
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
给折扣有关成员国捐款potential discount
许个人客户开设人民币账户offer RMB-denominated accounts for personal banking customers
许中国企业以本币进行跨境交易结算allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency
许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易结算的项目allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
许中外企业用人民币结算外贸交易allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi
许人民币以更快速度升值allow the renminbi to rise faster
许人民币以更快速度升值allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly
许人民币升值allow renminbi to appreciate
许人民币升值permit renminbi appreciation
许人民币升值allow renminbi appreciation
许人民币参考一揽子货币浮动allow the renminbi to float against a basket of currencies
许人民币对欧元升值allow the renminbi to appreciate against the euro
许人民币用于贸易结算allow trade to be settled in renminbi
许人民币自由兑换allow the renminbi to trade freely
许企业在中国境外贸易中使用人民币结算allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China
许列帐的费用allowable cost
许加大人民币每日交易的波动幅度permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency
许外国人投资allow foreigners to invest
许将资本金返还股东allow to return capital to shareholders
许工资加快增长allow a faster rise in wages
许扩大人民币贸易allow more trading in the renminbi
许汇率大幅提高allow a much higher exchange rate
许的帐面价值减低数额writing down allowance
许离岸银行之间从事人民币转账业务allow offshore banks to transfer renminbi among themselves
许离岸银行和各国央行投资于中国的银行间债券市场allow offshore banks and central banks to invest in China's interbank bond market
许货币升值permit currency appreciation
许货币升值allow currency to appreciate
许货币升值allow currency appreciation
许进出口贸易以人民币开具发票和结算allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi
许非贸易资金自由出人中国allow non-trade-related flows in and out of China
交易fair trade
价值会计fair value accounting
价值变动损益profit and loss on changes in fair value
价值变动收益gain on the changes in the fair value
价值套期fair value hedging
价值模式fair value pattern
价值确定方法methods for confirmation of fair value
价值计量measurement at the fair value
价值计量fair value measurements
价格justified price
市价fair market price
市值fair market value
外汇牌价许波动范围allowance for exchange fluctuation
有条件的qualified consent
权益工具公价值fair value of the equity instruments
标普公价值排名S & P fair value ranking
特种费用special order
经常费用,长期授权standing authorization
资产公价值fair value of the assets
钱币金属纯度的许误差remedy of fineness