
Terms containing 公称尺寸 | all forms | in specified order only
construct.公称额定,给定尺寸intended size
auto.公称额定,给定尺寸intended size
met.公称标定尺寸intended size
tech.公称标称尺寸nominal size
tech.公称尺寸intended size
tech.公称尺寸normal dimension
tech.公称尺寸nominal measurement
tech.公称尺寸specified size
compr.公称尺寸principal dimension
met.公称尺寸basic size
el.mach.公称尺寸normal size
hydroel.st.公称尺寸nominal size
plast.公称尺寸管材nominal size
wind.公称尺寸nominal dimension
nautic., tech.公称尺寸名义尺寸nominal dimension
tech.公称尺寸范围nominal dimension range
refrig.公称尺寸配管nominal size tubing
el.公称管道尺寸nominal pipe size
tech.管子公称尺寸size of pipe and tubing
gen.管子公称尺寸nominal pipe size
met.管材公称尺寸nominal size of pipe
hydroel.st.管材的公称尺寸nominal size of pipers
tech.管材的公称尺寸nominal size of pipes
tech.进口公称尺寸inlet nominal size
shipb.进气口公称尺寸air-inlet nominal size
met.钢材公称尺寸nominal size of finished steel product (【技】指钢材有关标准中规定的名义尺寸,是钢材生产过程中希望获得的理想尺寸。)