
Terms for subject Environment containing 公众 | all forms | in specified order only
公众public The community or people in general or a part or section of the community grouped because of a common interest or activity (因共同的利益而被划分为不同的社会阶层。)
公众信息public information Factual or circumstantial knowledge or the service, office or station providing this knowledge for an entire population or community, without restriction (事实或间接知识或服务,没有限制的向整个人口或社区提供这些知识的办公室或站。)
公众关系public relations The methods and activities employed by an individual, organization, corporation, or government to promote a favourable relationship with the public (由个人、组织、公司或政府采用的方法或行为,以此体现和公众良好的关系)
公众区域public access to land The right or permission for all persons of a community to use government owned geographic areas such as parks, campgrounds and historical sites (诸如公园、营地、历史古迹等区域,允许公众进入的区域。)
公众旁听public attendance No definition needed (无需定义。)
公众服务public service An enterprise concerned with the provision to the public of essentials, such as electricity or water (提供公共必需品相关的企业,例如电和水。)
公众机构public institution Institution for the management of public issues (管理公共事务的机构)
公众检查官public prosecutor's office A government agency for which an elected or appointed attorney or staff of attorneys is vested with the authority by a constitution or statute to try cases on the government's behalf, to represent public interest or to take legal action against persons violating federal, state or local laws (一个政府机构,该机构中选举或任命的律师或律师工作人员具有由宪法或法律赋予的权利,他们代表政府审理,表达公共利益或对危害联邦、国家或当地法律的人采取法律行动。)
公众讨论public discussion Consideration, commentary by argument or informal debate on some issue that is open and of concern to the general populace (与大众利益相关且向大众开放的审议过程,一般通过争论和评论的方式。)
公众调查public inquiry An investigation, especially a formal one conducted into a matter of public utility by a body constituted for that purpose by a government, local authority, or other organization
公众部门public sector Segment of the economy run to some degree by government, including national and local governments, government-owned firms and quasi-autonomous non-government organizations (在某种程度上由政府运行的经济部门,包括国家和地方政府,政府拥有的企业和类似于自治的无政府组织。)
法定公众团体statutory public body An association, supported in whole or part by public funding, that is established to operate programs for the public, often with little interference from government in day-to-day business (全部或部分由公共资金支持,为群众设立运作方案,往往在没有政府干预下日常业务的一个协会。)