
Terms containing 先 在 | all forms | in specified order only
cosmet.一些西方国家在化妆品制造工艺上较为先进In some western countries, cosmetics manufacturing technology is more advanced
proj.manag.一家领先外国投资银行的德国主管表示、 许多中国企业正在调查并购目标The German head of a leading foreign investment bank says that many Chinese companies are investigating acquisition targets
securit.交易在先股stock ahead
busin.产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place
busin.先在当地购买法律home preference law
interntl.trade.体现在产品上的先进技术转移transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
busin.体现在产品中的先进技术转让transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
econ.你方的订单在我方的生产进度中任何时候都会作优先安排Our production schedule shall give your orders first priority at any time
econ.你方订单在我公司占最优先地位Your orders take top priority in our company
commer.使用在先priority of use
wushu.倒地在先down first
wushu.倒地在先down first
avia.先于...... 而存在preexist
tech.先在山带preexisting mountain belts
tech.先在断层preexisting fault
tech.先在破裂岩prefractured rock
gen.先生,您好!我在网上订了机票,要怎么确认信息呢?Hello, sir. I booked my flight on the Internet. How can I confirm the information?
gen.先生,您的行李拿下来了吗?能请您在行李拿下来后再结账吗?Is your baggage down yet, sir? Could you check out after your baggage has been brought down, please?
gen.先生,您的麝香葡萄酒。我现在为您斟上好吗?Your muscatel, sir. May I serve you now?
gen.先生,我替你找一下。你好,还在吗?很不巧,陈先生现在不在,你介不介意稍微等一分钟?I'll just find out for you, sir. Hello, are you still there? Unfortunately, Mr. Chen is not available at the moment. Would you mind holding for one minute?
gen.先生,我能将您的外衣放在衣柜里吗?May I hang your coat in the closet, sir?
gen.先生,请将您的国籍写在这里Could you please put your nationality there, sir?
polygr.先用钢笔和墨水在铜板上画出图形然后蚀刻的方法calligraphic etching
org.name.关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention
UN, chem.关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
interntl.trade.出口在先export first
IT原先存在的固定错误previously fixed error
law发明在先first to invent
gen.M 在 M 方面享有优先权enjoy priority in
sport.在中、长跑比赛中、运动员争先进人内圈以缩短跑程距离In middle and long distance races, runners break for the inner lane to reduce the distance they cover
busin.在…之先in preference to
commer.在…享有优先权enjoy priority in
repr.biol.在先practical anatomy
plann.在先关系图precedence diagram
China, law在先权利prior right
plann.在先矩阵precedence matrix
busin.在制品先进先出计价first-in first-out costing of work-in process
econ.在前任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先为填补空位而选出了一位董事We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office
econ.在协议签字时,应先付一笔300美元的定金Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made
el.在应用和开发方面的领先地位及精品leadership and excellence in the application and development
gen.在微波炉中煮整蛋时,务必先用牙签将蛋黄外膜刺破Never microwave a whole egg without pricking the yolk with a toothpick to break the outer membrane
econ.在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
econ.在数目方面领先exceed in number
sport.在比赛中领先lead the race
gen.在比赛中领先forge (ahead)
busin.在比较价格的时候,质量是我们首先必须考虑的When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products
commer.在物价上涨前预先订购货物order the goods in anticipation of a rise
proj.manag.在生产服务器上安装软件和固件更新之前、应该先在测试环境中部署这些更新Before you install software and firmware updates on your production servers, you should deploy these updates in a test environment
el.在电子产品设计中采用先进概念的计划program for advanced concepts in electronics design
gen.在看影片之前建议你先看看下面的剧情简介,以帮助你更好地理解Before you watch it, please read the following synopsis to help you understand it better
gen.M在规模方面比 N 领先M exceeds N in size
proj.manag.在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇到了同样的不直率Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft
econ.在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各项计划提交给厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
sport.在赛跑中领先gain or have the lead in a race
econ.在这些产品中,人们首先选择这种The product would be taken in preference to the others
econ.在这次招聘中,优先聘用能招来生意或接受订单的人Any person who can solicit or accept any orders will be given preference in this inviting applications
sport.女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games
proj.manag.如果模块的访问级别在限制性上高于其一个成员的访问级别、则指定的模块访问级别将具有优先权When a module has more restricted access than one of its members, the specified module access level takes precedence
gen.对不起,打扰了,先生。您有要送洗的衣服吗?洗衣工现在过来收了Excuse me, sir. Have you any laundry? The laundryman is here to collect it
fin.1987—1996 年先后在费城联邦储备银行、波士顿联邦储备银行和纽约联邦储备银行任职Ben Shalom Bernanke
gen.张先生,我听说中国人在除夕夜吃饺子。为什么?Mr. Zhang, I learned that Chinese people have Jiaozi on New Year's Eve. Why?
