
Terms for subject Securities containing 公共 | all forms | in specified order only
公众共同基金public mutual fund
公共事业税共同基金tax-managed utility mutual fund
公共信息设施基础public information infrastructure
公共信托基金public trust fund
公共债券筹资public debt financing
公共债务public debt
公共债务government debt
公共债务专员Commissioner of Public Debt
公共关系公关public relations
公共关系公司public relations firm
公共再投资法community reinvestment act
公共垄断public monopoly
公共建房特许债券public housing authority bond
公共建房特许债券美国为中低收人者住房项目融资所发行的长期市政债券public housing authority bond
公共房地产投资信托public REIT
公共有限合作企业此类公司股票由经纪人公开出售并且在监管部门注册public limited partnership
公共目的债券public purpose bond
公共职能public function
公共职责public function
公共调查public survey
公共辛迪加public syndicate
公共部门存款pubic deposits
公共限价指令public limit order
共同基金公司mutual fund company/corporation
共同投资信托公司mutual investment trust
公共资金的非法占有unauthorized retention of public money
1935 年公共事业持股公司法Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
整个公司共同成本common firm-wide cost
注册公共会计师certified public accountant
短期公共贷款short-term public loan
通用公共电脑网络generalized common computer network
需登载于公共记录册的详细情况particulars to be included in public register
公共目的市政债券private purpose municipal bond