
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一般安分析generic safety analysis
三层隐格式three-level fully implicit scheme
不完乔莱斯凯共轭梯度迭代法Incomplete Cholesky-Conjugate Gradient Iterative Method
不完动态规划incomplete dynamic programming
不完平均法incomplete means model
中国国地质图书馆National Geological Library of China
中央气象局球天气预报系统Central Weather Bureau Global Forecast System
中安时间median survival time
伊朗国天然气公司National Iranian Gas Company
健康与安行政部门health and safety executive
井眼full hole
井眼地层微电扫描成像仪fullhole formation microimager
交换能量离子交换树脂complete exchange capacity
仪表海洋观测区fully-instrumented oceanographic observing site
俄世界海洋矿产资源地质和勘探研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Resources of World Ocean
俄勘探地球物理研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Exploration Geophysics
俄地质勘探研究所All-Russian Institute of Geoexploration Research
俄地质、地球物理和地球化学系统研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical System
俄地质研究所All-Russian Geological Research Institute
俄石油地质勘探研究所All-Russian Research Geological-Exploration Petroleum Institute
俄石油地质研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Geology
俄矿产资源研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources
俄矿产资源经济和勘探研究所All-Russian Research Institute of Economy and Exploration of Mineral Resources
俄铝-镁研究所All-Russian Aluminum-Magnesium Institute
修复full renovation
北阿非...利加塞舌Omnium Nord Africain
向计数速度omnidirectional counting rate
员生产维修total productive maintenance
响应谱分析法full response spectrum analysis method
喷射泵full injection pump
国专利委员会National Patent Council
国书业联合会National Book League
国先进技术管理会议National Advanced Technology Management Conference
国冶金实验所印度National Metallurgical Laboratory
国出版商协会National Association of Publishers
国制造商协会national association of manufacturers
国区域化探扫面中国Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance
国区域化探扫面计划中国Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance Project
国区域化探扫面计划中国Regional Geochemistry-National Reconnaissance Program
国图书馆协会联合会Council of National Library Association
国土壤合作勘查National Cooperative Soil Survey
国地热信息资源National Geothermal Information Resources
国地球化学采样计划National Geochemical Reconnaissance
国地球物理和日-地数据资料中心National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center
国地球物理和日-地资料中心National Geophysical and Solar Terrestrial Data Center
国地理信息标准化技术委员会China Nation-wide Technical Standardization Committee of Geographic information
国地理学协会National Geographical Association
国地理教师委员会National Council of Geography Teachers
国地理教育委员会National Council for Geographic Education
国地磁异常图National Magnetic Anomaly Map
国地貌图集national topographic map series
国地质教师协会National Association of Geology Teachers
国大地测量与地球物理理事会National Council for Geodesy and Geophysics
国大地测量局National Geodetic Survey
国大气防污技术信息中心National Air Pollution Technical Information Center
国富营养化调查National Eutrophication Survey
国对外贸易理事会national foreign trade council
国州属采区复田者协会National Association of State Land Reclamationists
国建筑用花岗石开采场协会National Building Granite Quarries Association
国技术服务机构协会National Technical Services Association
国投资者理事会National Investors Council
国放射性事故协定National Arrangements for Incidents Involving Radioactivity
国放射性散落物监测网national fallout monitoring network
国文摘与索引服务联合会National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services
国有机物质调查局National Organics Reconnaissance Survey
国核公司National Nuclear Corporation
国核数据中心National Nuclear Data Center
国核科学研究学会National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science
国气体测量协会National Gas Measurement Association
国氧和乙炔协会National Oxygen and Acetylene Association
国水资源协会National Water Resources Association
国水资源委员会National Water Resources Committee
国污染控制会议及展览会National Pollution Control Conference and Exposition
国洞穴学会National Spelaeological Society
国洞穴学会National Speleological Society
国海洋勘测员协会National Association of Marine Surveyors
国润滑脂协会National Lubricating Grease Institute
国液动力协会national fluid power association
国液化石油气协会National LQ-Gas Association
国灾害共济中心菲律宾National Disaster Coordinating Center
国烟煤委员会National Bituminous Coal Commission
国煤炭协会National Coal Association
国煤炭研究咨询委员会National Coal Research Advisory Committee
国煤矿总管、工务员和放炮工协会National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers
国物理及天文学信息系统美,美国物理学会National Information System for Physics and Astronomy
国物理教育学会会员Member of the National Society of Physical Education
国独立石油协会理事会National Council of Independent Petroleum Association
