
Terms for subject Economy containing 全 的 | all forms | in specified order only
一国输出占全世界输出的份额export share
不保火灾险是不安全的It is unsafe not to cover insurance against fire
不安全的投资insecure investment
不完全的价格适应性imperfect price flexibility (弹性)
不完全的所有权imperfect ownership
不完全的知识imperfect knowledge
业已采取恰当的安全措施以保护装运Proper safety measures have been taken to protect the shipment
为了人员和财产的安全承包商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect
为保障委托人的利益,受托人应将货物全部投保For the benefit of the consignor, the consignee shall have all the goods insured
买方与卖方之间的完全协议列于本订单的正反页上The complete agreement between the buyer and the seller is shown on the face and reverse side of the order
交付给买方的产品应与样品完全相同The products delivered to the buyer should be identical with the samples
他们不能全部满足我们的需求,只能供应半数They cannot meet our demand to the full extent n., they can only supply half the quantity
他们在那个国家全境内的不同地区委任了专有代理人They have appointed several agents in different areas throughout that country
他们的报盘以付款条件来说完全行不通Their quotation was entirely impracticable as to the terms of payment
他们通过全面的检査把协议的条款和条件加以确定They settled on the terms and conditions of the agreement through an overall review
他们采取一切预防措施,以保证该轮安全抵达目的港They took every precaution to ensure that the ship would arrive at the port of destination in safety
他变卖了部分房地产,付清了他的全部账单He discharged all his reckonings by selling part of his real assets
他通过起诉,收回了逾期未付的全部款项He recovered all the overdue money by suit
以工商业比较发达的大城市为依托的全国经济中心national economic networks with the advanced industrial and commercial cities as their centers
任何外国人不得在建立合资企业的幌子下收集同我国家安全有关的情报No foreigners are allowed to collect any information concerning our national security under the cover of setting up joint ventures
企业事业的全部费用outright cost of an undertaking
企业的全部费用outright cost of an undertaking
作为担保人,这些公司必须按所持有股份的比例偿付全部债务As guarantors, these companies have to repay all the debts on a proportional basis of their stockholdings
你厂生产的汽车备件的质量,应与从前供应给我方的完全相同The spare parts to the car produced in your factory shall be of exactly the same quality as those previously supplied to us
你方可能已注意到我们完全有能力满足你方对钢材的需要You may note that we are able to satisfy your requirement for steel
你方对我方报价的反应完全可以理解Your response to our offer is quite understandable
你方是涉及该增压器的发明的唯一全部权利拥有者You are the only owner of the entire right in the invention relating to the booster
供预订日场的全部座位all seats bookable for matinee
保全救助费债权的留置权lien securing claim for salvage
保全海事救助债权而行使的留置权lien securing claim in respect of assistance and salvage
全的情况a healthy condition
全的推销组织a well-developed sales organization
全体职工的愿望要服从公司的目标The wishes of the personnel are subordinate to the company's aims
全员参加的生产维修制total productive maintenance
全国性的农业信贷countrywide agricultural-cred it
全国经济关系中的次级体系subsystem of a national economy
全国范围内劳动力的流动性national labour turnover
全民所有制的国家所有制形式ownership by the whole people in the form of state ownership
全球收入的税收管辖权the world-wide tax jurisdiction
全社会的商品生产关系relations of commodity production embracing society as a whole
全输的赌徒gambler’s ruin
全部创建的工业the turnkey industry
全部创建的工程承包方式turn key
全部尚未归还的放款all outstanding advances
全部建成投入生产的建设项目the fully completed project-turned over for production
全部或大部分债券或欠款的到期日balloon maturity
美国全部活都由自己干的农夫dirt farmer
全部的建成费用overall installed cost
全部缴清的股票full-paid capital stock
全部认缴股本的付款payment of all subscriptions
全部财产,包括有形的和无形的,都已岀售了All the property n., both tangible and intangible, has been sold
全部财产的转让general assignment
全部货物库存的总价值估计约为五万美元The entire stock of goods is valued at about $50.000
全部购进式销售否则即取消的指标fill or kill order
全面的强制性制裁comprehensive mandatory sanction
全面的最惠国条款comprehensive most-favoured-nation clause
全面的货币积累universal accumulation of money
公共安全和对工程及财产的防护protection of the public and of work and property
公司业务的全部经营情况由公司的经理进行监督The whole operation of the company's business is supervised by the company's manager
公司依靠全体员工卓有成效的工作The company depends om efficient work from its staff
