
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一俟可以报盘,我方将优办理你方询盘As soon as we're in a position to offer, we'll give precedence to your enquiries
不应强加决条件No preconditions should be imposed
与 B 型,C 型相比,优选择 A 型take Type A in preference to Type B and Type C
乌干达Uganda Shilling
排除出错的可能性obviate the possibility of mistakes
计划的平衡planned balance
亲爱的Dear sirs, (向某一公司致函时常用此语,其后用逗号, 美国人则习惯用 Gentlemen 其后用冒号)
售为条件subject to prior sales
债权privileged debts
停靠码头free stem
决定权first refusal (租船,租售)
股票参与分红participating preferred
市场准入preferential market access
抵押债券senior mortgage
priority rights
权证preferential right letter
次序评定priority rating
测试precedence test
亦缩为 prefdpreferred
目标圈precedence diagram
preferred (stock)
capital stock preferred
股东preference shareholder
股利prefer red dividend
股股息preference dividend
股股息preferred dividend
股股息preferential dividend
要求precedence requirement
购股权right of preemption
购股权preemptive right
雇用工会会员的企业preferential shop
你方的声明与前所作的承诺相抵触Your statement is in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously
使用在priority of use
于进口许可证届满期限be prior to the expiration of an import licence
技术转让中付一笔使用费后按期提成的混合付款方式combination of lump-sum fee and running royalty
坦桑尼亚,肯尼亚等国货币单位亦缩为 s.shilling
决条件conditions precedent
到先处理原则principle of first-in-first-served
发样品shipping sample
期备货stock ahead
来先服务first-come first-served
生们Gentlemen (美国信函封内称呼 (salutation) 用词,英国常用 Dear Sirs)
进技术消化digest of advanced technology
进技术设备advanced technical equipment
进装卸操作方法advanced ways of loading and unloading operations
分期付款购买部分付现pay down
驱产品pioneer product
利用进技术make capital of advanced technology
参与优股票participating preference stock
可赎回优redeemable preference stock
可赎回优redeemable preference share
后进岀,后装先卸last in, first out
吸取进管理经验utilizing advanced managerial skills
吸收进技术assimilate advanced technology
吸收外国进技术absorption of advanced foreign technology
在…享有优先权enjoy priority in
在物价上涨前预订购货物order the goods in anticipation of a rise
坦桑尼亚Tanzanian Shilling
如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事人有约定外,优适用惯例In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties
委任库克生为他的商务助理accredit Mr. Cook as his commercial assistant
宣布任命怀特生为总经理announce the appointment of Mr. White as general manager
对…有优先权have a prior claim to
法律对资本优受偿权charge against capital
弓丨进进技术introduction of advanced technology
我们与库克生结束了几笔交易We've closed several deals with Mr. Cook
我方希望你方首在你方市场推销这一新产品We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market
令换为英镑change shillings for pounds
把一工厂的产量提高到进厂的水平level the output of a factory up to that of the advanced
最优highest top priority
最优first priority
最优prepreferent share
…有优先权have a prior claim to
有证券保证的优购买权covered option
比原预定的日期提前well ahead of the original target date
比…居先take priority of
没有例可援引There is no precedent to go by
物价领调整price leading
由最启航的船舶装运shipment by first available vessel
社会优职能social preference function
积累优cumulative preference share
索马里货币单位Somali shilling
索马里Somali Shilling
累积优cumulative preference
给…以优先权give priority to
肯尼亚Kenya Shilling
认购新股优权利subscription privilege
证券未正式上市前的期交易beating the gun
样品pilot model
超过世界进水平surpass advanced world levels
超过世界进水平surpass advanced world level
运费advanced freight
运费freight prepaid
这不可作为例加以援引It can't be quoted as a precedent
采用进技术utilize advanced technology
需事通知prior notice (required)
非优投资部门non-priority sectors of investment
非参与优nonparticipating preference share
非积累优noncumulative preference share
非积累性优non-cumulative preference stock (与积累性优先股 (cumulative preferred share) 相对)
非积累性优non-cumulative preference share (与积累性优先股 (cumulative preferred share) 相对)
须经预批准subject to prior approval
须经预核准be subject to prior approval
付款advanced payment
准备preparatory treatment
加工prior operation
包装的食用冰prepackaged edible ice
吸取收入precollected revenue
备好的货物goods ready before hand
抽样foregoing sampling
指定值preassigned value
授权支票preauthorized check
授权转账preauthorized transfer
控制prior operation
申请prior request
磋商prior consultation
磋商preliminary consultation
组装构件preassembled unit
规定如果在发生他们所不能控制的某些意外事件时双方的权利和义务It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
计划的开支planned cost
计划的成本planned cost
计算好的金额precalculated amount
调整anticipatory control
调整试算表preadjustment trial balance
通知advanced notice