国环境信息会议National Environmental Information Symposium
国环境空气质量标准美国环境保护局national ambient air quality standards
国生产率理事会National Productivity Council
国石油公司National Petroleum Corporation
国石油协会national petroleum association
国石油委员会National Petroleum Commission
国石油学会National Petroleum Institute
国石灰协会National Lime Association
国石纤维协会National Mineral Wool Association
国石纤维绝缘材料协会National Mineral Wool Insulation Association
国矿工联合会National Union of Miners
国研究和发展组织National Research and Development Organization
国科学委员会National Science Board
国科学院地球物理研究局Geophysics Research Board of National Academy of Science
国税负平等协会National Tax Equality Association
国经济发展协会National Economic Development Association
国经济和社会研究所National Institute of Economic and Social Research
国经济学家货币政策委员会Economist's National Committee on Monetary Policy
国经济研究局National Bureau of Economic Research
国经济研究所National Institute of Economic Research
国能源会议National Energy Conference
国能源信息中心National Energy Information Center
国能源委员会National Energy Commission
国能源研究开发和论证委员会澳大利亚National Energy Research Development and Demonstration Council
国自然灾害警报系统nationwide natural disaster warning system
国航空协会National Aeronautical Association
国计量会议National Conference on Weights and Measures
国证券交易商协会自动行情表National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
国财产所有者联合会National Federation of Property Owners
国贸易发展协会National Trade Development Association
国资源回收中心National Center for Resource Recovery
国资源回收协会National Resource Recovery Association
国辐射防护与测量委员会National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurement
国辐射防护与测量理事会national council on radiation protection and measurements
国遥测会议national telemetering conference
国采矿工业咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on the Mining Industry
国金属加工协会National Association of Metal Finishers
国钻井承包商协会National Drilling Contractors Association
国铀资源评价数据National Uranium Resource Evaluation Data
国陶瓷协会National Ceramic Association
国陶瓷工程师学会National Institute of Ceramic Engineers
钻头圆唇面full-round nose
地形车一种轻便、坚固、供崎岖地势行走的汽车all-terrain vehicle
whole soil
天候图像whole-sky image
天候地形测绘系统topographic all-weather mapping system
天候地面监视雷达all-weather ground surveillance radar
天候地面观测all weather surface observation
天候成像光度计all-sky imaging photometer
天候照相机all-sky camera
对称多道处理symmetrically multiprocessing
对称多道处理symmetric multiprocessing
岩凝灰岩whole-rock tuff
岩等时年龄whole rock isochron age
基斯坦地理协会All Pakistan Geographical Association
基斯坦科学会议All-Pakistan Science Conference
性能卫星扫描带full performance swath
恢复full renovation
息摄影测冰系统holographic ice surveying system
息照相冰情测量系统holographic ice surveying system
息粒子流速仪holographic particle velocimeter
等于 the insurance is against total loss only, 指部分损失不赔,单担保全损险total loss
接触评价法total exposure assessment methodology
数字数据磁带all digital data tape
新世合作填图计划Cooperative Holocene Mapping Project
新世或近代更新世Holocene or Recent Pleistocene
新世气候最佳适宜期Holocene Climatic Optimum
新世砂holocene sand
新世高温期Holocene High Temperature Period
新世黏土Holocene clay
方位方向自动指示器omnibearing indicator
方位井下电磁系统omnidirectional downhole EM system
方位距离导航系统omnibearing distance system
时间等价full time equivalent
显式有限元法fully explicit finite element method
更新full renovation
概率定理total-probability theorem
正态修正full normal modification
正态图full normal plot
正态舍弃full normal rejection
氟碳示踪剂perfluorocarbon tracer
氰化浸出bulk cyanide leach
浸岀金bulk leach extractable gold
混合层aggregated mixing zone
玄武岩区total basalt area
航空天气预报系统World Aviation Forecast System
天气预报中心World Area Forecast Centre
天气预报系统world area forecast system
球人为作用下的土壤退化评价global assessment of human induced soil degradation
球传输系统global transmission system
球作业海面温度业务计算系统global operational sea surface temperature computation
球作业海面温度计算图集global operational sea surface temperature computation charts
球保护对策world conservation strategy
球信息与预警系统global information and early warning system
球储备监测和模型化研究global inventory monitoring and modelling studies
球分度盘光度测量扫描实验global limb photometric scanning experiment
卫星对地球的球区域覆盖global area coverage
球卫星导航系统global positioning system
球卫星数据库satellite global data base
球卫星观测网worldwide satellite observing network
球历史气候网global historical climate net. work
球原始方程模式global primitive-equation model
球参考大气模式global reference atmospheric model
球参考系统用于检索陆地卫星数据的一个全球检索系统worldwide reference system
球参考网global reference network
球土地利用global land use
球地学断面global geoscience transects
球地球化学公司Global Geochemistry Corporation
球地球科学有限公司World Geoscience Corporation Ltd.
