
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一国输出占世界输出的份数export share
一应俱all kind kept in stock
一部分或部舱位part or whole of space
不保证船舶经常浮泊但要求安搁浅not always afloat but safe aground
不完a demi
不完交易incomplete transaction
不完的关税同盟incomplete customs union
不完自由竞争imperfect competition
世界粮食安制度system of world food security
保险人身保险endowment insurance
为顾... 的信用起见for honor of
享有部可保利益full interest admitted
仅保损险total loss only
侧壁开式集装箱open side container
侧壁开集装箱open side container
措施protective measures
措施preservation measures
程序中的扣押财产attachment of goods
保持安浮泊always safely afloat
世界总吨位world tonnage
buy up
payment in full
en masse
en bloc
体船员ship's company
体船员all hands
full insurance
值保险full value insurance
分解用零件装配complete knock down
包运费freight in full
名背书endorsement in full
响应total regression
回归total regression
国产业商谈局National Industrial Conference Board
国制造商协会美国National Association of Manufacturers
国制造商协会National Association of Manufacturers
国制造者协会National Association of Manufacturers NAM
国劳动力周转率Labor Turnover, National
国劳资关系法national industrial law
国外贸管理公司协会美国National Association of Export Management Companies
国对外贸易协会national foreign trade council
国工商业主联盟national alliance of business men
国市场national market
国性厂牌national brands
国性批发商national wholesaler
国性规划能力national planning capacity
国技术情报服务局National Technical Information Service
美国国汽车协会National Automobile Association
国生产national production
国经济发展协会National Economic Development Council
国证券交易商协会自动行情指数National association of securities dealers automated quotations index
国证券商人协会national association of securities dealers
国银行账户all banks account
国零售信贷协会national retail credit association
天候飞行all-weather operations panel
full set
complete set
套单据full set of documents
套提单complete set of bill of lading
套提单full set of complete set B/L
套提单full set or bills of lading
套提单full set of bill of lading
套清洁提单full set of clean B/L
套货物full line
套货运单据full set of shipping documents
实船full scantling vessel
式提单long form bill of lading (B/C)
录公司xerox corporation
total loss
保险total loss
损及救助费保险海上保险free all average and salvage charges
损赔偿free of all average
损赔偿即 total loss only TLOfree of all average
损赔偿total loss only
损险total loss cover
损险全损赔偿free from all average
数定购buy up
数收清收据receipt in full
in extenso
日工作者full time workers
日工作职位full-time jobs
日本航空公司All Nippon Airways
日营业full-business-day session
代理人的full powers
full authority
权代理人universal agent
权代理人universal chuck
权代理人authorized agent
权代理委任general power of attorney
权代理权general power of attorney
权代表会议conference of plenipotentiary
权委任full power
权委托书general power of attorney
权租船契约bareboat charter
标准负荷full standard burden
球储备global reserves
球性分保合同world-wide treaty
球性城市global city
球性相互依存战略strategy of global interdependence
球性经济衰退global recession
球流通手段global liquidity
球补偿贸易global compensation
球进口配额global import quotas
球进口限额global import quotas
球配额global quotas unallocated quotas
球配额global quota
球银行同业金融电讯协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
球销售global marketing
球限额global quota
盘拨款最高限额global allocation ceiling
相关total correlation
相联total association
full fare ticket
票价full fare ticket
程单据through document
程多种方式联运through multimodal transport
程提单through bill of lading
程运价through rates
程运费率through rates
程运输through transit
程运输through movement
程运输through carriage
程运送货物through cargo
美工程师协会US Corps of Engineer
胜政策Beggar Thy Neighbor
航程round voyage
全费full pay
衔背书indorsement in full
衔背书endorsement in full
赠款方案all-grant programme
载货甲板continuous cargo decks
通甲板continuous cargo deck
通甲板船flush deck vessel
速航线with all dispatch
in toto
aon (all or none)
保险部业务移转portfolio acquisition
部买下buy out
部付款payment in full
部付款full payment
部付讫payment in full
部保险full insurance
部保险费in full premium
部占有的附属公司wholly-owned subsidiary
部商品减价出售storewide sale
部商品大减价storewide sale
部实际资本stock of real capital
部审查complete verification
部审核complete audit
部容量all told
部履行full coverage
部履行汇票付款义务full discharge of liability under a bill of exchange
部履行义务total discharge (of liability)
部成本full cost
部成本法absorption costing
部所得full income
部损失total loss
部授权证full warrant
部接收blanket acceptance
部收入entire receipts
部校验complete verification
部照办fill-or-kill order
部缴清的股本full-paid capital stock
部股份full stock
部详细审计complete detailed audit
部财产的移交general assignment
部责任full liability
部购买portfolio acquisition
部购买或出售否则即取消的指示fill-or-kill order
部贸易额volume of over-all trade
部费用在内价发票franco invoice
部费用已付all charges paid
部赔偿irrespective of percentage