公司正准备增加全体员工的福利待遇The company is planning to increase fringe benefits for all of its employees
分配的全域range of distribution
双方在本协议生效日前已有的全部权利应不受到损害All rights of either party existing before the effective date of the agreement shall remain unimpaired
发票包含一笔交易的全部详情Invoices contain all the details of a deal
合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects
合同必须由全权代表签字并附上该代表的职务称号The contract must be signed by an authorized representative with his designation
告示全境的通告all points bulletin
品种俱全的货物well assorted goods
因此,我们的服务完全可靠,务请放心You may, therefore, be assured of the perfect reliability of our service
国家的全面保证overall guarantee given by the State
在双方签署协议起3天内罢工者现在占据的全部车间必须撤空All workshops now occupied by strikers should be evacuated within three days upon agreement being signed by both parties
在安全的地方out of harm's way
在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格All the technical details on the new product are given in our document
在该商号的全部转包合同中都插入了这样一些材料Such insertions were included in all the subcontracts of the firm
外汇的全面情况overall position of exchange (地位)
如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land
如果我方给你方为期三天的先买权,你方必须购买我们所报的全部货物If we gave you refusal for three days, you must buy all the goods offered by us
全的home and dry
安全集载所需的袋装货the bag for safe stowage
自由竞争perfect competition
全的事实a sober fact
全的国际法主体full subject of international law
全的心理革命complete mental revolution
全的汇率联盟Complete Exchange Union
全的法人资格full juridical personality
完全保有的地产freehold property
完全保有的地产和职位free hold
完全变动的成本fully variable costs
完全和排他的主权complete and exclusive sovereignty
完全在本国生产的产品a wholly obtained product
完全在本国生产的标准the wholly produced criterion
完全由管理部门控制的基金fully managed fund
完全电气化的国民经济all-electric economy
完全通行的货币sound currency
完全集体化的共产主义国家totally collectivized communistic state
实际全损的理算adjustment of actual total loss (调整)
对于产品的安全如有疑问,应迅速通知制造商The manufacturer shall be promptly notified if there is any doubt in relation to the safety of the products
对有争论的标的货物的保全措施measures of conservation in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute
对诉讼标的货的保全措施the measure of protection in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute
对诉讼标的货的保全措施the measure of conservation in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute
小而全的经济单位small but all-inclusive economic
小而全的经济单位small but all-inclusive economic unit
属于全世界的财富cosmopolitan wealth
已全部折旧的资产fully depreciated assets
平衡的全面发展规划balanced over all development planning
开立单据的全过程complete procedure in billing
引进全套设备的特殊保险special insurance related to the import of complete plants and equipment
律师必须得到一份完全而明确的文件证据A full showing of the documentary evidence shall be submitted to the attorney
必须全部接受的联合发价all or none
成本一数量一利润分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-prof it analysis
成本一销售额一利润分析中心的安全幅度margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
我们保存了各种顾客的全面、准确和完整的档案We have kept full, accurate and complete records of various customers
我们客观地评定了全体工作人员的业绩We are objective in evaluating the performance of the staff
我们将奉献全部时间与精力以促进贵公司的交易We shall devote our entire time and energy to the furtherance of the transaction of your company
我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我们应发行占公司股本的完全的实收股份来进行支付We shall issue fully paid-up shares in the capital stock of the company to make payment
我们应在竞争性招标的基础上采办全部材料和设备We shall procure all materials and equipment on a competitive bid basis
我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
我们必须遵守由官方发布的保障人身或财产安全的通令We have to comply with the orders of the public authority for the safety of persons or property
我们现有产品的质量保证与我们以前产品的质量完全相同The quality of our current product is guaranteed totally equal to that of our previous product
、我们的全部设计工作都是在室内完成的All our design work was accomplished inside
我们的办公室计算机配置齐全Our office has been fully equipped with computers
我们相信,你们会发现所报之货完全适合你们的用途We trust you will find the goods offered quite suitable for your purpose
