
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
世纪地球物理Century Geophysical Co.
共信号signal common
共电源组common power supply group
共自动增益控制ganged automatic gain control
共自动增益控制common automatic gain control
用信号通道common signaling channel
勘探数据咨询有限Exploration Data Consultants Incorporated
美国哈里伯顿司油藏描述服务中心Halliburton Reservoir Description Service
美国哈里伯顿测井服务Halliburton Logging Services
挪威国家石油司剖面集成系统Den Norske State Oil Co. profile integration system
挪威国家石油司剖面集成系统STAOIL profile integration system
国际石油勘探 有限International Petroleum Exploration Company (Limited)
地球物理与技术石油服务Geophysical and Technical Petroleum Services Company
地球物理勘探联合Geophysical Associates Incorporation
地球物理研究Geophysical Research Corporation
地球观测卫星Earth Observation Satellite Company
得克萨斯仪器司电子计算机Texas Instruments automatic computer
微探测设备技术Microsensor Technology, Inc's
数字测井Digital Legging Incorporation
斯伦贝谢所服务的区域Schlumberger district
斯伦贝谢司射孔和测试中心Schlumberger Perforating and Testing Centre
美国普查地球物理Advance Geophysical Corporation
格林山地球物理Green Mountain Geophysics, Inc.
油藏成像Reservoir Imaging Inc.
测井司代码logging company code
相干技术Coherence technology Co.
磁脉冲有限Magnetic Pulse Inc.
罗拉克服务Lorac Service Corporation
航测服务Aero Service Corporation
航空物理开发Aerophysics Development Corp.
诊断服务Diagnostic Services, Inc
轨道成像Orbital Imaging Corp.
阿科司地震基准点程序组Atlantic Richfield Corporation seismic benchmark suite
阿科司地震基准点程序组ARCO seismic benchmark suite
顺磁测井股份有限Paramagnetic Logging, Inc.
高级视觉系统Advanced Vision Systems Inc.