球地质位置标记目录global indicative list of geological sites
球地震仪器台站网World Wide Seismograph Station
球地震灾害评价计划global seismic hazard assessment program
球地震观测网World-Wide Seismology Net
球地震记录网global seismographic network
球地震调查World-Wide Seismic Survey
球坐标方格world area grid
球大地测量坐标系world geodetic system
球大坝委员会World Commission on Dams
球大气取样计划global atmospheric sampling program
球大气和气溶胶辐射补给global atmospheric and aerosol radiation supply
球大气研究计划事务局GARP Activities Office
球大气研究计划全球观测数据处理系统GARP global data processing system
球大气研究计划全球观测系统GARP global observing system
球大气研究计划基本数据集GARP basic data set
球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验业务管理中心GATE Operational Control Centre
球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验国际海上试飞GATE International Sea Trials
球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验数据中心GATE Data Center
球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验航测数据管理程序GATE aircraft data management program
球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验运行控制中心GATE Operational Control Centre
球大气研究计划第一期全球观测年first GARP global observing year
球大气研究计划第一期全球试验热带风观测系统tropical wind observing system during FGGE
球大气研究计划美国委员会United States Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program
球大气研究计划联合组织委员会Joint Organizing Committee (GARP)
球大气研究计划首次全球实验first GARP global experiment
球大气过程研究计划programme for investigation of global atmospheric processes
球大气采样计划global atmospheric sampling program
球大气采样计划global air sampling program
球大洋光谱波模型global spectral ocean wave model
球大西洋热带试验Global Atlantic Tropical Experiment
球天气信息局World Wide Information Services
球天气动力学公司Global Weather Dynamics Inc
球天气数据处理中心Global Processing Centre
球天气监视计划World-Wide Surveillance Program
球定位参考系统World Position Reference System
球定位系统global positioning system (GPS <->)
球定位系统信息中心GPS Information Center
球定位系统推断的定位系统GPS inferred positioning system
球对流层天气试验global tropospheric experiment
球工程文献资料服务公司Global Engineering Documentation Services, Inc.
球平均瑞利波群速global average group velocity
球应用数据库global application data base
球应用研究网global applied research network
球径流数据中心Global Runoff Data Center
球性沉降global fallout
球数字地震台网global digital seismic network
球数据中心global data area
球数据区global data area
球数据融会系统global data assimilation system
球最优内插分析系统global optimum interpolation analysis system
球极性倒转年表global polarity time scale
球标准化地震仪器观测网World-Wide Standardized Seismograph Network
球标准地层剖面和标准地层点global stratotype section and point
球标准地震仪World-Wide Standard Seismograph
球标准地震仪器台站网World-Wide Network of Standard Seismograph Stations
球标准地震仪器观测网World Wide Standard Seismograph Network
球标准地震仪器观测网World-Wide Network of Standard Seismographs
球核服务和供应公司Global Nuclear Services and Supply
球植被指数global vegetation index
球气候变化响应计划global climate change response program
球气候变迁global climatic change
球气候变迁与生物组合global change and ecological complexity
球气候变迁与陆生生态系统global change and terrestrial ecosystems
球气候变迁主目录地球和空间科学数据集global change master directory
球气候变迁研究global change research
球气候变迁考察global change expedition
球气候模式global climate models
球水平回声测深技术global horizontal sounding technique
球水平探测技术global horizontal echo sounding technique
球水数据管理系统global water data management system
球洋底分析研究计划Global Ocean Floor Analysis and Research Project
球洋底地质与地球物理分析研究global geological and geophysical ocean floor analysis and research
球海上失事与安全系统global maritime distress and safety system
球海平面温度运算系统global operational sea surface temperature computation
球海洋大地测量控制网global marine geodetic control net
球海洋海面global ocean sea surface
球海洋涨潮研究global ocean flux. study
球海洋涨潮联合研究joint global ocean flux study
球海洋温度声波填图global acoustic mapping of ocean temperature
球海洋科学计划global ocean science program
球海洋透光区研究global ocean euphotic zone study
球海面温度图集global ocean surface temperature atlas
