
Terms for subject Technology containing 全国 | all forms | in specified order only
中华人民共和国民用核设施安全监督管理条例Safety Supervision Administration Regulations of Civil Nuclear Device of the Peoples Republic of China
中华人民共和国海上交通安全法Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China
全国专利权委员会National Patent Commission (美国)
全国主要物资合理运输rational transport flow diagram for major prod ucts in the country
全国互助储蓄银行协会National Association of Mutual Savings Banks
全国产出量national output
全国人口情况调查national population census
全国人口普查national population census
全国优秀产品national quality product
全国住房信用社协会National Association of Housing Cooperatives
全国住房及开发商协会National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
全国住房及经济发展法律服务中心National Housing and Economic Development Law Project
全国住房更新协会National Housing Rehabilitation Association
全国住房调查census of housing
全国储蓄及贷款联盟National Savings and Loan League
全国公寓协会National Apartment Association
全国养老基金协会National Association of Pension Funds
全国农村住房联盟National Rural Housing Coalition
全国制造商协会National Association of Manufacturers (美国)
全国卫生基金会National Sanitation Foundation
全国反对住房歧视委员会National Committee against Discrimination in Housing
全国各县联络协会National Association of Counties
全国商品混凝土协会National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (美国)
全国城市联盟National League of Cities
全国居者有其屋基金会National Home Ownership Foundation (美国)
全国工业化房屋建造业者协会National Association of Home Manufacturers
全国工业污染控制委员会National Industrial Pollution Control Council
全国建筑金属生产者协会National Association Architectural Metal Manufacturers
全国性公路national highway
全国性工业公司national industrial corporations
全国性抽样调查nation-wide sample survey
全国性样本cross-country sample
全国性观测网national observation net
全国总动员national mobilization
全国情报网national information network
全国成本会计师协会National Association of Cost Accountants
全国房地产委员会National Realty Committee
全国房地产投资信托协会National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
全国房地产特许律师协会National Association of Real Estate License Law Officials
全国房地产独立收费评估员协会National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers
全国房地产经理联合协会National Association of Cooperate Real Estate Executives
全国房地产经纪人协会National Association of Regional Estate Brokers
全国房地产评估员学会National Society of Real Estate Appraisers
全国房屋建造商协会National Association of Home Builders
全国排放数据系统National Emission Data System
全国气象中心National Meteorological Center
全国气象中心National Meteorologic Center
全国水井协会National Water Well Association
全国水平national level
全国波道national channel
全国海洋资料中心National Oceanographical Data Center
全国海洋资料中心National Oceanographic Data Center
全国熟练泥瓦工协会National Association of Master Masons (英国)
全国环境卫星中心National Environmental Satellite Center
全国环境卫星中心National Environment Satellite Center
全国环境监测条例Regulations on Administration of National Environmental Monitoring
全国环境空气质量标准national ambient air quality standard
全国电器厂面协会标准NEMA national electric manufactures association standard
全国电话总局national center
全国石灰协会National Lime Association (美国)
全国石灰石协会National Limestone Association (美国)
全国砂石协会National Sand and Gravel Association (美国)
全国研究理事会National Research Council
全国社区发展协会National Association for Community Development
全国科技情报系统nation-wide scientific information system
全国租赁住房协会National Leased Housing Association
全国空气取样网National Air Sampling network
全国空气有害污染物排放标准national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
全国管道螺纹协会Association of National Pipe Thread
全国统一商业准则Uniform Commercial Code (美国)
全国统一法律uniform law (美国)
全国综合开发规划Comprehensive National Development Plan
全国综合开发计划comprehensive national development plan
全国综合指数national composite indices
全国范围的调查country-wide survey
全国装饰品协会National Decorating Products Association
全国规模national scale
全国证券交易所National Securities Exchange (美国)
全国证券市场体系Nation Market System
全国财产估价者协会National Association of Assessing Officers
全国资源计划委员会National Resources Planning Board
全国通信光缆骨干网a key national network of communications optical cables
全国通信光缆骨干网a key national network of communications optic cables
全国道路网national road network
全国铁路统计资料汇编collection of national railway statistic data
全国银行电汇电脑中心Data Telecommunication Center (日本)
全国银行账户all-bank account
全国防火协会National Fire Protection Association (美国)
全国陶土管研究所National Clay Pipe Institute
全国预制混凝土协会National Precast Concrete Association (美国)
全国黄铜铸造协会National Brass foundry Association
全部国外损失冲减recapture of overall foreign loss
国家安全委员会National Safety Council
国家安全网络nation safety net service
国家核安全局National Nuclear Safety Bureau
国家电力安全规范National Electrical Safety Code
国立职业安全卫生研究所National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
国际全球大气化学计划International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Programme
国际全球大气化学计划International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program
国际化学物质安全性计划International Programme pm Chemical Safety
国际化学物质安全性计划International Program pm Chemical Safety
国际安全网international safety net
国际安全集装箱公约International Convention for Safe Container
国际油船及码头安全指南International Oil Tankers and Terminals Safety Guide
国际海上人命安全会议international Conference for the safety of life at sea
国际船舶安全证书international safety certificate
国际集装箱安全公约International Convention for Safe Container
全国际多式运输safe international multimodal transport
煤炭工业全国咨询委员会Coal Industry National Consultative Council
美国全国卷材涂装工作者协会National Coil Coaters Association
美国全国油漆与涂料协会National Paint and Coatings Association
美国全国油漆协会National Paint Varnish and Lacquer Association
美国劳动部职业安全与卫生局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
美国安全工程师学会American Society of Safety Engineers
美国职业安全与卫生条例Occupational Safety and Health Act of American
美国职业安全与卫生管理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
联合国全系统中期环境方案The United Nations Whole System Mid-term Environmental Scheme
联邦全国抵押协会Federal National Mortgage Association (美国)