
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不偿还优irredeemable preference share
不偿还的优irredeemable preference share
不参与优non-participating preference stock
不参与优non-participating preferred stock
不参与优non-participating preferred share
不参与优non-participating preference share
业务代表未通知即自行解约cancellation without notice by the representative
业务代表未通知即自行解约cancel the agency contract without prior notice
个人验概率personal prior probability
before the fact
"事事后"测验"before-and-after" test
保险insurance in advance
决策prior decision
决策模式prior decision model
减价before hours
协商as offered
布置layout in advance
二次优选择quadratic preference
二项式验分布binomial prior distribution
英国旧币crown piece
交替优顺序排队queue with alternating priority
产品进技术的转让transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
产品平均进工时定额average up-to-date number of man-hours to be spent on a product
产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领地位The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place
人民生活优priority for the people's livelihood
以职员优认股计划筹集资金capital raised under share incentive scheme
inside track
于抵押权的留置权lien ranking ahead of mortgage
优先雇员工会会员的会员企业工厂preference shop
传递国际政务电报government telegram with priority
估计estimate of preference
使用国库券政策bill-preferable policy
供应priority of supply
first obligation
债券underlying debenture
债券underlying bond
债权priority claims
债权prior charge
债权人confidential creditor
偿还的债务confidential debt
再雇用preferential rehiring
分析中心center for priority analysis
分配股利的股份stock preferred as to dividend
分配股息的优先股stock preferred as to dividends
分配财产的优先股stock preferred as to assets
priority system
原则dominance principle
发行证券senior issue
取舍概率probability of refusal
号码priority number
precedence diagram
在当地购买法律home preference law
type of priority
学科类型type of priority discipline
就业be given priority in job placement
度分配allocation of priorities
度量measure of priority
承运方案cargo preference schemes
抵押under mortgage
抵押权人senior mortgage
指数priority index
排序priority sequencing
优先股支付股利prior charge
日期priority date
普通股系普通股的一种preferred ordinary share
priority period
period of priority
权益prior equity
查封权priority of attachment
次序效果effect of priorities
海事留置preferred maritime lien
清偿债务preferential debt
清偿的债务preferential debt
清理中清理的债务liquidation of the preferential debt
独立preferential independence
生产priority production
留置权债券prior lien bond
程度degree of priority
税收管辖权primary jurisdiction
类别priority categories
系列数字preferred number series
索赔权priority of one's claim
索赔权priority of claim
约束precedence constraints
置留权prior lien
prior stock
senior stock
prior preferred stock
preferred share
股偿债基金preferred stock sinking fund
股利红利preferential dividend
股利证券senior security
股息preferential dividend
股折扣preferred stock discount
股溢价preferred stock premium
股的兑换特权conversion privilege on preferred stock
股票购买选择权call option on preferred stock
股票购买选择权call options on preferred stock
股股东权益preferred stockholders's equity
股股东权益preferred stockholders' equity
股股利dividends on preferred stock
股股息preferred-stock dividend
股股息dividend on preferred stock
股股息保偿率preferred-stock-dividend-coverage ratio
股转换特权conversion privilege on preferred stock
行动项目priority action project
评价priority rating
调用权preferential swing right
财团underlying syndicate
购买priority of purchase
购买right of preemption
购买原则priority of purchase
购买权first refusal
购股权指公司原股东有优先购买新股票权preemptive right
贷款票据prefinance bill
资金融通票据preferential bill
赎还权prior redemption privilege
运行权precedence in running
选择估计量preferred estimator
选择权first refusal
鉴定priority rationing
雇用preferential hiring
雇用工会会员的工厂preferential shop
靠岸装货即不按顺序靠码头free stem
项目priority item
项目priority of project
顺序order of precedence
伽马验分布gamma prior distribution
低优lower priority
体现在产品中的进技术转让transfer of advanced technology embodied in product
使用优取舍方式system with refusal
供给优priority of supply
保证优protected preferred
债券期本票bond-anticipation note
债券及优股基金bond and preferred stock fund
债权人优creditor's preferential claim
储备金优拨款reserve preferences
不确定价格leave the price open
买后付buy now pay later
买权pre-emptive right
令支付协定账目agreement shillings account
例原则doctrine of precedent
兆性事件anticipatory events
兆性违约事件anticipatory events of default
入先出法first in, first out
