
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
不安off safe
不完分解field strip (特指枪炮擦洗时,只对主要部件的分解)
不完的隐错排除imperfect debugging
中国民航安审计项目China aviation safety audit program
中非领航安公司Agence Centrafricaine pour la Securite de navigation Aerienne
中频向指向标MF omnirange
乘客安须知passenger safety guide
传导发射安系数测量conduction emission safety factor measurement
传输安密钥transmission security key
低于安运行极限below safe operating limits
低分辨率向辐射计low resolution omnidirectional radiometer
低功率甚高频向信标low-powered very high frequency omnirange
低功率甚高频向信标low power VOR
低频向作用距离low frequency omnidirectional range
低频向无线电信标low frequency omnidirectional radio range
低频向无线电信标low frequency Omnidirection radio range
作业安operational security
偏于增大安系数的误差error on the safe side
停放飞机安系统parked aircraft security system
停车不安曲线avoid curve
世界机上控制备on-board control equipment worldwide
主动寻的fully-active homing
主动磁轴承fully active magnetic bearing
包旅游包机inclusive tour charters
化学注入all-chemical injection
化学注入系统all-chemical injection system
向传输omnidirection transmission
向信标nondirectional beacon (一种无线电导航设备,能使飞行员从发射站获得他的方位。以中波或长波频率、甚至超高频工作的发射站,在其发射信号中重叠有站点代码。信号中显示出方位或归航方位,被飞机上的无线电罗盘或自动测向仪接收。NDB 设备通常工作在190〜535 kHz 频段,通常发射具有400〜1020 Hz 调制的连续波。当和仪表着陆系统一起使用时被称作 compass locator (罗盘定位仪)。飞机设备为此也能够像锁定无线电广播站那样锁定其他发射机。除了罗盘定位仪,所有的无线电信标除了在语音传送期间外都发射重复连续的三字母识别信号)
向力空间环境omniforce spatial environment
向发射机omnidirection transmission
向大气数据系统omnidirectional air data systems
向大气数据系统omnidirectional air data system (直升机用)
向射击all round fire
向射击武器all-round arm
向指示器omnibearing indicator (通过固定罗盘刻度的旋转指针或绕基准线的旋转刻度盘来给出方位信息的指示器。甚高频全向无线电信标 (VOR )方位是全向方位指示器上的磁方位,而无线电罗盘方位以相对方位出现。注意加拿大所属北部空域以及其他国家的高纬区域,甚高频全向无线电信标台是面向真北而不是磁北)
向指示器omni bearing indicator
向攻击导弹all aspect missile
向数字式雷达omnirange omnidirectional digital radar
向无线电信标no directional radio beacon
向无线电信标omni-directional omni radio beacon
向无线电信标omnidirectional omni radio beacon
向无线电信标non-directional radio beacon
向无线电信标区omni range zone
向无线电信标零点omni range zero
向无线电导航系统omnidirectional range
向无线电导航指示器omni bearing indicator
向测距系统omnibearing distance system
向磁指示器omnibearing magnetic indicator
向磁方位航向指示器omni-bearing magnetic omnimagnetic indicator indicator
向空速指示器omnidirectional airspeed indicator
向空速系统omnidirectional airspeed system
向进场进近灯光系统omni-direction approach light system
向选择器omni bearing selector
向雷达omnidirectional radar
向雷达信标omnidirectional radar range
圆的complete round
地形飞行器all terrain vehicle
复合材料飞行器all composite aircraft
天候航空母舰上降落系统all-weather carrier landing system
天候目标识别传感器all weather identification sensor
天候地形测图系统all-weather topographic mapping system
天候地形测绘系统all-weather topographic mapping system
天候地面观察all-weather surface observations
天候地面观测all-weather surface observations
天候导引器all-weather intruder
天候导引头all-weather homing head
天候导航/攻击设备all-weather nav/attack aid
天候战斗机fighter all-weather
天候战斗机all-weather fighter
天候战术攻击系统all-weather tactical strike system
天候截击all-weather intercept
天候投放系统all-weather delivery system
天候投送系统all-weather delivery system
天候拦击all-weather intercept
天候拦截机all-weather interceptor
天候救生船all weather life raft
天候歼击机fighter all weather (战斗机)
天候海上目标截获系统all-weather sea target acquisition system
天候直升机all-weather helicopter
天候着舰系统all-weather carrier landing system
天候着陆指示器all-weather landing indicator
天候着陆系统all-weather landing system
天候空中投送系统all-weather aerial delivery system