球灾害global disaster
球热电离层填图研究global thermospheric mapping study
球环境和生态相互作用系统模拟global environmental and ecological simulation of interactive systems
球环境机构Global Environment Facility
球环境监测方案global environment monitoring scheme
球环境监测机构Global Environmental Monitoring Service
球环境监测系统联合国global environmental monitoring system
球环境监测计划global environmental monitoring program
球环境质量影响评估global environmental quality assessment
球环境问题global environmental problem
球环流模式global circulation models
球生态系统分析计划Programme for the Analysis of World Ecosystems
球监测global monitoring
球监视站global surveillance station
球矿产品公司World Wide Minerals
球空间成像指数world index of space imagery
球经济计量模型global econometric model
球综合大气模拟计划universities global atmospheric modelling programme
球联合海洋服务系统integrated global ocean services system
球联合海洋测站系统太平洋海面试验计划IGOSS Sea Level Pilot Project in the Pacific
球联合海洋站系统integrated global ocean station system
球联合海洋站系统可信国家海洋数据中心IGOSS Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre
球联合海洋站系统数据处理和服务系统IGOSS Data Processing and Services System
球联合海洋站系统电通信设备IGOSS telecommunication arrangements
球联合海洋站观测系统IGOSS observing system
球联合海洋站观测系统电讯联合专家小组世界气象组织/政府间海洋学委员会group of experts on IGOSS telecommunication
球能源研究中心centre for global energy studies
球能量与水循环试验计划global energy and water cycle experiment
球能量与水循环试验计划大陆尺度国际计划GEWEX Continental-scale International Project
球能量与水量平衡试验计划global energy and water balance experiment
球能量平衡档案global energy balance archive
球臭氧监测系统global ozone observing system
球臭氧监测辐射仪global ozone monitoring radiometer
球航海图Global Chart of the World
球观测数据处理系统世界气象组织global data processing system WMO
球资源信息系统global resources information system
球陆地1公里基面标高global land one-kilometer base elevation
球降水化学成分监测计划Global Precipitation Chemistry Project
球雨水线global meteoric water line
球预报及传输系统global forecasting and supply system
total carbon
站仪electronic tachometer
累积分布函数complementary cumulative distribution functions
能数字计算机all-application digital computer
能法测图universal method of photogrammetric mapping
自动服务系统Full Automatic Service System
panchromatic film
色红外片panchromatic infrared film
苏气象科学研究所原苏联All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Meteorology
full load
误差total error
谱探测器计划panoramic detector program
辐射谱分布total radiance spectral distribution
部在线AU on-line
部联机AU on-line
部重量total weight
all iron
面评审comprehensive inspections and reviews
剪摩安系数shear-friction factor of safety
加拿大国地震工程委员会Canadian National Committee for Earthquake Engineering
加拿大球气候变化响应计划Canadian Global Change Program
加权隐式完有限元模型weighted-implicit complete finite element model
球定位系统kinematic global positioning system
匹兹堡采矿与安研究中心Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center
十分之峰一full width tenth maximum
半峰full width at half maximum
印度国矿工联合会Indian National Mineworkers, Federation
反应堆安防护咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
固定球定位系统测地线阵列permanent GPS geodetic array
国家安工业协会national security industrial association
国际球海洋调査系统International Global Ocean Survey System
国际大气化学与球污染委员会International Commission on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
国际航空地球物理安协会International Airborne Geophysics Safety Association
国际货币金融问题国咨询委员会National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
土地交易安land transaction safety
地球形成过程和球变化Earth Process and Global Changes
水电站的地震安停机safe shut down earthquake
地震安联合委员会Joint Committee on Seismic Safety
坝安信息管理系统management of information for dam safety
大坝安与检测管理处division of dam safety and inspections
大气化学及球污染委员会Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution
大气研究用数字视频图像系统all digital video imaging system for atmospheric research
大英百科encyclopaedia britannica
委员会联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会security councilIOC
