
Terms for subject Economy containing 公章 | all forms | in specified order only
伪造公章falsification of public seal
公司的章程将由签名于下的公司发起人起草The articles of incorporation will be drafted by the undersigned promoters of the company
公司章程companies act (law of corporation; company law)
公司章程articles of incorporation
公章印章company's seal
双方盖上了他们公司的印章Both sides have affixed their corporate seals
合股营业公司章程articles of association
外资公司应无条件遵守中国各地劳动部门所订的各种规章制度Foreign-funded companies should unconditionally comply with the rules and regulations of the labour departments in different localities in China
我们已收到盖有公证人印章的契约We have received the instruments with the stamp of the notary
所有的雇员必须按照公司的规章条例办事All of the employees shall act in conformity with the bylaws established by the company
昨日各方签署了各自的公章Each of the parties affixed their corporate seals yesterday
秘书将公证人的印章盖在公文上The secretary affixed the notary's stamp to the papers
秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office
经公证人盖章证明的汇票a notarized draft
股东的股息将根据公司的章程来决定Shareholders' equity interest is determined according to bylaws of corporation