天候空投系统all-weather aerial delivery system
天候舰上降落系统all-weather carrier landing system
天候训练装置all weather training unit
天候识别传感器all-weather identification sensor
天候轻型导弹系统light all-weather missile system
天候进场进近系统all-weather approach system
天候防区外攻击控制系统all-weather standoff attack control system
天候防区外攻击系统all-weather standoff attack system
天候防区外飞机攻击控制系统all-weather stand-off aircraft/attack control system
天候防空圈外攻击控制系统all-weather stand-off attack control system (美国海军)
天候防空圈外攻击系统all-weather stand-off attack system
天候飞行all weather operations
天候飞行all weather flight
天候飞行制导系统all-weather flight guidance system
天候飞行工作组All-Weather Operations Panel (国际民航组织)
封闭totally enclosed
封闭full closed
封闭水冷式totally enclosed water cooled
尺寸natural scale
尺寸boxed dimension
尺寸全规模、全面工程研制full scale engineering development (阶段)
尺寸武器投射full scale weapons delivery
尺寸全面、全规模研制full-scale development
尺寸模型风洞试验数据full-scale wind-tunnel data
尺寸偏差full scale deflection
尺寸坠落试验full-scale drop test
尺寸实体模型engineering mock-up
尺寸实体模型和制造件engineering mock-up and manufacturing assembly
尺寸工程模型full-size engineering model
尺寸工程研制full scale engineering development
尺寸样机full scale mockup
尺寸武器投射full scale weapons delivery
尺寸疲劳试验full scale fatigue test
尺寸研制full scale development (阶段)
尺寸空中靶标full scale aerial target
尺寸风洞full-scale tunnel
full open
开放full open
引信起爆方式full fuzing option
性能极full performance level
性能级full performance level (美国联邦航空局给空中交通管制员定的最高等级)
性能级full performance level (联邦航空局规定的空中交通管制员等级)
指示读数full indicator reading
显示驾驶舱glass cockpit
有界集totally bound set
机动战术空军all-mobile tactical air force
机管理/惯性系统full aircraft management/inertial system
机身whole fuselage
民防空协会civil air patrol
陆上飞行电话系统terrestrial flight telephone system
球产量规划global capacity planning
球低轨道中继卫星global low orbiting relay satellite
球低轨道信息中继卫星global low orbiting message relay satellite
球作战支援系统global combat support system
球信息交换系统global information exchange system
球信息网World Wide Web
球信息网协会World Wide Web Consortium
球信息网络global information grid
球军事指挥与控制系统worldwide military command and control system
球军事指挥与控制系统计算机联网WWMCCS intercomputer network
球军用飞机系统公司global military aircraft system
球决策支援系统global decision support system
球分配系统global distribution system
球卫星导航系统导航和着陆系统GNSS navigation and landing system
球卫星导航系统导航和着陆装置GNSS navigation and landing unit
球卫星导航系统着陆系统GNSS landing system
球卫星数据库satellite global database
球卫星观察网worldwide satellite observing network
球原子钟同步系统worldwide synchronization of atomic clocks
球参考基准系统worldwide reference system
球反恐战global war terrorism
球国家空中指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
球国家级空中指挥所worldwide airborne national command post
球在线global on line
球地址空间global address space
球地球空间信息和服务global geospatial information and services
球地球空间科学任务global geospace science
球大容量外存储器global bull memory
球大气取样程序global air sampling program
球定位global positioning, air data inertial reference system
球定位卫星global positing positioning satellite
球定位,大气数据,惯性基准系统global positioning, air data, inertial reference system
球定位/惯性参照基准global positioning/inertial reference system
球定位系统global positioning system (由美国国防部管理的一个卫星定位、导航、和授时系统。该系统的空间部分由24颗位于6个与赤道平面成55°夹角的轨道平面内的卫星组成。其中21颗卫星处于工作状态,其余的处于备用状态。系统能向全球用户提供有关其位置、速度及时间的精确信息,而且用户数量不受限制。该系统不受天气限制,提供一个全世界范围的公共格网参考系统。GPS概念基于系统中每颗卫星空间位置的精确、连续的信息,用户根据卫星发射的信号来确定它与卫星的距离,并获取时间信息。使用时,GPS 接收机会自动选择位于其视界之内的卫星为其提供相关的信息并将这些信息转换成三维位置、速度及时间。该系统用于民用时,其在水平面内的误差大约为300ft (100m )俄罗斯也有类似的系统称为 GLONASS (全球轨道卫星系统))
