
Terms for subject Rugby football containing | all forms
从拉中出来out of the ruck
从拉中出来的球come out of the ruck
从拉最后-名队友前面加入rejoin in front of the hindmost teammate in the ruck
代替司scrum alternative
使拉倒塌collapse a ruck
做成马make a mark
再加入拉rejoin the ruck
冒尔后的司scrum following maul
加入拉join a ruck
参加拉take part in a ruck
对阵争球前排中线scrum line
对阵争球前排中线middle line of scrum
兰的越位offside at scrum
蓝中线scrum line
蓝传锋后卫scrum half back
蓝越位offside at Scrum
蓝越位线Scrum offside line
在拉旁边闲逛loiter at the side of a ruck
崩溃的司collapsed scrum
手探取拉中的球handle the ball in a ruck
手放在拉中其他队员身上place a hand on another player in the ruck
的越位offside at ruck
越位offside at Ruck
越位线Ruck offside line
非顺利结束unsuccessful end to a ruck
顺利结束successful end to a ruck
旋转司whirled scrum
旋转司wheeling a scrum
用两腿夹起拉中的球pick up the ball in a ruck with the legs
组成司have a scrum
组成拉form a ruck
跳到拉顶上jump on top of a ruck