
Terms for subject Veterinary medicine containing | all forms
乳头瘤病 Molitor sylvilagirabbit warts
病毒性出血症viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits
粘液瘤病 Molitor myxomaerabbit myxomatosis
耳疥癣 Chorioptes cuniculiear mange of rabbits
螺旋体病 Treponema cuniculirabbit syphilis
螺旋体病 Treponema cuniculivent disease
螺旋体病 Treponema cuniculirabbit spirochaetosis
螺旋体病 Treponema cuniculispirochaetosis of domestic rabbits
超免疫源牛瘟血清hyperimmune rabbit origin rinderpest serum
通过子传代研制的疫苗passaged on rabbits vaccine; exp.