
Terms for subject Economy containing 具有 | all forms | in specified order only
一张具有一视同仁条款的通知张贴在明显的场所A notice with the provision of non-discrimination was posted in conspicuous places
具有法人资格的企业an unincorporated enterprise
具有法人资格的企业unincorporated enterprise
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
他们承认在这次具体交易中没有用他们一贯慎重的态度去办理我方定货They admit not having given our order their usual careful attention in this particular business
他们认为,损坏的原因是由于工具与箱子内壁之间没有足够的空隙They ascertained that the damage was due to the fact that there was no enough clearance between the tools and the inside of the case
仲裁庭的最后判决具有约束力,而且是结论性的The final verdict of the arbitration court shall be binding and conclusive
具体的有用劳动concrete useful labor
具有充分担保的债权人fully-secured creditors
具有充分担保的负债fully-secured liabilities
具有历史价值的国家文物national treasure of historic value
具有广泛的业务范围have a wide scope of (business)
具有法定准备金的人寿保险公司legal reserve life insurance company
具有终审权的法庭宣判对特许设备的索赔已告失效Claims covering the licensed devices are declared invalid by a court of final jurisdiction
具有结案依据的仲裁裁决award having the authority of res judicata
具有适航性tight staunch and fit
在国内具有显著的经济效益conspicuous social economic results domestically
在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year
如同时能提供这些摩擦玩具样品,将有助于我们选购We should find it most helpful if you could also send samples of these friction toys
我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country
我们签署了协议,该协议具有6个月后可重新讨论各项条件的附文We signed the agreement with the proviso that the terms can be discussed again after six months
所有不动产,如无具体的处理办法,则应提交法院判决All real estate, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for, shall be submitted to the court
无条件继承的不动产,不限制具有一定身份的人才能继承的土地fee simple
本协议的两种文本对双方具有同等约束力Both versions of this agreement are equally binding to either party
由于最近陶瓷餐具的销售下降,我们对此感到有些不安We fell somewhat perturbed by the recent fall in our sales for porcelain tablewares
由于没有手推车或其他搬运工具,我们运送这些包裹非常不方便It is rather inconvenient for us to move all these packages for lack of handcart or other carrying implements
该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations
这一代理书具有和我本人亲自到场同样的效力和作用The power of attorney in fact represents same force and effect as if I were actually present
这些文件是具有全公司意义的These documents are of overall company significance
这家公司具有法定股份…股,每股面值2美元The company has ... shares of authorized stock of the par value of $2 per share
这种新产品具有下述几项功能The new product has several functions as follows
除了少数几个稍有瑕疵之外,这批搪塑玩具非常令人满意These enamel-plastic toys are quite satisfactory except for a few which are slightly defective