
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing 充当M | all forms
不填充钢管桩unfilled tubular steel pile
人工充填hand packing
人工充填hand fill
充了水的涵洞water-filled culvert
充分利用fully utilizing
充分必要条件necessary and sufficient condition
充分理由sufficient reason
充分理由adequate cause
充气air input
充气air filling
充气aeration inflation
充气桥inflated bridge
充气混凝土air-entrained concrete
台后填充材料filling material behind abutment
圬工填充masonry fill
填充了的截面filled section
填充作业filling operation
填充块infilling block unfilled block
填充层filler course
填充层infilled bed
填充层infilled course
填充截面filled section
填充料infilling material
填充材料back up material
填充混凝土concrete filling
填充混凝土的桩pile filled with concrete
填充混凝土的钢管steel tube with filled concrete
填充物packing material
填充缝filled joint
桥梁中填充混凝土的管结构pipe structure with infilled concrete in bridge
混凝土填充的空心桩hollow pile filled with concrete
混凝土填充的管形钢结构concrete filled tubular steel structure
纯抛石填充clean-dumped rock fill
补充材料supplementary material
补充条款clause riders
补充的规范supplement specifications
补充细节additional detail, subsidiary detail
补充规定additional regulations
补充说明additional remarks
补充调查supplementary examination
补充钢筋additional bar
补充钢筋supplemental reinforcement
设计规范的若干补充some complements to the design specifications