球定位系统传感器处理器装置GPS sensor processor unit
球定位系统传感器装置global positioning system sensor unit
球定位系统地面站global positioning system GPS ground stations
球定位系统地面站GPS global positioning system ground station
球定位系统、大气数据与惯性导航系统GPS, air data and inertial navigation system
球定位系统导航处理机GPS navigational processor
球定位系统惯性导航系统GPS inertial navigation system
球定位系统监控系统global positioning system monitoring system
球定位系统监控装置global positioning system monitoring unit
球定位系统着陆和导航系统global position system GPS landing and navigation system
球定位系统着陆和导航系统GPS global positioning system landing and navigation system
球定位系统着陆和导航装置GPS landing and navigation unit
球定位系统着陆和导航装置global position system GPS landing and navigation unit
球定位系统着陆和导航装置GPS global positioning system landing and navigation unit
球定位系统着陆系统global position system GPS landing system
球定位系统着陆系统GPS global positioning system landing system
球定位系统着陆装置global position system GPS landing unit
球定位系统着陆装置GPS global positioning system landing unit
球定位系统综合抗干扰系统integrated GPS anti-jam system
球定位系统联合执行委员会interagency GPS executive board
球定位系统辅助目标系统global positioning system GPS aided target system
球定位系统配套件global positioning system package
球对地观测综合系统global earth observing system of system
球对空观察系统global surveillance system
球导航global navigation
球导航传感器系统global navigation sensor system
球导航传感器系统装置global navigation sensor system unit
球导航卫星系统global navigation satellite system (国际民航组织 (ICAO )所使用的一个概括性的术语,指所有达到国际上规定的导航要求的独立的卫星导航系统,飞行员通过该系统内的卫星所发射的信号便能在机上确定飞机的位置。一个完整的全球卫星导航系统包括卫星 (它可能是由不同的国家和商业集团所发射的),以及对卫星进行增强和监控的地面系统)
球导航卫星系统完整性广播GNSS integrity broadcast
球导航卫星系统完整性频道GNSS integrity channel
球导航卫星系统导航仪装置GNSS navigator unit
球导航卫星系统着陆装置GNSS landing unit
球导航接收机global navigation receiver
球干线网global trunk network
球弹道导弹global ballistic missile defence
球性温度global temperature
球战区指挥与控制系统global theater command and control system
大气密度的球指数模型global exponential model
球搜寻与救援系统global search and rescue system
球搜索与援救系统global search and rescue system
球支援中心worldwide support center
球数据中心global data center
球无线电设施图global radio facility chart
球无线电设施图global RFC
球机载综合导航系统global airborne integrate navigation system
球标准接口系统worldwide standard port system
球模拟global simulation
球气象控制global weather control
球水平回声探测技术global horizontal sounding technique
球海洋数据同化系统global ocean data assimilation system
球海难救援系统global maritime distress and safety system
球环境监视网global network for environmental monitoring
球监测自动中继系统automatic relay global observation system
球移动通信系统global systems for mobile communication
球空中交通办公室global air traffic office
球空中交通管理global air traffic management
球综合负载系统global integrated loads system
球能力计划global capacity planning
球航空公司技术应用词汇world airline technical operations glossary (airline industry standard)
球航空公司技术应用词汇World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary (Airline Industry Standard)
球航空安全计划global aviation safety plan
球航行图global navigation chart
球覆盖天线Earth coverage antenna
球观察自动中继系统automatic relay global observation
球观测数据处理系统global data processing system (世界气象组织)
球警戒指示器监视系统worldwide warning indicator monitoring system
球跟踪系统global tracking system
球跟踪雷达global tracking radar
球问题global problem
球项目受权global project authorization