我们盼望完全回收投资的款项We look forward to the complete recovery of the money invested
我们认为要求你方及时完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
我公司的全体工作人员将享受到优厚的薪水和养老金、人身保险和医疗福利All workers of our company will benefit from our excellent rates of pay and our pension, life assurance and sickness benefit schemes
我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
我方完全服从法院的判决We gave complete obedience to the judgement of the court
所有这些情况自然对工厂的可操作性和安全有影响All these circumstances will certainly affect the operability and safety of the works
所说的这些子公司的全部债务都由其母公司代为偿清了All debts of the said subsidiaries were repaid by their parent company
承认的全部可保权益full interest admitted
抽样的质量不能完全代表我方所有产品的质量The quality of the sample chosen was not exactly representative of that of our whole manufactures
持续的全面高涨achieve a sustained overall upsurge
按人口平均计算的全国总产值gross national product per capita
按面值全部缴清的股票fully paid shares (stocks)
推销活动的不完全imperfections in selling activities
新的图案已得到他们公司的全盘同意The new designs have met with their blanket approval
无论如何,请寄给我们这种商品的全套样品At any rate please send up a full range of samples covering this commodity
服从全国的综合平衡subject to nationwide balance
未完全履行的契约an uncompleted contract
本金的安全safety of principal
某人的全部收益the total of one's gains
正在对经济性质的这一问题进行全面调査A full-scale investigation is under way into the matter of economic nature
此目录包含我方目前所能供应的全部产品This catalogue comprises our present availabilities of all products
此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司承担Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company
港口的全部码头团地total quayage of the port
港口的全部码头用地total quayage of the port
现金周转的全过程complete circular flow of cash
用出售股票方法成立这家公司的做法完全失败了The float of the company was a complete failure
由于我方始终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed
由于贵方产品完全适合我方市场,我们下季度的交易将达到相当大的金额Because your products are entirely suitable for our market, our next season's business will run into a considerable sum
由旅行社全部代办的旅游a package tour
甲方特此同意接受总额为30万美元的金额,以清理全部赔款Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims
甲方的全部诉讼费用应由乙方承担All cost and expenses of actions by Part A shall be paid by Part B
破产者的全部资产a bankrupt estate
破产者的全部资产bankrupt estate
管理原则与过去所使用的完全不同是不合适的It is not proper that the administrative principles employed should be quite different from those applied in the past
纯粹竞争中的不完全imperfections in pure competition
经乙方的认可,甲方将采购和销售全部货物及商品Party A shall buy and sell, with the approval of Party B, all goods and merchandise
经济情况的健全程度economic health
经济管理体制的全面改革overall restructuring of the economic management system
经营全面业务的银行an all-purpose bank
被跨国公司被外国完全控制的一部分出口export enclave
装运前,公司应将所有的设备装配完全All equipment is to be assembled in their entirety by the company before shipment
设施齐全独立的办公室a self-contained office
该公司对其产品定期举行全国性的民意测验The company regularly conducts nationwide opinion polls on its products
该公司有足够的资金来付清欠银行的全部款项The company has sufficient funds to pay for all the money due to the bank
该公司的行动完全合法The company's action is completely legal
该船所能安全到达的附近地点as near there to as she can safely get
购进某种商品的全部存货以便垄断市场engross the market
资产全部变现后的清算liquidation after complete realization of asset
资源的全面安排overall disposition of resources
这些文件是具有全公司意义的These documents are of overall company significance
这家公司在征得股东们的同意下,把全部有形资产出售给另一家公司The company has sold all its tangible assets to another company with the consent of the shareholders
这家电器商店提供范围遍及全市的送货上门服务The electrical appliance store has a delivery service to all parts of the city
这座桥在全体工人的合作下提前建成The construction of the bridge was completed ahead of schedule with cooperation of the workforce
通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖给儿童Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child
通道面积和全厂面积的比率ratio of aisle space to total area
采购部经理应该对公司购进的货物负全面责任The purchasing manager should have overall responsibility for the goods bought for the company
非全额参与人的身份associate participant status