
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
许卖方为其自身利益而利用此项信息The seller isn't allowed to utilize the information for its advantages
债权人在许企业贷款之前,必须考虑这家企业的财力Creditors must consider the financial strength of a business before permitting it to borrow funds
the permissible error
admissible deviation
差总额total tolerance
许作为共同海损补偿的损失allow a loss as general average
许值permissible value
许分批装运partial shipment to be allowed
许和许可leave and licence
许在年度账内冲销allow for write-offs in the yearly account
许地方政府保留国家限额以外的所有剩余税收allowing local governments to retain all the surplus revenue above the state quotas
许的帐面价减低额written down allowance
许的捕捉量an allowable catch
许的最大值maximum allowable
许的账面价值减低数额the writing down allowance
许缓期付款grant a respite of payment
许缺陷标准acceptable defect level
许货物损失金额the amount allowable for loss or damage to cargo
许赊账allow credit
许转船allow transshipment
许转让transshipment allowed
许转运the transhipment to be allowed
许近似值valid approximation
许预支凭单imprest bill
决不许未经许可查看公司的记录Unauthorized access to the company's records is by no means allowed
许的开支allowable expenses
在天气许情况下weather permitting
对申请就业者由于肤色或原国籍等原因而对其加以歧视是没有道理的,因而也是不能许的The discrimination against any applicant for employment because of his color or national origin is unreasonable and therefore impermissible
我们许你方5月1 日前修改建议的部分内容We permit you to revise some part of the proposal until May 1
批内许的百分比次品率lot tolerance per cent defective
批内许破损率lot tolerance failure rate
收缩容the shrinkage allowance
最大许次品百分比maximum allowable percent defective
最大许重量maximum permissible weight
最大许额maximum permissible amount (量)
最迟许日期latest allowable date
美国政府限制产条例规定的最高许产量maximum permissive rate
美国政府限制产条例规定的最高许产量maximum permissible rate
最高许费用maximum allowable cost
有条件的the qualified consent
未经许你方无权从事类似货品的商业性生产You have no right to enter into commercial production of the similar goods without being permitted
根据你方信用证,可许分批运货Partial delivery is to be permitted according to your letter of credit
根据我们公司的规则,只有销售额完成了而且真实可靠,才许扣除损失According to the rule of our company, a loss can be deductible only when the sale is complete and bona fide
没有设计人的书面同意,不许对既定的设计做任何变动It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer
经理不许我们只从一个地方采购原料The manager didn't permit us to purchase the materials from only one source
维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不许零售商改变的一种制度The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it
缺点许率lot tolerance percent defective
蒙…允许by courtesy of
违反诺的义务breach of promise
银行在诺商业房地产投资同时附加了一个条件The bank attached a condition to the promise of the investment in the commercial real estate
风险许度tolerability of risk