球预报系统global prediction system
球预警系统global early warning system
球飞机状况监控和管理global aircraft health monitoring and management
生命周期成本through life costs
生命支援through life support
电飞机electric aircraft
飞行试验full range test
程交通through traffic
程均衡mop-up equalization
程序检査end-to-end test
程点whole-range point
程票价through fare
程票价origin-destination fares
程自动引导导弹homing all the way killer
程距离whole-range distance
程运费through rate
程雷达导引寻的radar homing all the way
程飞行模拟机full flight simulator
脸型供氧面罩supply oxygen full face mask
航程工作方式full fight regime
航程工作自动节流门full-flight-regime auto throttle
航线交通管制中心all air route traffic control centers
航线净空full route clearance
航路归航homing all the way
范围full range
负载安培数full load amperes
货机all freighter
货机all freighter
full rate
速副翼all speed aileron
速副翼all-speed aileron
速势方程full-potential equation
速率生产full rate production
速自动配平full rate auto trim
阻尼导航模态azimuth-damped navigation mode
初始系统安工程计划preliminary system safety engineering plan
初步安性分析报告preliminary safety analysis report
初步系统安性评估primary system safety assessment
初步飞机安性评估preliminary aircraft safety assessment
制造计划部完成close out
前向座椅的安forward-facing harness
北约安投资计划NATO security investment programme
区域安分析zone safety analysis
区域安性分析zonal safety analysis
区域完管制绝对控制区area positive control
千分表读数full indicator reading
单元体寿命费用模型modular life-cycle cost model
合成孔径聚焦成像雷达设备synthetic aperture fully focused imaging radar equipment
后向座椅的安aft-facing harness
在安操作范围内within safe operating limit
在航线最小安高度告警en route minimum safe-altitude warning
地下安系统的研究underground security systems research
地区安高度ground area safety altitude
地震安停堆safe shutdown earthquake
地面安与飞行安全要求ground safety and flight safety requirements
地面安继电器ground safety relay
坠毁安crash safety
多支点柔壁喷管all flexible plate nozzle with many hinge points
多普勒甚高频向导航系统Doppler VHF omnirange
多级安multilevel security
夜间/天候起飞着陆night/all-weather take off and landing
夜间及天候战斗机night and all-weather
大气total air pressure
射击安limit of fire
小型机载球定位系统接收器miniaturized airborne global positioning system GPS receiver
“小斗犬”天候制导系统Bullpup all-weather guidance system
局域差分球定位系统local area differential GPS
弹射器安观察员catapult safety observer
总体安性能标准protective ensemble performance standards
战术甚高频向信标very high frequency omnibearing range tactical
战术轰炸安线tactical bomb line
战略空军司令部飞行器安系统SAC aircraft security system
扇形区安高度sector safety altitude
手动安开关manual safety switch
指挥飞行安军官command flight safety officer
收襟翼安速度flap-up safety speed
收襟翼安速度flap up safety speed
改进的复杂系统安性评价系统enhanced safety assessment of complex systems
故障安设计分析fail safe design analysis
显性安evident safety
最低寿命周期费用lowest life cycle costing
最低安弹射高度minimum safe ejection altitude
最低安空投高度minimum safe dropping altitude
最低安飞行高度minimum safe flight altitude
最低安高度minimum safe altitude (除区域导航仪表进近程序外,在仪表进近程序图上紧急使用公布的最低安全高度。由于高地或其他障碍物的出现,在这个高度之下飞行是很危险的。最低安全高度是采用无方向信标或甚高频全向无线电信标设备在25n mile“通常”或30n mile“最大”半径范围内而定义的。如果在机场周向30n mile 内没有甚高频无线电信标或无方向信标,将没有最低安全高度。所示的最低安全高度,在指定区段内的最高障碍物之上,提供至少1000ft 的间隔)
最低安高度minimum obstruction clearance altitude
最低安高度警告minimum safe altitude warning
最低安高度警告minimum safety altitude warning
最低航线安高度minimum enroute safe altitude
最大安跳伞空速jump airspeed
最大安马赫数系统maximum safety mach system
最小安起飞速度minimum takeoff safety speed
最小安速度minimum safety speed
有客舱设备的尺寸模型furnishing mock-up
有效充电effective full charge
