
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
三金刚石整修工triple diamond dressing tool
下料工blanking tool
不变形工non-deforming tool steel
不锈工stainless tool steel
专用工technical instrument
专用工non-general purpose tools
交通工communication facilities
低合金工low-alloy tool steel
低碳钢模mild-steel die
低钨工low tungsten tool steel
修整工truing tool
修路修道track tools
光亮抛光碳素工bright polished carbon tool steel
有 G.P. 溶质原子聚集层的铝合金aluminium G. P.zone alloy
有三种晶型的元素trimorphous element
有三种晶型的合金trimorphous alloy
有三种晶型的金属trimorphous metal
有中国特色的炉衬长寿技术long-life lining technology with Chinese characteristics
有析出物的原始合金primary alloy with precipitations
有沉淀物的合金alloys with precipitations
有调宽功能的结晶器mold with variable width function
有负滑脱往复运动的结晶器reciprocated mold with negative strip
有钢流全程保护的连铸机caster with complete shrouding of steel stream
冲制工punching tool steel
冲模,冲压模stamping die
冲裁工punching tool
冲裁工blanking tool
冷作工cold-working tool steel
冷作模cold-working die steel (【技】适于冷作模具用的工具钢。冷作模具钢应具有高硬度和耐磨性、高强度和疲劳强度、足够的韧性。同时还应具有良好的可锻性、切削加工性、淬透性、淬硬性及热处理变形小等特性。)
冷加工用工tool steel for cold working
cutter spindle
不锈钢cutlery type stainless steel
不锈钢cutlery stainless steel
切分轧制slit rolling with cutting tool
半径cutter radius
合金cutting alloy
导承cutter guide
导轨cutter guide
工具磨削cutter-and-tool grinding
折裂tool tear
用不锈钢cutlery type stainless steel
cutting-tool steel
shear steel
cutlery steel
shearing steel
cutlery steel
钢含碳量razor temper
钢含碳量一般为1.5%razor temper
分析工analytical tool
切削刀材料cutting tool material
切削工用钢machine tool steel
切削工machine tool steel
刮板用sweeping tackle
制造切削工用金属cutting metal
制造工用显微镜toolmakers' microscope
刻痕工ragging tool
齿轮剃前刀protuberance cutter
半球形杯突工hemispherical cupping tool
压制模compacting tool set
压力机用成套模die set for press
压铸模die-casting die
压铸模die-casting die steel
双位夹two-station fixture
双动模double-action die
可拆模collapsible die assembly
合型夹mold closer
合箱夹mould closer
合金工alloy tool steel (【技】除了含较高的碳以外,还含有不同合金元素的钢。按合金元素的含量,可分为低合金工具钢和高合金工具钢。与碳素工具钢相比,它有高的淬透性、高硬度、较好的韧性、好的热强性、耐磨性和热硬性。主要用于制造要求高、尺寸大的量具、刃具、热作模具和冷作模具。)
合金工alloyed tool steel
周边焊接用夹circumferential welding fixture
哈尔范铬钒Halvan tool steel (0.4C,0.7Mn, lCr, 0.2V,余量 Fe)
哈尔范铬钒工Halvan tool steel
喷嘴清整工nozzle-cleaning tool
喷嘴清理工nozzle cleaning tool
坦托尔钽镍铬合金工Tantal tool alloy
坦托尔钽镍铬合金工Tantal tool alloy
型芯夹core jig
型芯检修夹core rubbing jig
垫板夹backing jig
塑料成形模die steel for plastic forming (【技】适于制造塑料制品的模具钢。对塑料模具钢的基本要求是:表面光洁;耐磨耐蚀;有一定的表面硬化层;强度和韧性足够高;热处理变形小。)
塑料用工tool steel for plastics
塑胶模,塑料模具plastics mould
塔特莫钼工Tatmo steel
板件增量成形胎incremental former
复式冲压工multiple pressing tool
复式刀滑板compound slide
复杂模complicated die set
外科工用钢surgical steel
多元碳化物硬质合金刀cemented multicarbide tool
多工位夹multiple jig
多模模架multiple-tool adaptor
多金刚石整修工multiple diamond dressing tool
chucking device
夹持工porter bar
奥氏体热模austenitic hot die steel
孕镶金刚石工刀具、刃具diamond-impregnated tool
安装mounting fixture
安装用夹mounting fixture
安装用夹setting-up fixture
定位positioning fixture
定位焊用夹tack-welding jig
定型工fast tool
用钉coat nail
