
Terms for subject Commerce containing 内地 | all forms | in specified order only
全部费用在内目的地交货价格free delivered
协议规定代理商不得在约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory
美国1941年修订的"对外贸易定义",该定义把 FOB 价格分为下列6种在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
在指定的岀口地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at point of exportation
内地inside address