
Terms containing 公称力 | all forms | in specified order only
auto.轮胎公称名义充气压力nominal inflation pressure
auto.公称名义压力nominal pressure
tech.公称出力nominal rating
auto.公称力normal force
auto.公称力prime torque
tech.公称升船能力nominal lifting capacity
compr.公称压力nominal pressure
tech.公称压力等级nominal pressure grade
tech.公称压力行程nominal working stroke
steel.公称墩锻力nominal upset force
tech.公称工作压力nominal working pressure
tech.公称工作压力nominal operating pressure
tech.公称应力nominal stress
commer.公称最大生产能力nominal maximum capacity
oil公称能力nominal capacity
met.公称马力nominal horsepower
tech.公称马力horsepower nominal
tech.公称马力horse power nominal
tech.公称马力nominal horse power
shipb.公称马力horse-power nominal
nautic., tech.带过热器锅炉的公称压力nominal pressure of the boiler with super-heater