instrument (Such high-carbon steels are not so much used in engineering as steels with low and medium carbon content, though tools and other instruments which are required to be very hard have carbon contents up to 1.5 per cent. 虽然工具和仪器需要很高的硬度,其含碳量高达1.5%,但是如此高含碳量的钢在工程上的使用量远不如低碳钢和中碳钢多。)
作业tool work
快速锻造fast tool forging
接头tool joint
材料tool material
tool stand
磨床tool-grinding machine
磨损tool wear
instrument box
tool steel (【技】用于制造各种切削工具、成形工具及测量工具的钢类。按用途可分为切削工具钢、热作模具钢、冷作模具钢、量具钢等。工具钢要求的性能主要是强度、韧性、硬度、耐磨性和耐回火性。: Carbon steels are those steels which only contain iron and carbon, and small amounts of other alloying elements. They are the most common and least expensive tool steels. 碳钢是那些仅含有铁和碳以及少量其他合金元素的钢,是最普通、最廉价的工具钢。)
钢含碳量tool temper
钢的含碳量tool temper
帕拉冈不变形工Paragon steel
带搅拌工的汽车agitator truck
带途中搅拌工的混凝土运输车agitator truck
开口销敲出工nail punch
开尾销敲出工nail punch
弗莱史库特夹Flashkut (1C, 4Cr)
弯曲夹bending jig
弯曲成形工bending former
弯曲成形工bending form
弯板机模press brake die
弯边机模press brake die
弯钢筋工bending iron
弹簧模floating die (assembly)
C 形夹拘束抗裂试验FISCO type cracking test
成型模,成形模forming die
成套工tool outfit (箱)
成套工tool outfit
成套模die set
成形定形profile cutter
成本有竞争力的炼钢法cost-competitive steelmaking process
成本有竞争力的薄板cost-competitive sheet
手动夹hand-operated jig
手工操作刀manual-operated cutter
手用工hand tool
手锻工blacksmith tool
扒渣工slag removal tool
打印工marking punch
打标志工marking punch
打标记钢印marking punch
打毛工ragging tool (轧辊的)
打钢印工marking punch
抹灰工plastering tool
拆卸工dismounting tool
拆卸工take-off fitting
拉伸工stretching tool
拉延工stretching tool
拉拔工drawing tool
拉拔工drawing device
挤压工extrusion tool
挤压工extrusion toolage
挤压模extrusion die steel
接触夹钳口jaw contact
撇渣工skimming tool
操作工operating facilities
整修工truing tool
整修工dressing tool
无磁模nonmagnetic die steel
普通碳素ordinary tool steel
普通工ordinary tool steel
普通碳素工straight carbon tool steel (Straight carbon tool steels are still used occasionally in machining, but fast rates of machining cause such a tool to heat so much that it over-tempers itself and softens. 虽然普通碳素工具钢在机加工中仍偶有使用,但车削速度过快会引起这种钢的刀具过热,以致产生过回火而软化。)
普通碳素工plain carbon tool steel
普通碳素钢刀plain carbon steel tool (Using such high-speed steel tools, metal parts can be machined many times faster than by the use of plain carbon steel tools. 使用这种高速钢刀具切削金属部件的速度比使用普通碳素钢刀具快许多倍。)
机架更换装stand change rig
松模工rapper (敲模棒或振动子)
板垛运送吊sheet carrier
板垛运送吊sheet pack carrier
板垛运送吊pack carrier
标准量reference gauge
检验工inspection tools
die equipment
die assembly
die arrangement
不同轴misalignment of dies
偏置die misalignment
凹槽recess of die
凹槽recess of die
制造die making
制造die fabrication
制造工段die fabrication area
加热炉die oven
die making shop
固定die fixing
固定件die fastener
圆角半径die radius
型腔加工die sinking
die cushion
复杂程度die complexity
夹紧力die hold-down pressure
夹紧压力die-clamping pressure
安装die fixing
安装工die setter
安装面die setting face
定位装置die set arrangement
对中不良die misalignment
导柱die set guide post
导柱die set guide pin
寿命曲线die life diagram
尺寸die dimension
工作面die face
弹性变形elastic deformation of die
成形机床die shaping machine
成本die cost
压模抛光机die polishing machine
损坏die failure
断面损坏die section failure
旋压法die spinning process
旋压法die spinning method
