
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing | all forms
任务task announcement
先决条件precondition WFF
共价值拍卖common value auction
Hestenes-StiefelHestenes-Stiefel formula
Fletcher-Reeves Fletcher-Reeves equation
Sherman-Morrison-Woddbury Sherman-Morrison-Woddbury formula
Fletcher-Reeves Fletcher-Reeves formula
式推演formula manipulation
有方法public method
Cox Cox axiom
路信息系统highway information system
路数据库highway database
路立交桥overpass highway
路行驶时间调查highway travel time survey
分封交换众数据网络Packet-Switched Public Data Network
室分配office assignment
室分配案例研究office-assignment case study
反向传播backward propagation formula
命题合适well-formed propositional formula
天桥overpass highway
对称symmetry axiom
恒等identity axiom
操作理化axiomatization of operation
数学mathematical formula
框架frame axiom
模态逻辑axiom of modal logic
海军研究办Office of Naval Research
美国路合作研究组织群National Cooperative Highway Research Program
美国国际电话电信International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
谓词predicate formula
谓词演算wffs of predicate calculus
谓词演算的合适well-formed formula of predicate calculus
递减开叫价open-cry descending auction
重估reestimation equation