
Terms for subject Economy containing 全国 | all forms | in specified order only
一国输出占全世界输出的份额export share
中国全国工商联合会All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
他们在那个国家全境内的不同地区委任了专有代理人They have appointed several agents in different areas throughout that country
以工商业比较发达的大城市为依托的全国经济中心national economic networks with the advanced industrial and commercial cities as their centers
任何外国人不得在建立合资企业的幌子下收集同我国家安全有关的情报No foreigners are allowed to collect any information concerning our national security under the cover of setting up joint ventures
全国人口普査national census
全国人民代表大会national people’s congress
全国优秀产品national quality production
全国会计人员协会National Association of Accounts
全国会计人员协定national association of accountants
全国会计师协会National Association of Accounts
美国全国制造商协会National Association of Manufacturers
全国劳动力周转率labour turnover-national
全国劳工关系法案瓦格纳法案National Labor Relations Act Wagner Act
全国各银行贷款总和the all-bank loans
全国各银行资料电传系统all-bank data telecommunications system
全国合理利用能源政策法案National Energy Conservation Policy Act
全国商业银行National Commercial Bank
全国器具合理使用能源法案National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
美国全国安全工业协会National Security Industrial Association
美国全国实业家联盟National Alliance of Businessmen
美国全国对外贸易理事会National Foreign Trade Council
全国对外贸易理事会基金会National Foreign Trade Council Foundation
全国工业会议委员会National Industrial Conference Board
全国工业复兴national industrial recovery
全国工商业主联盟National Alliance of Businessmen
全国市场系统National Market System
全国广告检査委员会National Advertising Review Board
全国建筑业雇主联合会national federation of building trades employers
全国建筑工人联合会National Federation of Building Trade's Operatives
全国性公司nation-wide corporation
全国性工业合作机构national industrial cooperation agency
全国性的农业信贷countrywide agricultural-cred it
全国成本会计人员协会National Association of Cost Accounts
全国成本会计师协会National Association of Cost Accounts
全国批发销售商协会National Association of Wholesaler-Distributers
美国全国期货协会National Futures Association
美国全国标准协会National Standard Association
美国全国汽车商会National Automotive Chamber of Commerce
全国注册银行a national bank
全国火灾保险者联合会national board of fire underwriter
全国电子设备销售商协会National Electronic Distributor's Association
全国石油委员会National Oil Board
全国石油管理协会National Petroleum Management Association
日本全国石油销售商协会National Petroleum Dealers' Association
美国全国石油销售商协会National Oil Marketers Association
全国矿区特许权所有人协会National Association of Royalty Owners
全国福利the national well-being
全国经济关系中的次级体系subsystem of a national economy
全国经济发展委员会National Economic Development Council
美国全国经济研究协会National Economic Research Association
全国经济研究所National Bureau of Economic Research
全国经济研究所National Bureau Of Economic Research
全国经济社会研究所National Institute of Economic and Social Research
全国统一价格national uniform price
全国综合平衡national comprehensive equilibrium
美国全国能源服务协会National Energy Services Association
全国能源计划national energy program
全国范围内劳动力的流动性national labour turnover
全国范围计划a nation-wide program
全国证券交易商协会自动行情National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
全国证券交易所National Stock Exchange
全国证券商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quote (system)
全国证券商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (system)
全国银行平均贷款和贴现订约利率average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks
全民所有制的国家所有制形式ownership by the whole people in the form of state ownership
全部职员应在东道国当地招聘All officers should be recruited locally in host country
全面的最惠国条款comprehensive most-favoured-nation clause
发展中国家间全球贸易优惠制global system of trade preference among developing countries
全国广播make a nationwide broadcast
周游全国travel through the country
美国国内能源安全法案Domestic Energy Security Act
国家安全条款national-security provisions
国家安全至上美国用于控制某些涉及国家安全的敏感商品的出口或转让的目录单National Security Override
国家安全部Ministry of State Security
国家安全部长Minister of State Security
国家的全面保证overall guarantee given by the State
国家粮食安全计划national food security scheme
国家职业安全和健康协会National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
国家食品安全策略national food safety strategy
国民经济全局活了invigorate the entire economy
美国国防技术安全管理局Defense Technology Security Administration (dtsa)
国际安全管理International Safety Management
美国安全太平洋国民银行Security Pacific National Bank
完全在本国生产的产品a wholly obtained product
完全在本国生产的标准the wholly produced criterion
完全电气化的国民经济all-electric economy
完全的国际法主体full subject of international law
完全集体化的共产主义国家totally collectivized communistic state
1970 年美国职业安全和健康法案Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
我们进口照相器材,尤其是相机品种极多,行销全国We are importing photographic equipment, particularly a great variety of cameras for distribution throughout this country
担保全损美国条件free of particular average American conditions
担保全损英国条件free of particular average English conditions
按人口平均计算的全国总产值gross national product per capita
美国政府全国抵押协会Government National Mortgage Association
政府全国抵押协会Government National Mortgage Association
服从全国的综合平衡subject to nationwide balance
此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司承担Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company
美国美中贸易全国委员会National Council for United States-China Trade
美国共同安全法Mutual Security Act (USA, 1951 年)
美国安全技术工程师协会American Society of Safety Engineers
NSD-53美国第 53 号国家安全指令该指令处理出口许可证问题National Security Directive 53
联合国安全理事会Security Council of the United Nations
英国全国出口促进局British National Export Council
欧洲标准英国版英国全欧标准British Standard European
被跨国公司被外国完全控制的一部分出口export enclave
该公司对其产品定期举行全国性的民意测验The company regularly conducts nationwide opinion polls on its products