
Terms for subject Electronics containing 具有 | all forms | in specified order only
具有三种涂层的复合包覆颗粒triplex coated particle
具有下降速度特性的电动机dropping response motor dropping speed motor
具有互补射极跟随器的非阈值逻辑nonthreshold logic with complementary emitter-follower
具有光学投影系统的聚光灯spotlight with projective optical system
具有分断能力的连接器connector with breaking capacity
具有初步作战能力的载人轨道站early capability orbital manned station
具有 可信度的重复精度全部读数的95.5%落人所限定边界之内two sigma value precision
具有3σ可信度的重复精度全部读数的99.7%落人所限定边界之内three sigma value precision
具有 可信度的重复精度全部读数的68.3%落人所限定边界之内one sigma value precision
具有增益的量程扩展器range extender with gain
具有多个发电厂的环形系统ring system of stations
具有岀网访问能力的国际封闭用户群international closed user group with outgoing access
具有折射线性元件的太阳聚能器阵列技术solar concentrator array with refractive linear element technology
具有智能传送功能的随机存取缓冲器random access buffer with intelligent transfer
具有智能学习与开发功能的计算机computer having intelligent learning and development
具有最高效率和空前安全性的欧洲交通计划Programme for European Traffic with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety
具有潜在活性的potentially active
具有环境温度补偿的继电器relay with ambient temperature compensation
具有硅高效探测器的完备光电子装置complete optoelectronics with silicon high efficiency detectors
具有行政职能的技术人员technical person with executive function
具有错误恢复功能的分布数据访问语言language access to distributed data with error recovery
指向具有更高优先级并将要执行任务的任务控制块task control block high-prior-ready
管式发射光学跟踪有线制导导弹瞄准具视频摄像系统TOW missile sight video camera system