国内地mainland China
中国内地企业mainland companies
中国内地国企指数index of mainland Chinese companies
中国内地地区折扣优惠计划Mainland China Discount Program
中证内地主题指数CSI China Mainland Thematic Indices
中证内地市场指数CSI Mainland Indices
中证海外内地股指数CSI Overseas Mainland Index
中证海外不含香港内地股指数CSI Overseas Mainland ex HK Index
中证香港内地国有企业指数CSI HK State-owned Mainland Enterprises
中证香港内地民营企业指数CSI HK Private-owned Mainland Enterprises Index
中证香港内地股指数CSI HK Mainland Index
内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Hong Kong and the Mainland
内地债券市场准人access to the mainland bond markets
内地股市mainland markets
内地银行mainland banks
恒生中国内地25Hang Seng Mainland 25
恒生中国内地100Hang Seng Mainland 100
恒生中国内地流通指数Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
恒生中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
恒生流通中国内地 25Hang Seng Freefloat Mainland 25
有资格开展跨境贸易结算的内地企业mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement
流人香港的内地存款deposit migration from the mainland to Hong Kong
非H股内地民营企业non-H-share Mainland private enterprise