打开not fully open
闭合not fully closed
未完打开not fully open
本质安型设备intrinsically-safe apparatus
本质安电路intrinsically-safe circuit
本迪克斯公司研制的天候着陆辅助系统的商品名Micro vision
机体尺寸研制airframe full scale development
机动式空中交通管制与天候着陆系统mobile air traffic control and all-weather landing system
机场安使用长度factored field lengths
机场行动区域安系统airport movement area safety system
机场运动区安系统airport movement area safety system
机密安信息报告制度confidential safety information reporting scheme
机舱 座舱压力安cabin pressurization safety valve (增压阀和真空阀的组合,以阻止机舱 (座舱)压力超出安全界限。该阀门通常结合了过压释放阀、负压安全阀和应急阀的功能。过压释放阀阻止机舱“座舱”压力超过设定值; 负压安全阀通过在外界压力超过舱内压力时,允许外界空气进人舱内,来保证外界压力始终比舱内压力小; 应急阀允许通过座舱内的操作开关紧急降低舱内压力)
机舱座舱压力安cabin pressurization safety vale
机载景雷达panoramic airborne radar
李普曼息术Lippmann holography
材料存取安系统material access security system
标准向无线电信标进场standard omnirange approach
样机尺寸试验mock-up test
核安分析报告nuclear safety analysis report
核安工作组nuclear safety working group
核安管理局directorate of nuclear safety
核武器安保障nuclear weapons surety (措施)
核武器安研究组nuclear weapon safety study group
核武器系统安nuclear weapon system safety group
欧洲安会议European security conference
欧洲民航安研究所European Research Institute for Civil Aviation Safety
欧洲空中航行安组织European Organization for The Safety of Air Navigation ("欧管")
欧洲空管安规章要求Eurocontrol safety regulatory requirements
欧洲航空安European Aviation Safety Agency (2002年6月,欧盟15国在布鲁塞尔的会议上决定成立欧洲航空安全局“EASA”,目标是最大限度地保护公民的安全,促进欧洲航空业的一体化发展。EASA 将接替所有 JAA 的职能和活动,同时允许非 JAA 成员国和其他非欧盟的国家加人)
欧洲航空安European Aviation Safety Agency
欧洲航空安当局European Aviation Safety Authority
武器存储与安系统weapon storage and security system
武器投射安线weapon line
武装和安arm and safe
民用航空安中心civil aviation safety center
澳大利亚民用航空安Civil Aviation Safety Authority
气动安活门pneumatic relief valve
测试安工作组test safety working group
爆炸安设施explosive safe facility
甚高频向信标VHF omnidirectional range
甚高频向信标VOR beacon
甚高频向信标very high frequency omnibearing range
甚高频向信标VHF omnidirectional radio range
甚高频向信标very high frequency omnirange
甚高频向信标very high frequency omni-range
甚高频向信标/仪表着陆系统VOR very high frequency omni-range instrument landing system
甚高频向信标/信标机VHF omnidirectional range/ marker beacon
甚高频向信标和塔康组合台VOR and TACAN combination
甚高频向信标塔康VOR very high frequency omnidirectional range TACAN
甚高频向信标导航台very high frequency VHF omnirange station
甚高频向信标导航台/测距机very high frequency omnirange station with DME
甚高频向信标已衔接VOR engaged
甚高频向信标战术空中导航very high frequency omnidirectional range tactical air navigation
甚高频向信标/指点信标接收机very high frequency omnidirectional range/marker beacon receiver
甚高频向信标测试信号系统VOR test signal system
甚高频向信标测试设备VHF-omni test facility
甚高频向信标测距器VHF omnidirectional range/distance measuring equipment
甚高频向信标测距机VHF omnidirectional range-distance measuring equipment
甚高频向信标-测距机very high frequency VHF omni-range distance measuring equipment
甚高频向信标/测距机控制板VOR/DME control panel
甚高频向信标/测距机系统VOR/DME system
甚高频向信标航向信标接收机very high frequency omnibearing range localizer
甚高频向信标/航向信标截获VOR/LOC capture
甚高频向信标起飞、进场进近与着陆系统VHF omnirange takeoff, approach and landing system
甚高频向导航测试VHF omnirange test
甚高频向无线电信标very high frequency omnidirectional radio range (一种短程甚高频无线电导航系统,在10.00〜117.95MHz 的频带内运行而且能量输出必须覆盖指定的工作服务空间。这个系统受到视线限制而且其覆盖范围与接收设备的高度成正比)
甚高频向无线电信标very high frequency omnirange
甚高频向无线电信标仪表着陆系统VHF omnidirectional range/instrument landing system
