
Terms for subject Technology containing 公海 | all forms | in specified order only
伊利诺斯中央海湾铁路公司Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Company (美国)
保护地中海免受污染公约Convention for Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution
公共海域public waters
公共海域public sea area
公海broad seas
公海international water
公海mare liberum
公海open sea and ocean
公海public seas
公海public waters
公海open seas
公海blue waters
公海作业operation on open sea
公海作业open ocean operation
公海公约Convention on the High Sea
公海broad ocean area
公海污染open sea pollution
公海law of the open seas
公海海床bed of the high sea
公海生物资源捕捞及养护公约Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Resources of High Seas
公海系泊平台open-ocean mooring platform
公海自由freedom of the high sea (航行权)
公海自由freedom of seas (航行权)
公海自由freedom of open sea (航行权)
公海航标public beacon
公海航行权freedom of the seas
发生油污事故时在公海上进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on High Seas in Oil Spill Accident
国际便利海上运输公约Convention of Facilitation of International Maritime traffic
国际公路运输海关公约批准单international road transport approval plate
国际干预公海油污染事件公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
国际海上核材料运输民事责任公约Conventional Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
国际海上避碰规则公约Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
国际海洋和石油开发公司International Marine and Oil Development Company
国际海港制度公约Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports
国际海运公会International Chamber of Shipping
国际航业公会国际海运联盟International Chamber of Shipping
国际防止海上油污染公约International Convention for the prevention of Pollution of the Sea by oil
国际防止海上油污染公约International Convention for prevention of oil Spill Pollution of the Sea
威廉一海曾计算水道平均流速公式William-Hazen formula
横穿海峡公路trans-isthmian highway
沿海各州天然气公司Coastal States Gas (美国)
沿海岸的高速公路seashore freeway
沿海岸的高速公路bayshore freeway
海上人命公约年度检查mandatory annual survey
海上保险公司marine insurance Co.
海上列车运输公司sea train line
海上抵押权和留置权公约Convention on Maritime Mortgages and Liens
海中公园marine park
海事公估人nautical assessor
海伦尼克造船公司Hellenic Shipyards Company
海关办公楼customs house
海利打桩公式Hiley's pile driving formula
海利桩承载力计算公式Hiley's pile driving formula
海外集装箱公司须知oversea container limited information sheet
海外集装箱运输公司Oversea Container Ltd.
海外集装箱运输公司Oversea Container Line
海底公园marine park
海德公园Hyde Park (伦敦)
海洋公约maritime convention
海洋运输公司shipping company
海港公约maritime ports convention
海湾地区高速公路bay area rapid transit
海滨公园seaside park
海滨公园coastal park
海陆公司方式sea-land system
海陆运输公司sealand service incorporation
海难救助公司salvage company
滨海公园seaside park
滨海公路coastal highway
石油公司海上油污赔偿协会Oil Companies Institute for Marine Pollution Compensation Ltd.
联合国海洋公约United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
航海公告notice to mariners
防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染的海洋公约Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matters into Ocean
集装箱海上运输公司方式container marine line system
集装箱海上运输公司方式CML system
集装箱海运公司container marine line
领海与毗邻区公约Convention on the Territorial Sea, the Contiguous zone