工程实施good engineering practice
活阀relief valve
系数指数factor of safety index
荷载指示器safe load indicator
活门safety valve
可积分的数据系统totally integrated data system
可积无限元法exactly integrable infinite elements
有序射线扩展complete ordered ray expansion
流动的组分perfectly mobile components
混合搅拌槽式反应器completely-mixed stirred-tank reactor
混合间歇式反应堆completely mixed batch reactor
线性方程complete linear equation
退化反应complete reaction of degeneration
预报perfect prognosis
预报perfect prog
统计用的预报法perfect prediction method
统计用的预报法perfect prog method
预报法perfect prognostic method
导航卫星测时和测距/球定位系统navigation satellite timing and ranging/global positioning system
X 射线反射integrated X-ray reflection
屈服安因数yield safety factor
屈服安系数yield safety factor
广域差分球定位系统wide-area differential global positioning system
斯特拉巴格混凝土近岸建筑物Strabag integrated concrete offshore structure
球构造学说new global tectonics
时距导航卫星/球定位系统navigation satellite timing and ranging/global positioning system
晶体完溶解温度last crystal to dissolve
最低安标准safe minimum standard
最后安分析报告final safety analysis report
有效安评价formal safety assessment
机构间建筑物地震安委员会Interagency Committee for Seismic Safety in Construction
核安研究协会Nuclear Safety Research Association
概率性安评估probabilistic safety assessment
次重小量同位素安监督技术minor isotopes safeguard techniques
泰国国标准规格中心Centre for Thai National Standard Specifications
海军球大气预测运行系统navy operational global atmospheric prediction system
海军球大气预测运行系统navy-operational global atmospheric prediction system
海军球环境监测数据网Naval's Worldwide Environmental Data Network
海军球环境监测数据网海洋数据分布和展延系统NEDN oceanographic data distribution and expansion system
混凝土安岛钻探系统concrete island drilling system
澳大利亚国土壤力学和基础工程学会Australian National Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
澳大利亚国重力网Australian National Gravity Network
环境安environmental safety
现有坝的安评价计划safety evaluation of existing dams program
用图表示的国湖岸岩Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
皇家煤矿安委员会Royal Commission on Safety in Coal Mine
矿山安分散照明仪器safety in mines scattered light instrument
矿山安和健康管理局mine safety and health administration
矿山安研究咨询委员会Safety in Mines Research Advisory Board
矿山安研究委员会Safety in Mines Research Board
矿山安研究试验所safety in mine research and testing branch
矿山安研究院safety of mines research establishment
矿山安设备mine safety appliance
空军球天气侦察计划Air Force Global Weather Reconnaissance Program US
空军球天气预报中心Air Force Global Weather Center US
空载球气候观测中心Spaceborne Global Climate Observing Center
等量功率时equivalent full power hours
等量功率时equivalent full power hour
美中贸易国委员会National Council for United States-China Trade
美国国地球物理委员会U.S. National Committee for Geophysics
美国国地质史委员会U.S. National Committee on History of Geology
美国国标准学会American National Standards Institute
美国球天气数据处理中心U.S. Global Processing Center
美国国会图书馆国问讯中心National Referral Centre
美国国家宇航局球通信网NASA World-wide Communications Network
美国海岸保护局色和多谱遥感系统CCD panchromatic and multispectral remote sensing system
美国百科Encyclopaedia Americana
美国空军球天气中心US Air Force Global Weather Central
联合海洋监视系统integrated total ocean surveillance
联合球天气中心Joint Global Weather Center
联邦煤矿安检查委员会Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review
英国国化学委员会British National Committee for Chemistry
英国国南极考察委员会British National Committee on Antarctic Research
英国国地理委员会British National Committee for Geography
英国国海洋工程委员会British National Committee on Ocean Engineering
菲律宾国石油委员会Philippine National Oil Committee
菲律宾国石油委员会勘探公司PNOC Exploration Corporation
设计安系数design margin
诱导安算法induced safety algorithm
质点位移息摄影术particle displacement holography
边坡安体系slope safety system
过去球变化past global changes
近似完分布法approximate full distribution approach
钻井工程面监测total drilling control
首次球地球物理实验first global geophysical experiment
高频向频谱余弦波极光雷达HF Omnidirectional Spectral CW Aurora Radar
黑白black and white panchromatic