甚高频向无线电信标测试信号very high frequency omnidirectional radio range test signal (通过发射测试信号来检验 VOR 接收机的精度的地面设施。一些 VOT 在机载时也对用户有用,而另一些仅仅限于在地面使用)
甚高频向无线电信标测试信号very high frequency omnidirectional radiorange test signal
甚高频向无线电信标测试信号VOR test signal
甚高频向无线电信标测试设施VOR test facility
甚高频向无线电信标进场进近VOR very high frequency omnidirectional radio range approach
甚高频可听式向无线电信标very high frequency aural omnirange
生产安关键要求工程通报product safety critical requirement engineering bulletin
生产安分析工程局product safety analysis engineering bureau
生理安状态physiologically safe condition
生理安高度physiological safe altitude
用于重和襟翼调定值的参考着陆速度reference landing speed for a gross weight and flap set
电力完中断complete power failure
电子设备双工转换以太网avionics full duplex switched ethernet
电气安系统electric security system
电磁信息安系数electromagnetic intelligence safety margin
电磁干扰安系数electromagnetic interference safety margin
电磁干扰安裕度electromagnetic interference safety margin
电磁引爆引燃安系数测量EM detonation and firing safety factor measurement
着陆landing gross weight
破损安fail safety (性)
破损安fail safety
破损安fail safe
破损安结构fail safe structure
程序安经理program security manager
第五点安fifth strap
等效向辐射功率equivalent isotropically effective isotropic radiate power
等效向辐射功率equivalent isotropic radiated power
等效向辐射功率effective isotropic radiated power
等效安水平equivalent level of safety
网络分析安管理工具security administrator toll for analyzing networks
职业安与健康法occupational safety & health act
职业安和保健法occupational safety and health act
职业安和健康occupational safety and health
职业安和卫生局Occupational Safety and Health Administration (美国)
职业安自动报告系统employment security automated reporting system
联合安委员会joint security committee
联合安委员会手册JSC manual
联合安控制joint security control
联邦安federal security agency
联邦安性标准条例federal safety standard regulation (美国)
航向和姿态基准系统heading and all-attitude reference system
航天系统安计划aerospace system security program
航空器寿命费用aircraft life cycle cost
航空安军官aviation safety officer
航空安委员会Air Safety Board
航空安官员aviation safety officer
航空安报告大纲aviation safety reporting program
航空安报告系统aviation safety and reporting system
航空安报告系统aviation safety reporting system
航空安条例aviation safety regulations
航空安检査员aviation safety inspectors
航空安研究所Aviation Safety Institute (美国)
航空安计划aviation safety program
航空安调查air safety investigation
航空安调查者学会Society of Air Safety Investigation
航空安调研air safety investigation
航空母舰天候飞机着陆系统all weather carrier landing system
航空电子设备面测试avionics overall test
航空航天安咨询委员会aerospace safety advisory panel
航空航天安研究与数据所aerospace safety research and data institute
航空航天系统安学会aerospace system safety society
航空运输安air transport security section (英国空军)
航线甚高频向无线电信标VOR very high frequency omnidirectional radio range on course
落地landing gross weight
补偿式静压管compensated pitot-static tube
质量、成本、交付、安和纪律quality, cost, delivery, safety and morale
适航/产品安airworthiness/product safety
通用电气靶场安测试设备系统general electric range safety instrumentation system
通用航空安委员会General Aviation Safety Committee
通用航空安资料小册子general aviation safety information leaflet
通用航空安资料小册子general-aviation safety information leaflet (英国民航局)
遥控安开关remote safety switch
配备齐dressed (指发动机的外部附件、管路和控制装置都完整)
防务安合作局defense security cooperation agency
陆军安系统指令army safeguard system command
陆军航空安委员会army aviation safety board
降落landing gross weight
not full close
not full open
非核弹药常规武器委会non-nuclear munition safety board
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