
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三尖瓣关闭不tricuspid insufficiency
三尖瓣关闭不tricuspid incompetence
下颌骨颜面发育不mandibulofacial dysostosis
imcomplete blindness
不完卵裂incomplete cleavage
不完性代偿间歇incomplete compensatory pause
不完恢复健康incomplete recovery of health
主动脉瓣关闭不aortic incompetence
主动脉闭锁不aortic insufficiency
二尖瓣关闭不mitral insufficiency
二尖瓣关闭不mitral incompetence
玻璃体切割术subtotal vitrectomy
亚急性硬化性脑炎subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
产后子宫复旧不subinvolution of uterus
先天性二尖瓣关闭不congenital mitral insufficiency
先天性卵巢发育不Turner syndrome
先天性完性心脏传导阻滞congenital complete heart block
先天性睾丸发育不Klinefelter syndrome
上消化道内镜检查 panendoscopy
关节置换total joint replacement
厚瓣mucoperiosteal flap
厚皮肤移植full thickness skin grafting
听骨链贋复物total ossicular replacement prosthesis
咽喉切除术total laryngopharyngectomy
喉切除并喉成形术total laryngectomy with laryngoplasty
层角膜移植片full thickness corneal graft
收缩期杂音pansystolic murmur
收缩期杂音holosystolic murmur
氨基酸尿症generalized aminoaciduria
浆分泌腺holocrine gland
白内障total cataract
total blindness
肠道灌洗法lavage of the whole intestinal tract
肺阻力total pulmonary resistance
胃切除术total gastrectomy
胃肠外营养total parenteral nutrition
能细胞totipotent cell
能造血干细胞multipotential hematopoietic stem cell
脂乳粉powdered whole milk
脊麻Total spinal anesthesia
膝关节置换术total knee replacement
自动双腔起搏fully automatic dual chamber pacing
血管翳total pannus
视网膜光凝术panretinal photocoagulation
质分泌腺holocrine gland
身发作generalized seizure
身型癫痫generalized epilepsy
身性红斑性狼疮systematic lupus erythematosus
面性失语症global aphasia
颌种植体complete implant
颜面疤痕挛缩cicatricial contracture of face
髋关节置换术total hip replacement
麻分期stage of general anesthesia
麻分期depth of general anesthesia
农药安间隔期safety interval of pesticide pollution
十二指肠空肠襻不旋转incomplete rotation of duodenojejunal loop
单一性垂体前叶功能不isolated deficiency of anterior pituitary hormone
单颌口义齿single complete denture
卵巢发育不ovarian dysgenesis
右心功能不right heart insufficiency
呼吸功能不respiratory insufficiency
咽喉食管切除术total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy
切除术total laryngectomy
喉次切除术subtotal laryngectomy
子宫切术total hysterectomy
子宫次切除术subtotal hysterectomy
子宫颈闭锁不incompetent cervix
子宫颈闭锁不cervical incompetence
期计算法calendar rhythm method
镜片safety lens
面切盘safe sided disc
卵裂complete cleavage
型大动脉转位complete transposition of great arteries
卒中complete stroke
性代偿间歇complete compensatory pause
性前置胎盘total placenta praevia
性大血管转位complete transposition of great vessels
性遗忘total amnesia
性遗忘global amnesia
恢复健康complete recovery of health
total fistula
随机设计completely random design
骨折complete fracture
左心功能不left heart insufficiency
成骨不osteogenesis imperfecta
放射柱物质安操作radioactive safety
新小脑发育不neocerebellar agenesis
新鲜fresh whole blood
晶状体脱位complete luxation of lens
晶状体不脱位subluxation of lens
椎骨底动脉循环不vertebral basilar insufficiency
牙骨质发育不cemental hypoplasia
瓣膜关闭不valvular insufficiency
生殖器发育不genital hypoplasia
生殖腺发育不gonadal dysgenesis
甲状腺次切除术subtotal thyroidectomy
睾丸发育不testicular dysgenesis
睾丸间质细胞发育不Leydig cell aplasia
神经性膀胱功能不neurogenic bladder dysfunction
老人安处理法old age safety protection
耳郭发育不hypoplasia of auricle
肺功能不pulmonic insufficiency
肺功能不PIE syndrome
肺动脉瓣关闭不pulmonary insufficiency
肺动脉瓣关闭不pulmonary incompetence
肺动脉瓣发育不agenesis of pulmonary valve
肾功能不renal dysfunction
胰功能不pancreatic insufficiency
腹部子宫切除术abdominal total hysterectomy
膀胱切及尿路改道手术护理nursing care of total cystectomy and ureter transplantation
膀胱切除术total cystectomy
范科尼血细胞减少综合征Fanconi pancytopenia syndrome
虹膜粘连total synechia
转位不arrested rotation
遗传性牙质生长不Capdepont syndrome
避孕安safety period for contraception
锤造金属swaged metal full crown
门脉性的身性脑病变portal systemic encephalopathy
阴茎发育不agenesis of penis
静脉身麻醉general intravenous anesthesia
食品安性毒理学评价food safety evaluation on toxicology
黄体功能不luteal insufficiency
黄斑发育不aplasia of macula