入后出法first in, last out
入留库盘存法first in, still here
列成本指在物价上涨时期,因实行后进先出法而造成营业成本增加anticipated cost
早到货物forward arrivals
到先供应制度first-come first-served system
到先服务first-come first-service
到先服务first-come first-served
前值preceding values
前报价previous quotation
前期望利润率prior expected profit
前的使用prior use
前积累previous accumulation
卖货筹款后再购货bring-and-buy sale
取得后利用acquisition prior to use
取特权beneficium division
prior sale
导工业leading industry
"旅行后付款"信用法"travel-now-pay-later" plan
期交易beating the gun
证券未公开上市前期交易beat the gun
期交款advance contribution
期利润previous profit
期承兑anticipated acceptance
期购买anticipated buying
期违约anticipatory breach of contract
正式通知前的期通知advanced notice
期通知advanced notice
来先办理first come, first serve
来先售first come, first sold
来先服务原则first-come first-served rule
Mr Mister
积累后消费accumulation before consumption
行作业previous operation
行劳动previous labour
行性工业pioneer industry
行性指标总指数index of leading indicators
行活动prerequisite activity
行萧条preceding depression
行集antecedent set
购价preemption price
购权priority of purchase
购权preferential right to purchase
进企业劳动生产率best practice labor productivity
进先出法method of first-in, first-out
进先出盘存法inventory plans, first in, first out
进先卖first come, first sold
进先岀法此系存货计价法之一,即销货按早期进货价计算,期末库存商品则按近期进货价计算first in, first out
进制造工艺advanced manufacturing technology
进后出法first-in last-out
进定额advance norm
进工业技术方案Program for Advanced Industrial Technology
进工作者advanced worker
进技术vanguard technology
进水平advanced stage
进污水处理法advanced waste treatment
进管理系统advanced administration System
进自动装置progressive automation
进还存法first-in still-here
进还存法存货计价法之一first-in, still-here
进通信电子设备需要计划advanced communication electronics requirements plan
遣挂车队forward trailer unit
验估计prior estimation
验信息empirical prior information
验信息empiric prior information
验信息与不变量规则invariant rules and prior informations
验密度函数prior density function
验推理prior reasoning
验概率probability a priori
验概率probability a prior
验概率密度prior probability density
全国进企业national advanced enterprise
全国进单位national advanced unit
全面参与优fully-participating preferred stock
公司优债券companies preferential debt
公司优债务companies' preferential debt
公司未通知即自行解约cancellation without notice by the company
共轭验分布conjugate prior distribution
准备金优拨款reserve preferences
出口生产优政策export production-first policy
分散验分布diffuse prior distribution
半优配给semipreemptive priority
单位后进出法unit LIFO method
参与优participating preference share
参与优participating preference stock
参与优participating preference
参加分红优即优先股除按规定分得当年定额股利外, 还可参与分享剩余利润participating preference stock share
双优项目two-priority discipline
双分类优模型two-class priority model
双联汇票提示并付款的一联principal bill
反优雇用法案affirmative act
发行优issuance of preferred stocks
发行优issuance preferred stock
可偿优redeemable preference stock
可兑换优可换为普通股或公司债券convertible preferred stock
可提前回收的优股票callable preferred stock
可赎优redeemable preferred stock
合伙人取特权lien of partners
同行业历史进成本historical best cost of the industry
后进last-come, first served
后进last-in, first-out
后进出储备LIFO reserve
后进出卖价还原法LIFO adaptation of retail inventory
后进出堆栈push down stock
后进出增量LIFO increment
后进出排队last-in, first-out queue
后进出法last-in, first-out
后进出法last in, first-out method
后进出法method of last-in, first-out
后进出法计算存货方法之一last-in first-out met hod
后进出盘存成本计算法last-in first-out method of inventory costing
后进出盘存法inventory plans, last in, first out
后进出盘存进货批次LIFO inventory layer
后进出盘存进货批次last-in, first-out inventory layer
后进出积聚LIFO pool
后进出表last-in, first-out list
后进出货栈last-in first-out stack
后进出零售价法LIFO retail method
商品出口生产优政策commodity export-production-first policy
国民优national preference
在…之先in preference to
在制品进先出计价first-in first-out costing of work-in process
在比较价格的时候,质量是我们首必须考虑的When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products
均匀验分布uniform prior distribution
多元"学生"T验分布multivariate student-T prior distribution
大规模事测试full-dress pretest
奥地利Austrian Schilling
存货进先出计价first-in first-out costing of inventory
存货的进先出计价法first-in, first-out costing of inventory
应优偿还的债务privileged debt
开证者破产时的优受偿priority on insolvency of the issuer
引进外国进技术introduction of foreign advanced technology
引进外国进技术import foreign advanced technology
购买 收买权preemption
您可以看一下样品What about having a look at the sample first?