更换die change
更换小车die change carrier
未对准mismatch of dies
未对准misalignment of dies
材料die material
构件die member
测量显微镜die measuring microscope
涂料die coating
润滑剂die lubricant
滑移装置die slide (为移动下模出人压力机的)
灌铅检验法die proof (用于检查模腔精度)
磨床die grinding machine
组件die component
维修工段die maintenance area
缩口法die shrinking process
设计die design
调整工die setter
调质die temper
费用die cost
重磨die ripping
重磨精加工机床die ripping machine
mold steel
die steel
钢加工die steel processing
钢含碳量die temper
钢含碳量一般为0.75%die temper
钢成分die steel composition
钢熔炼die steel smelting
钢硬度die steel hardness
钢质量die steel quality
钢钢号die steel grade
钢钢锭die steel ingot
仿形铳床die sinker
错位mismatch of dies
错移die mismatch (量)
镶块die insert
镶块die insert
闭合高度die height
间距die spacing
间隙die opening
零件die part
零件die member
韧度die temper
比迪里锌基家合金Bidery metal
气动夹pneumatic jig
水淬工water-quenched tool steel
水淬工water-hardening tool steel
活动夹movable jig
活动夹movable clamp
测量器measuring instrument
浮沉模floating die (assembly)
海德拉挤压模Hydra metals
海德拉热作模Hydra steel
消防器fire apparatus
消防器fire extinguisher
液压成形模hydroform die
液压模夹持器hydraulic die clamper
清理型芯用夹rubbing fixture
渣壳破碎工skull breaking tool
滑动夹sliding clamp
线fixture wire
炉前工keeper's tools
炉前工keeper's tools
炉子操作工furnace tool
烧结多元碳化物刀cemented multicarbide tool
烧结碳化物刀sintered-carbide tool
烧结碳化钨刀cemented tungsten carbide tool
hot die steel
热作工hot-work tool steel
热作工hot work tool steel
热作模合金钢hot die alloy steel
热作模hot working die steel (10W,3Cr,0.3V,0.3C)
热作模hot-die steel
热作模hot-working die steel (【技】适于热压、锤锻和压铸模具使用的工具钢。各类模具与热金属接触时,本身都会具有较高的温度。因而这种钢应具有一定的高温强度、耐磨性和韧性。同时还应具有良好的抗疲劳性、抗氧化性以及高的淬透性。)
热作模hot work die steel (10W,3Cr,0.3V,0.3C)
热加工工hot-work tool steel
热加工工hot work tool steel
热加工用工tool steel for hot working
热处理夹heat treatment jig
热成形工hot forming tool steel
热模hot working steel
焊接夹welding jig
焊接用夹welding fixture
焊接胎welding positioner
照明灯lighting fixture
熔炼工furnace tool
特硬工superhard tool steel
特种工special tool steel
用工加工tool work
用模弯曲die bending
电极头修整工electrode tip dressing tool
电阻对接焊用夹紧upset welding clamping die
砂箱夹mould clamp
砂箱夹flask clamp
砌砖工bricklaying tools
硬质合金刀cemented carbide cutting tool
硬质合金刀hard metal tool
硬质合金刀工具carbide tool
硬质合金刀carbide tool
硬质合金工hard metal tool
硬质合金工carbide tool
硬质合金工拔管tube-drawing with hard metal tools
硬质合金模carbide die arrangement
碳化物工carbide tool
碳化钽刀合金tantalum tool alloy
碳素普通ordinary tool steel
碳素工unalloyed tool steel
碳素工carbon tool steel
grinding tool
磨轮整修工wheel dressing tool
簇状金刚石整修工cluster-type diamond dressing tool
粉末成形模powder compacting tool set
粘型芯用夹core-pasting fixture
粘结组合型芯用量pasting gauge
纵向焊接用夹longitudinal welding fixture
组芯夹core assembly jig
组芯夹core assembly fixture
组装夹assembly jig
耐冲击工shock-resistant tool steel
耐冲击工shock-resisting tool steel
耐震工shock-resistant tool steel
脱模工stripping tool
self energy
自动冲压工automatic pressing tool
自动压制工automatic pressing tool
自淬硬高碳模maxtack steel (2.25C, 10W, 2Cr, 2.5Mn, 1Si)
螺柱焊接工stud welding tool
表面镶金刚石刀diamond surface set cutter
装窑用kiln furniture
装配assembly fixture
装配夹assembly jig
计算机辅助模设计computer-aided die design
