
Terms containing 全体委员 | all forms | in specified order only
IMF.份额总检查全体委员Committee of the Whole for the General Review of Quotas IMF, Executive Board
IMF.份额检查全体委员Committee of the Whole on Review of Quotas IMF, Executive Board
org.name.全体委员Committee of the Whole
telecom.全国电视体制委员会National Television System Committee
IMF.全球金融体系委员会Committee on the Global Financial System
China, polit.凝聚了全国人大代表、常委会组成人员、地方各级人大和专家学者的集体智慧reflect the collective wisdom of the NPC deputies, members of the Standing Committee, the deputies to local people's congresses at all levels, experts and scholars
IMF.发展委员会的全体委员Committee of the Whole for the Development Committee IMF, Executive Board
UN, polit.安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第12671999号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 1999 concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
China, polit.将法律草案表决稿提请常务委员会全体会议表决refer the final version of a draft law to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for a vote
China, polit.将议案提请常务委员会全体会议审议refer a bill to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for deliberation
China, polit.常务委员会全体委员the whole Standing Committee
China, polit.常务委员会全体委员all Standing Committee members
China, polit.常务委员会全体会议a general meeting of the Standing Committee
China, polit.常务委员会全体会议a plenary meeting of the Standing Committee
China, polit.常务委员会全体组成人员all Standing Committee members
China, polit.常务委员会全体组成人员the total membership of the Standing Committee
China, polit.常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数a simple majority of all Standing Committee members
China, polit.常委会全体委员the entire Standing Committee
UN, afr.1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大会特设全体委员Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
China, polit.提请常务委员会全体会议表决request the Standing Committee to put the draft to vote at a plenary meeting
China, polit.法律草案表决稿由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority of the total membership of the Standing Committee
gen.第十七届中央委员会第一次全体会议the First Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee
UN, afr.西非经共体防卫和安全委员会ECOWAS Defence and Security Commission