
Terms for subject Management containing | all forms
不安条件unsafe condition
不完imperfect time
作业complete operation
预防maintenance prevention
的情况healthy condition
会休会期间between sessions
crop and root
体一致的管理consensus management
体会员费用membership expense
厂布置completed layout
员参加生产维修total productive maintenance
员缺勤率percent of absentees to total staff in service
国先进企业national advanced enterprises
国建议制度协会national association of suggestion systems
国性报表state report
国物价委员会national pricing commission
局性计划strategic planning
年修理量annual repair
日研究all day study
民福利national well-being
民管理popular administration
球产品管理global product management
球卫星通信系统global satellite communication system
球导向geocentric or world-oriented
球环境监测系统global environmental monitoring system
球环境管理监测global environmental management
盘控制overall control
盘考虑overall consideration
盘计划corporate planning
知全能的合理系统omnisciently rational system
universal class
脱氧钢killed steel
读学生当量full-time-student equivalent
部工业制成品total manufacture
部开工at capacity
部照办complete execution
部计时法overall timing method
铁路或汽车公司的部车辆rolling stock
overall length
面效果overall effectiveness
面盘存wall-to-wall inventory
面管理total management
面管理general management
面经营管理total operational management
面调查complete investigation
公共关系与安教育局bureau of public relation and safety education
共同安common safety theory
地域保area maintenance
奥运会球合作伙伴TOP Partner
交替运输safe intermodal transport
停止装置safety stop
储备security stocks
净空safe clearance
地带safety zone
存仓base stock bin
存量观念safety stock concept
工程学safety engineering
库存,保险库存safety stock
性原则principle of sound accounting
惯例safe practice
技术safety engineering
措施safe practice
措施safety practice
措施safety measures
措施measure of security
操作规程safety regulation for operations
检查safety inspection
用具safety appliance
界限safety clearance
的需要needs for survival
的需要need for survival
着陆safety landed
禽合器safety clutch
章程regulation for safety
管理security management
safety box
系数safety allowance
系数assurance factor
行车safe driving
装置safety apparatus
装置built in stabilizer
装载量safety carrying capacity
规则safety rules
规则safety regulation
规则safety legislation
计划规则safety program
趋近车速safe approach speed
运转safe handling
部分margin of safety
需要safety needs
预防措施safety precaution
一致性complete conformity
专业化complete specialization
信息perfect complete information
合并complete consolidation
所有支配control through almost complete ownership
损失之保险total loss only
有道理perfectly reasonable
的结合complete integration
联合outright merger
工厂安保卫plant security
德智体面发展develop in an all-round way-morally, intellectually and physically
心理安psychological security
搬运安safety in handling
装卸安safety in handling
防火安措施fire security measure
时工作part-time work
大局oversea the whole