扩散验密度diffuse prior density
优先结构preemptive priority structure
持有子公司优股和普通股holding of subsidiary's preferred and common stock
按美元计值的后进出法LIFO dollar-value method
援引invoke a precedent
收回优股所得资本paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock
收回优股票准备reserve for retirement of preferred stock
政府采购优原则priority in government procurement
例案件case of first impression
验情报调查investigation without prior notice
无抢优先权non-preemptive priority
时间优rate of time preference
更优项目higher priority
更改预通知advance change notice
抵押head mortgage
留置权first lien
进技术ultra-advanced technology
最优投资项目high-priority investment projects
最优prior preferred share
最优prepreference stock
最优prepreference shares
最短作业时间优法则shortest operation-time priority
最长工时优原则longest work-time priority principle
有机会就装运shipment by first opportunity
有权售的报盘offer subject to prior sale
有表决权优voting preferred stock
有证券担保的优购买权covered option
未按优次序服务nonpreemptive priority service
本单位历史进成本historical best cost of the entity
机器优中断hardware priority interrupt
条件优性独立conditional preferential independence
概括性经济决条件broad economic prerequisites
次优lower priority
次优用户low-priority user
次优项目lower-priority goal
次入岀法next-in, first-out method
次要优项目lower priority
次进出法next-in-first-out method
次进出法next-in first-out
欺诈的优fraudulent preference
止卸收运费stop for freight
正常优价格normal advantage price
波利验分布Poly prior distribution
注册在专有权priority of registration
海上优受偿权marine lien
消费early acceptors
清理程序中优清偿的债务liquidation: preferential debt
清算摊派优liquidation preference
烦请转交…先生attention of Mr....
特别优high priority
现代优modern preferred stocks
理论验信息theoretical prior information
生产优priority of production
生产资料优增长more rapid growth of the means of production
由优股变为普通股所得资本capital from conversion of preferred stock to common Stock
由优股变为普通股所获资本capital from conversion of preferred stock to common stock
由优股折换的缴讫资本paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
由最开航的船装运shipment by first available vessel
申请购买土地优enter lands
目标后次序priority of goals
目标优次序goal priority
破产优偿付preferential payments in bankruptcy
社会平均进定额advanced average social quota
科学管理pioneer in scientific management
第一优目标first priority goal
第二优second-preferred stock
第二优second-preferred share
累积优cumulative preferred stock
累积优cumulative preference shares
累积优股权cumulative preference
累积优股红利cumulative dividend
累计优cumulative preference shares
累计优cumulative preferred stock
累计优股权cumulative preference
累计股息优cumulative preferred share
经济进国家economically advance country
经济验判定economic a prior criteria
给予优accord priority
绝对优规则absolute priority rule
维修优因素maintenance priority factor
综合行指数composite leading indexes
综合领指标composite leading indicators
美元币值后进出法dollar value last in, first out method
职工优认股筹资计划capital raised under share incentive scheme
职工优认股购股办法stock option and purchase plans
股票优认购权privileged allocation of issuance to stockholders
获利额对债务利息和优股利的倍数比率time interest and preferred dividend earned ratio
虚假优fraudulent preference
要求忱偿付债务priority of debt
计划优原则primacy of planning
认缴优股本subscription to preferred capital stock
认缴优股本subscription to preferred capital
来,谁先卖first come, first sold
贝叶斯式验密度函数Bayesian-type prior density function
账房account and secretary
单位货物后进出法unit LIFO method
货物的预申报preentry of goods
货物预申报preentry of goods
资产优asset preference
资产优asset priority
at the outset
转让优priority of transfer
输出的背对背信用证back-to-back credit export import first
达到世界进水平meet advanced world standard
运输increasing transportation capacity as an important means
近似最优near optimum solution
这是试销订单。请仅给我们发100套,看看市场如何。如果反响不错,我们将大量订购This is a trial order. Please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market If successful, we will give you large orders in the future
邮局优邮件post office preferred
部分参与优partially participating preferred stock
部分参与优partially participating preferred share
部分参与分红优partial participation preferred stock
部分参与分红优partial participation preferred share
配套、消化、吸收进技术能力ability to supply the necessary accessories and assimilate advanced technology
采用进工艺技术adoption of progressive technological programming
采用进技术adopt advanced technique
重视验信息prior information regarder
附有购权的债券bond-plus warrant
随机验信息stochastic prior information
随机验概率random prior probability
集体优group priority
零售业后进出法LIFO adaptation of retail method
零售后进出法retail LIFO method
需事获准prior permission required
需要和优估计estimate of needs and priorities
非优次序nonpreemptive priority
非信息验密度non-informative prior density
非对称优asymmetrical preference
非或有优non-contingent preference stock
非累计优preferred stock, non-cumulatives
非累计优股票指股息不足,以后不补non-cumulative preferred stock
保险insurance in advance
偏差报告advanced deviation report
做好的off the rack
分配prior allotment
初步和最终估计advance, preliminary and final estimate
制定计划advance planning
包装货物prepackaged loads
in anticipation
安排advance arrangement
承兑anticipated acceptance
推断predictive implications
支付抵押款anticipation right
检验法method of predictive testing
的、初步的及最终的数字结算estimate, advance, preliminary, final
联系安排交货advance arrangement
背书人antecedent party
订货advanced order
订货advance purchase
违反合同anticipatory breach of contract
违约anticipatory breach
通知制度early warning system
通知审计prenotice audit
采购计划advanced procurement planning
商人leading merchant
工业leading industry
投机者leading speculators
经济指标leading economic indicator
经营者leading operators
收回成本计算法cost-recovery-first method
高优项目higher-priority goal
高入出法highest-in-first-out method
高入出法highest-in, first-out
高入岀法highest-in first-out
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