计量工metering outfit
资料工data book
超硬工合金superhard tool alloy
超硬工合金super-hard tool alloy
车丝工threading tools
轧机吊索工mill tackle
轴承装配夹bearing assembly jig
辊弯成形模roll forming die
用吊车运送板垛的吊sheet carrier
连续压制模die arrangement for continuous compaction
连续压制的模die arrangement for continuous compaction
通用工general-utility tool
造型工moulder's tool
measuring gauge
tool (Such high-carbon steels are not so much used in engineering as steels with low and medium carbon content, though tools and other instruments which are required to be very hard have carbon contents up to 1.5 per cent. 虽然工具和仪器需要很高的硬度,其含碳量高达1.5%,但是如此高含碳量的钢在工程上的使用量远不如低碳钢和中碳钢多。)
measuring tool steel (【技】适于制造量具的工具钢。量具在使用过程中经常与被测工件接触,受到碰撞与磨损,故要求量具钢应具有高的硬度和耐磨性,高的尺寸稳定性和足够的韧性。)
gauge steel
金刚石刀diamond tool
金刚石刀diamond cutter
金刚石切削工diamond cutter
金刚石工diamond tool
金刚石整修工diamond dressing tool
金刚石整修工diamond-impregnated head
金属模metallic die
用合金钢alloy steel for chisel
用合金钢alloy chisel steel
钢含碳量chisel temper
韧度chisel temper
用工具钢chisel tool steel
用钢chisel steel
钢丝弯曲工wire bending tool
钢结硬质合金刀steel bonded carbide tool
钣金工plate work tools
钣金工plate work tool
钨工碳 1.2% -1.4%, 钨5% ~ 8%,铬 0% ~ 1.0%,钒0% -0.5%Riffel steel
钨工tungsten tool steel
钨工Riffel steel (1.2~,1.4C, 5〜 8W,0~1Cr,0~0.5V)
钨铬工tungsten chromium tool steel
钨铬钒工tungsten-chromium-vanadium tool steel
钳式带卷吊lifting grab
钳式带卷吊lifting grab
drilling rig
drill rig
打捞器grab iron
钼系高速工molybdenum series high-speed tool steel
钽镍铬合金工tantalum tool alloy
铆接模riveting set
锯切工sawing tool
锰硅工manganese-silicon tool steel
锰钒工manganese-vanadium tool steel
锻工工blacksmith tool
锻造工forging tool
锻造工wrought tool steel (0.7 ~ 1.4C, <0.2Si, <0.35Mn, <0.03P, < 0.03S)
镶一粒金刚石的整修工single point diamond dressing tool
镶多粒金刚石整修工multiple diamond dressing tool
镶嵌有金刚石的硬质合金工diamond-impregnated hard metal tool
镶有三粒金刚石的整修工triple diamond dressing tool
闭锻模closed-die steel
防护用safety ware
防护面face guard
防毒gas-proof mask
防毒gasproof mask
除渣工slag-removal tool
陶瓷刀ceramic tool
陶瓷切削刀ceramic cutting tool
非合金工unalloyed tool steel (【技】用于制造各种工具、模具的非合金钢,曾经称为碳素工具钢。这类钢含碳量较高,在结构组织上属共析或过共析钢。淬火后表面有较高的硬度和耐磨性,心部有较好的塑性、韧性,但由于其淬透性差,只用于制造小型工具、模具。该类钢一般用电弧炉冶炼。对性能要求高的品种,可以进行电渣重熔。)
顶铆工holding-up tool
顶锻工heading tool
风动夹air-operated fixture
风动夹air jig
风动夹air-clamping fixture
风动工air-operated tool
高合金工high-alloy tool steel
高合金工high alloy tool steel
高温模hot-working die steel
高温模hot-die steel
高碳冷作工cold-working high-carbon tool steel
高碳合金工high-carbon alloy tool steel
高碳高钒模high-carbon high-vanadium die steel
高速刀high-speed cutter
高速工high-speed tool steel (【技】高速工具钢的主要合金元素有 W、 Mo、 Cr 和 V 等。一些特种高速钢中还含有 Co 和 Al 等元素。高速钢的主要用途是作为高速切削工具的材料,同时还用于制作性能要求高的模具、轧辊和机械零件等。)
高速工rapid tool steel
高速工red-hard steel
高速工high speed tool steel
高速工钢轧辊high-speed tool steel roll
高速钢刀high-speed steel tool (Using such high-speed steel tools, metal parts can be machined many times faster than by the use of plain carbon steel tools. 使用这种高速钢刀具切削金属部件的速度比使用普通碳素钢刀具快许多倍。)
高速钢刀high-speed steel cutting tool
齿条形刀rack-shaped cutter
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