
Terms for subject Genetics containing | all forms
分离preferential segregation
敏感性preferential sensitivity
DNase I 优敏感性DNase I preferential sensitivity
选择preferential selection
合成链leading strand
天代谢缺陷inborn error of metabolism
天型constitutional type
天性 IX 因子缺失症congenital IX factor deficiency
天性 XI 因子缺失症congenital XI factor deficiency
天性 VIII 因子缺失症congenital VIII factor deficiency
天性中耳畸形congenital malformation of auris media
天性代谢缺陷congenital metabolic defects
天性侏儒症congenital cretinism
天性免疫congenital immunity
天性全色盲congenital achromatopsia
天性全血细胞减少症congenital pancytopenia
天性副肌强直症congenital paramyotonia
天性动脉导管未闭congenital patent ductus arteriosus
天性单纯肺动脉口狭窄congenital simple pulmonic stenosis
天性卟咻症congenital porphyria
天性卵巢发育不良ovarian dysgenesis
天性厚甲congenital pachyonychia
天性呼吸系统畸形congenital anomalies of respiratory system
天性囊肺congenital cystic lung
天性囊肾congenital cystic kidney
天性外耳道闭锁congenital atresia of external auditory canal
天性外胚层发育异常congenital ectodermal dysplasia
天性多系统畸形congenital syndromes affecting multiple systems
天性大疱性鳞状红皮症congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma
天性小口畸形congenital microstomia
天性小眼球congenital microphthalmos
天性小角膜与大角膜congenital microcornea and macrocornea
天性巨结肠congenital giant colon
天性巨过氧化物酶颗粒症congenital gigantism of peroxidase granule
天性幽门狭窄congenital pyloric stenosis
天性心脏畸形Fallot tetralogy
天性心脏畸形Romano-Ward syndrome
天性心脏畸形congenital anomalies of heart
天性心血管畸形Eisenmenger syndrome
天性感染congenital infection
天性成骨不全congenital osteogenesis imperfecta
天性支气管扩张congenital bronchiectasis
天性无子宫congenital absence of uterus
天性无睾症congenital anorchia
天性毛细血管扩张症congenital telangiectasia
天性氯性腹泻congenital chloride diarrhea
天性泌尿系统畸形congenital anomalies of urinary system
天性生殖器畸形congenital anomalies of genital organs
天性甲状腺机能减退症congenital hypothyroidism
天性白血球缺乏症congenital aleukia
天性皮肤异色症Rothmund syndrome
天性眼畸形congenital anomalies of eye
天性睾丸发育不全XXY syndrome
天性睾丸发育不全症congenital testicular dysgenesis
天性离氨血症congenital hyperammonemia
天性秃发atrichia congenita
天性秃发症congenital alopecia
天性突变pre-existing inherited mutation
天性糖尿病congenital diabetes mellitus
天性红细胞再生障碍性贫血congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
天性红细胞生成卟咻症congenital erythropoietic porphyria
天性红绿色盲与色弱congenital dyschromatopsia of the protan and deutan
天性耳廓囊肿congenital auricular cyst
天性耳廓畸形congenital malformation of auricula
天性聋哑deaf mutism
天性肌强直症congenital myotonia
天性肌病congenital myopathy
天性股疝congenital femoral hernia
天性肾上腺皮层腺瘤及腺癌congenital adenoma and adenocarcinoma of adrenal cortex
天性肾上腺皮质增生症congenital adrenal hyperplasia
天性脑积水congenital hydrocephaly
天性膈疝congenial diaphragmatic hernia
天性节段性肝内胆管扩张congenital segmental intrahepatic bile duct dilatation
天性蔗糖不耐症congenital sucrose intolerance
天性血色症congenital hemachromatosis
天性视网膜劈裂症congenital retinoschisis
天性视网膜动脉瘤congenital retinal aneurysm
天性身、面及颈畸形congenital anomalies of ear, face and neck
天性输精管不发育congenital maldevelopment of the vas deferens
天性输精管缺如congenital absence of deferens
天性镫骨固定congenital fixation of the stapes
天性阴囊水肿congenital hydrocele
天性阴道闭锁congenital vaginal atresia
天性非溶血性黄疸 II 型Rotor syndrome
天性颈椎骨结合Klippel-Feil syndrome
天愚型mongolism (mongolismus)
天畸形congenital anomalies
天素质natural predisposition
天缺陷inborn error
天角化病ichthyosis congenita
天酶缺陷inborn enzymatic defect
天鳞癣ichthyosis congenita
噬菌体导蛋白pilot protein
成论theory of preformation
断假说breakage first hypothesis
熟说precocity theory
锋阶段initial stage
剪接导序列spliced leader sequence
剪接导应接子spliced leader receptor
本能性预适应constitutional preadaptation
生化成论biochemical predestination
类型ancestor form
遗传定律law of ancestral heredity
突变性预适应mutational preadaptation
良性天性肌张力不全症benign congenital hypotonia
遗传性天甲状腺功能减退hereditary congenital hypothyroidism
雌蕊熟花protogynous flower
雌蕊熟花protandrous flower
无性接近preliminarily vegetative approachment