
Terms for subject Management containing 关系 | all forms | in specified order only
上下级关系superior-subordinate relationship
上司与部下的关系the superior-subordinate relationship
上级与部下关系superior-subordinate relationship
个人行为与人群关系individual behavior and human relations
主管单位与其上下单位之间的关系relations between the units and their multiples and divisions
主管部属关系relationship between superior and subordinate
交互关系cross relationships
产业关系讲习会institute of industrial relations
产业关系趋势industry-related trends
产供销关系production-supply-marketing relation
人事关系personnel relation
人-机关系man-machine report
人类关系human relations law
人群关系哲学human relations philosophy
人群关系学派human relation school
人群关系工程师engineer of human relations
人群关系技术human relation skill
人群关系环境human relations climate
人群关系管理的学派human relation school of management thought
人群关系运动human relation movement
人际关系学派the interpersonal behavior approach
人际互应关系complementary transactions
人际交互关系分析transactional analysis
优先关系precedence relationship
作业关系activity relationship chart
公共关系与安全教育局bureau of public relation and safety education
公共关系主任ambassador of good will
公共关系public relations chart
公共工业关系public and industrial relations
关系企业product group
关系relationship charts
劳资关系industrial relation
受阻交互关系crossed transaction
员工关系指标Employee Relation Index
员工总体关系overall relationship among the employee
工业关系industrial relation
工作关系working relationship
布置工作对人的关系问题提供建议suggestion on human relations problem involved in layout
支持关系supportive relationship
支持关系理论support relation theory
改革经济关系reformating economic relations
政府关系government relations
权变关系contingent relationship
布置连接理论空间关系theoretical space relationship
生产关系relationship of production
生产关系relations of production
生产专业与管理关系line and staff relation
目的和手段的关系end mean relationship
知觉-运动关系perceptual-motor relationship
管理关系幅度span of managerial relationship
结构关系structural relation
结算关系relationship of clearing
良好的公共关系good public relations
行动-成果关系active-outcome relationship
银行关系簿bank relation book
长期关系relation of long standing
集体关系group relationship
雇员关系employee relations (relationship)
高级人事关系管理技巧advanced interpersonal managing skills