
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一应俱的安排one-stop window
一应俱的安排one-stop shop
不完市场incomplete market
不完竞争imperfect competition
不完竞争monopolistic competition
其美的情况win-win situation
主要球指标Principal Global Indicators
份额面增加equiproportional increase in quotas
份额面增加general increase in quotas
份额总检查体委员会Committee of the Whole for the General Review of Quotas IMF, Executive Board
份额检查体委员会Committee of the Whole on Review of Quotas IMF, Executive Board
信息安information security
信息安Information Security Section
体职工大会Townhall Meeting
国证券交易商协会National Association of Securities Dealers
国证券交易商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system
欧银行体系European-wide banking system
球一体化international integration
球一体化的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
球价值链global value chain
球债券global bond
球储备充足性的变化shift in the adequacy of global reserves
球公司治理论坛Global Corporate Governance Forum
球公地global commons
球公益global public good
球再平衡global rebalancing
球减灾和灾后恢复基金Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR un.org 'More)
球劳动力套利global labor arbitrage
球合并global consolidation
球咨询委员会Global Advisory Committee
球基础设施基金Global Infrastructure Facility World Bank
球失衡global imbalance
球存股证global depository receipt
球对补充储备资产的需要global need to supplement reserve assets
球市场监测处Global Markets Monitoring and Analysis Division
球性国际收支global balance of payments
球性收支表global statement
球性经常账户差额global current account balance
球房价指数Global House Price Index
"球支付失衡"方法"global payments imbalance" approach
球数据源Global Data Source
球治理global governance
球环境信托基金Global Environment Trust Fund World Bank
球环境基金信托基金Global Environment Facility Trust Fund
球疫苗和免疫联盟Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
球监测报告》Global Monitoring Report IMF/World Bank
球监督global stewardship environment
球税global tax
球稳定机制Global Stabilization Mechanism
球管理global stewardship environment
球经常账户统计差异world current account discrepancy
球经常账户统计差异world current account statistical discrepancy
球经常账户余额统计差异工作小组Working Party on the Statistical Discrepancy in World Current Account Balances
球经济与金融展望global economic and financial outlook
球经济模型Global Economy Model
球艾滋病毒/艾滋病工作组Global HIV/AIDS Unit
球财政透明度倡议Global Initiative on Fiscal Transparency
球金融体系委员会Committee on the Global Financial System
球金融安全网global financial safety net
球金融稳定处Global Financial Stability Division
球金融稳定报告》Global Financial Stability Report
球预测模型Global Projection Model
球食品政策新协议New Deal for a Global Food Policy
球食品政策新协议New Deal on Global Food Policy
能商店one-stop window
能商店one-stop shop
要素生产率total factor productivity
资子公司fully owned subsidiary
资子公司wholly owned subsidiary
部商品与服务的国际标准分类》International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services
部缴清的股本full-paid stock
部缴清的股本paid-up stock
部缴清的股本paid-up shares
面发展框架Comprehensive Development Framework
面质量管理Total Quality Control
面质量管理total quality management quality control
面预算准则budget universality principle
面预算准则general budget rule
面预算准则budget comprehensiveness principle
面预算准则budget unity rule
面预算准则comprehensive budget rule
公共秩序和安public order and safety
关于以成果为导向援助的球伙伴关系Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid
关于加强合作促进球经济扩张的宣言Madrid Declaration
关于加强合作促进球经济扩张的宣言Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion Interim Committee
具有球系统重要性的金融机构global systemically important financial institutions
发展委员会的体委员会Committee of the Whole for the Development Committee IMF, Executive Board
《可持续球增长伙伴关系宣言》Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth, Declaration on Interim Committee
球范围内融合的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
基于对球增长贡献的过滤器filter based on contribution to global growth
基金组织成员国的球性universality of Fund membership
外地安Field Security Section
例外security exceptions
服务处Security Services Division
理事会Security Council
safety net
social safety net
信息极大似然法FIML procedure
信息极大似然法full information maximum likelihood procedure econometrics
可竞争市场perfectly contestable market
可竞争市场contestable market
市场complete market capital markets
替代品perfect substitute
流动性规则full liquidity rule
竞争perfect competition
实时额结算体系real time gross settlement system
实时额结算体系real-time gross settlement system
总部安Headquarters Security Section
成本部转移full cost pass-through
有完追索权的贷款full-recourse loan
面参加债务重组而从中获利的银行easy rider
面参加债务重组而从中获利的银行easy rider bank debt restructuring
民间社会球政策论坛Civil Society Global Policy Forum
消除球失衡unwinding of global imbalances
社会安social safety
经合组织球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
经合组织球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
货币完可兑换full currency convertibility
金融安financial safety net
银行业安banking safety nets