部进行投资fully invested
部金额entire amount
部销售后或没有销售的报价offer subject to selling all or none
部限额overall limits
量货柜装载full container load
all risks
集装箱船all containership
面价格all-round price
面保险full insurance
面制裁general sanction
面制裁comprehensive sanctions
面削减across-the-board cut
面发展integrated development
面均衡general equilibrium
面均衡模型general equilibrium model
面就业政策overall employment policy
面的强制性制裁comprehensive mandatory sanctions
面的最惠国条款comprehensive most-favored-nation clause
面禁运total embargo
面认可blanket approval
面调查团general survey mission
面通货膨胀general inflation
面鉴定complete verification
面降低关税across-the-board tariff reduction
额参与人full participant
风险式all risk form
共同安总署Mutual Security Agency
共同安法案Mutual Security Act
关于海关安的安排应以各国法律为准national legislation regarding the customs security arrangements should prevail
关于追索权的保措施conservatory measures in relation to recourse
军事安关税tariff for military security
.到住处部费用在内价franco domicile
到岸价加佣C.I.F. and C. cost, insurance, freight and commission
制造商生产的部产品whole line of manufacturer's product
单独海损无免赔率irrespective of percentage
P. &. L.去年年总损益total profit and loss for the previous year
只保推定constructive total loss only
各色俱的货物well assorted goods
各色倶的货物well assorted goods
各货倶all kind kept in stock
否则即部取消的订单fill-or-kill order
告失后补缴部保险费full premium if lost
商定arranged total loss
国际安运输集装箱公约1972年12月2 日International Convention for Safe Transport Container
国际海上人命安公约international convention for safety of life at sea
国际集装箱安公约International Convention for Safe Transport Container
墨西哥国金融公司National Financiera, S.A. (Mexico)
外汇的面地位overall position of exchange
多种方式联运entire multimodal journey
保护程度protection of security
入口security entrance
合格牌照safety approval plate
和工业标准safety and industrial standards
地带margin of safety
存货safety stock
条件safeguard requirement
商品margin of safety
margin of safety
积载所需的袋装货bag for safe stowage
网基金safety net facility
装置security device
负荷safe working load
资本security capital
边际指可能达到的销货额超过保本点销货额的保险数额;指售价超过成本的数额margin of safety
边际指售价超过成本的数额margin of safety
通行safe conduct
通行证safe conduct
限量threshold limit values
集装箱safe container
不平均perfect inequality
兑换full convertibility
关税同盟complete customs union
原产wholly originated
同意blanket approval
国营贸易full state trading
在本国生产的产品wholly obtained produced product
在本国生产的标准wholly produced criterion
垄断complete monopoly
平均perfect equality
承保full terms
承保full coverage
承保full conditions (full terms)
报单perfect entry
服务full service
条件full terms
条件full conditions (full terms)
标准成本perfection standard cost
满载full and down
生产时间throughput time
的移动性perfect mobility
破产strong broke
破产dead broke
竞争市场perfect competition market
背书full endorsement
自由竞争perfect competition
金本位full gold standard
定货不能部供应的通知omit note for order
定货不能部照办之通知omit note for order
实际virtual total loss
实际actual total loss
对诉讼标的物的保措施measures of conservation protection in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute
部缴款股票fully paid shares (stocks)
平衡的面发展规划balanced over-all development planning
授予invested with full authority
接受部或部分数量的选择权option of accepting all or part of the quantity
船只或货物接近verge on total loss
推定technical total loss
推定损条款constructive total loss clause
最大部分般变异值greatest portion of overall variance
条约text of treaty
正常式提单regular long form bill of lading
正式签章的套提单full set negotiable bill of lading
母公司向子公司的部股本转移split-ups (of stocks)
津巴布韦国铁路公司National Railways Corporation of Zimbabwe
电吿部细节telegraph full particulars
相对relative total loss
破损漏气物件必须移至安地点用于易燃液体leaking packages must be removed to a safe place
社会安法案social security act
社会安security tax
社会安给付social security benefit checks
约定compromised total loss
经商定后的部损失compromised total loss
绝对实际全损absolute total loss
绝对actual total loss
绝对absolute total loss
编制面预算办法full budgeting approach
美中贸易国理事会National Council for US-China Trade
美国国商会United States Chamber of Commerce
美国进口商国委员会National Council of American Imports
联合国促进球经济合作的新机构new United Nations Structure for global economic co-operation
联合国关于南北问题的球性谈判United Nations global negotiations on North-South issues
肯尼迪回合的面关税降减across-the-board tariff reductions in the Kennedy Round
船内安报告clean bill of health
船内完报告clean bill of health
船只能安到达的附近地点as near thereto as the ship can safely get
花色齐nice selection
证券交易等的日市full-business-day session
资源的面安排over-all disposition of resources
部分total loss of part
金额需数收取no margin allowed
金额须数收取no margin allowed
需收no margin allowed
预付程运费through-cargo freight paid in advance at port of departure