gen.怀特先生正在与进口商就货物检验问题进行洽谈Mr. White is talking with the importer about inspecting the goods
gen.您到凯撒皇宫酒店后,我带您到接待台。现在,我先取走您的行李I'll show you to the Reception Desk when you arrive at Caesars Palace Hotel. Now, I'll pick your baggage
gen.您能在大厅门口等着吗,先生?Could you just wait at the entrance of the hall, sir?
gen.我们不建议在晒黑前一个小时内沐浴,但是可以在晒黑前先卸妆或者除去香水味A shower is not recommended 1 hour before an indoor tanning session, but you should remove any makeup or perfume before the session
gen.我们首先要知道这条线应画在那里we must first know whereabouts the line should be drawn
gen.我想找陈先生,请问他在吗?I' m trying to get hold of Mr. Chen. Is he available?
econ.我方在提交报价前将先派出代表Our reps will be sent in advance of our submitting the quotations
commer.我方希望你方首先在你方市场推销这一新产品We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market
gen.我要先在第九街的总公司停下I need to stop by my headquarters on 9th Street first
gen.房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside
China, polit.把教育放在优先发展的战略地位make education strategic priority
gen.抱歉陈先生不在,你要不要跟其他人讲话?I am sorry Mr. Chen is unavailable. Would you like to speak to anyone else?
gen.搬运工在出发机场将先托运的行李先装上飞机,所以现在就晚出来.The baggage checked in the first would come out later, for the porters put it in the airplane earlier than others at departing airport
gen.新车在正式使用前最好先试开一下,对新机器也是如此it is recommended to drive a new car before you put it into use, and so with a new machine
gen.晚上好,先生。现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?Good evening, sir. May I do the turn-down service for you now?
gen.杨先生的房子就在银行对面Mr. Yang's house is across the bank
comp.正在执行的优先程序指示器current priority indicator
comp.正在执行的优先程序指示器current priority indicator
interntl.trade.注册在先priority of registration
busin.注册在先专有权priority of registration
proj.manag.现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美元The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants
econ.甲方在未取得乙方的事先同意之前不得单方面行动Party A shall not act unilaterally without the prior approval of Party B
gen.申请在先first to file
dentist.种植是一种治疗方法:首先在颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙根,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it
sport.3000 米障碍赛世界冠年基普坦努伊在最后三圈大大领先于其他选手、无人能与之匹敌Kiptanui, the 3000 metres steeplechase world champion, ran unchallenged for the last three laps, building up a huge lead
sport.美国的德弗斯一路领先、直到她跨越最后一个栏架时、绊倒在地上Devers of the United States was leading up to the final hurdle, over which she tripped and fell
China, polit.胜方在时空、票数等方面的领先幅度margin
gen.M 让M在先make place for
gen.请问盖茨先生在吗?May I speak to Mr. Gates?
sport.跳高运动员朱建华在 1983 年先后创造了 2.37 米和 2.38 米两次男子跳高世界纪录High jumper Zhu Jiɑnhuɑ broke the world men's high jump record twice in 1983 by clearing 2.37 and 2.38 metres
interntl.trade.进口在先import first
commer.预先规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
econ.首先你应获准在该国居住至少一年,然后才能开业You should be granted a residence permit first for at least one year in that country and begin your business