
Terms containing 公有 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济the nonpublic sectors of the economy such as the individual-proprietorship businesses
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济private companies and other components of the non-public sector of the economy
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济private and other non-public sectors
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual and private sectors of the economy
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济the non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual-proprietor ship businesses
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济self-employed, private and other non-public sectors
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济non-public sectors comprising businesses of individual and private ownerships (individual and private businesses)
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济individual and other non-public sectors
China, polit.个体、私营等非公有制经济individual-proprietorship businesses, private companies and other components of the non-public sector of the economy
securit.公有制为主导的股份公司stock company with public ownership as the mainstay
China, polit.以社会主义公有制为主体take the socialist public ownership as the mainstay
econ.共所communal property
securit.公有public ownership
tech.公有government owned
textile公有government ownership
gen.公有in common
commer.公有事业public institution
IT公有public cloud
proj.manag.公有产业communal property
adv.不受版权限制的公有产业、艺术作品等public domain
econ.公有人口她律的意见ideas on the common law population
econ.公有人口她律的意见idea on the common law population
proj.manag.公有企业publicly-owned enterprises
commer.公有企业public enterprise
brit., busin.混合经济中公有企业public sector
lab.law.公有企业劳动关系法law of labour relations in public industry
busin.公有企业劳动关系法law of labor relations in public industry
busin.公有social ownership
busin.公有state ownership
econ.公有the public ownership
econ.公有public ownership
busin.公有common ownership
China, polit.公有制为主体public ownership is dominant
securit.公有制主导下的混合型所有制形式mixed form of ownership with public ownership taking the leading role
econ.公有制经济public-owned economy
econ.公有transfer to public ownership
comp., net.公有区块链Public Blockchains
forestr.公有土地common land
busin.公有土地public domain
manag.公有土地crown land
agric.公有土地public land
agric.公有common land
tech.公有communal land
tech.公有state land
agric.公有public lands
agric.公有crown land
agric.公有common land
econ.公有public domain
desert.公有open spaces
textile公有地产public land
busin.公有地产estate of the realm
anim.husb.公有地、公有草地open spaces
tech.公有垂线common perpendicular
AI.公有方法public method
forestr.公有community forest
desert.公有public corporation forest
tech.公有public corporation-forest
desert.公有forest for community
agric.公有public forest
agric.公有unclassed forest
agric.公有common forest
desert.公有communal forest
water.res., ecol.公有污水处理厂public wastewater treatment facilities
tech.公有污水处理厂public waste water treatment facility
agric.公有牧场public pasture
agric.公有牧场community pasture
lat., econ.公有res communis
securit.公有common property
anim.husb.公有畜群communally owned herds
commer.公有public (a.)
interntl.trade.公有租赁tenancy in common
tech.公有空气团common air mass
busin.国有股份的公有股东public shareholder
ecol.公有自然资源common natural resources
busin.公有财产government property
econ.公有财产public property
econ.公有财产property in common
econ.公有财产public domain property
econ.公有财产community property
fin.公有财产government properties
interntl.trade.公有财产public domain
proj.manag.公有财产communal property
busin.公有财产community of property
econ.公有财产原则community-property principle
tech.公有财产土地public property land
fin.公有财产审计audit of public properties
busin.公有财产审计audit of public property
interntl.trade.公有财富public wealth
interntl.trade.公有财物government properties
textile公有资本public capital
agric.公有资金public finances
tech.公有部分public sector
agric.经济学中公有部门工业public sector
agric.公有面积village area
agric.公有面积communal area
econ.公有领域public domain
interntl.trade.公有公司quasi-public company
fin.公有公司quasi-public corporation
interntl.trade.公有公司quasi-public company
fin.公有公司quasi-public corporation
lat., econ.团体成员公有res universitatis
tech.国际公有international commons
earth.sc.土地公有communal ownership of land
earth.sc.土地公有public ownership of land
tech.土地公有public land ownership
tech.土地公有public ownership of land
tech.土地公有common ownership of land
econ.土地占有制的公有形式communal form of land tenure
China, polit.坚持公有制为主体keep public ownership dominant
China, polit.坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
tech.公有土地授予私人private land grant
econ.死者公有财产property owned by decedent
econ.比较成熟的社会主义公有more developed form of socialist public ownership
tech.民营性质的公有制形式public ownership with a popularly-run nature
commer.公有限公司Yukong Limited (1962)
securit.混合所有公有制为主的股份公司stock company under mixed ownership with public ownership rights as the principal part
econ.生产资料公有public ownership of the means of production
econ.生产资料公有the socialization of means of production
econ.生产资料公有socialization of means of production
China, polit.生产资料的社会主义公有socialist public ownership of the means of production
econ.社会主义公有public ownership under socialism
econ.社会主义公有socialist public ownership
econ.社会主义公有public ownership system of socialism
agric.社会主义公有socialistic public ownership
China, law社会主义公有制经济的补充complement to the socialist public economy
econ.私人独占企业公有政策public policy on private monopoly
econ.英国的公有财产crown estate
ecol.公有制林业non-public owned forestry
ecol.公有制林业non-public forestry
China, polit.公有制经济the non-public sector of the economy
China, polit.公有制经济the economic sector of non-public ownership
China, polit.公有制经济non-public sector of the economy
fin.公有制经济发展环境environment for the development of the non-public sector of the economy
ecol.鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy