
Terms containing | all forms
gen.美、英、加三国辐射许剂量确定委员会Tripartite Committee of Radiation Tolerances
tech.下沉许量settlement allowance
gen.not allowable
gen.not allowed
gen.答应would not hear of...
gen.答应will not hear of...
bridge.许再加倍inadmissible redouble
tech.许数位unallowable digit
agric.许条件non-permissive condition
bridge.许的叫牌inadmissible call
avia.许超过的速度velocity never to exceed
nautic., tech.许载荷重新分布的屈曲能力方法2buckling capacity does not accept load redistribution between structural components Method 2
tech.许输入输出中断disallowed input/output interrupt
agric.不可许的inadmissible (inadmissibilis)
agric.不可许策略inadmissible strategy
gen.不好意思,高丽博物馆不许用闪光灯Excuse me, flashes are not allowed to be used in Koryo Museum
tech.中断许与禁止interrupt enable and disable (指令)
gen.为安全起见,未经许,请不要在房内使用电器和烹调设备Electric or cooking equipment without permission is forbidden in order to guarantee your safety
refrig.二氧化碳最大许含量maximum allowable carbon dioxide content
tech.价值变量的许变化范围allowable variation range of value variable
gen.你为什么没经我许就进来了?Why did you come in without my permission?
tech.保养许公差service tolerance
tech.common difference
gen.许Mallow M to (+ inf., 做)
gen.Mgrant M permission to + inf. (做)
gen.Mpermit M to + inf. (做)
tech.permit (证)
gen.批准licence... to + inf.
gen.许 M 不 Nexcuse M from (N)
avia.辐射剂量级tolerance level
gen.许 M 自由行动give M a free hand
gen.许 M 自由行动allow M a free hand
gen.容许误差permissible error
securit.许上限upper tolerance limit
tech.许不圆度permissible out of roundness
securit.许丧失偿付能力的机构苟延残喘allowing insolvent institutions to limp along
avia.许个别最大压力permissible individual maximum pressure
tech.许中断enabled interruption
tech.许中断标志interrupt enable flag
tech.许中断触发器interrupt enable flip-flop
securit.许亏损企业兼并或破产allow money-losing enterprise to merger or go bankrupt
tech.许产量allowance production
sport., physiol.许作用permissive action
gen.许使用无线电台conditional grant
avia.许使用最大功率的高度maximum power altitude
tech.许保护guard enable
tech.许值allowable value
tech.许值accepted value
tech.许偏差allowance variation
tech.许偏心allowable offset
tech.许偶然误差admissible random error
tech.许免税限度exempt allowables
tech.许公差allowable deviation
tech.许公差allowance tolerance
tech.许公差acceptance tolerance
tech.许冲击荷载impact allowance load
gen.许…出口take off the embargo on...
gen.许…出口raise the embargo on...
tech.许力矩moment allowance
avia.许加工总余量total allowance for machining
tech.许区截permissive block
tech.许压力maximum permissible pressure
tech.许压力authorized pressure
tech.许压差permissible pressure difference
tech.许压差allowable pressure difference
tech.许压降allowable pressure drop
avia.许发射音响信号firing tone
tech.许变形量fairness limit
tech.许吃水admissible draught
tech.许吃水allowance draft
shipb.许吃水allowable draft
ecol.许含尘量permissible dustiness
tech.许吸上真空高度permitted vacuum height of intake
tech.许吸上真空高度allowable suet lift
tech.许噪声级acceptable noise level
tech.许坍塌的护脚棱体falling apron
consult.许型领导permissive leadership
tech.许外部中断external interrupt enable
tech.许定时中断timer interrupt enable
securit.许定购额open to buy
avia.许客舱载重allowable cabin load
avia.许客载allowable cabin load
avia.许容器机舱载重allowable container load
tech.许尺寸偏差allowable dimension variation
tech.许工作压力safe working pressure
tech.许工作负荷safe working loading
tech.许工作负荷safe working load
tech.许平均声强度specific normal acoustical admittance
tech.许平均声强度specific normal acoustic admittance
tech.许应力allowance stress
refrig.许应力stress allowance
tech.许应答acknowledge enable
gen.许建立无线电台construction permit
tech.许开孔直径allowable opening diameter
tech.许开采模数法permissible mining modulus method
tech.许开采量allowance production
tech.许开采量allowable mining yield
tech.许强度proof strength
tech.许强度allowance strength
tech.许当量裂纹尺寸allowed equivalent crack length
tech.许形式type permitted
tech.许形式permissible type
avia.许承受的时间tolerable exposure time
tech.桩的许承载力point-bearing capacity
tech.许抽水时间allowed pumping tie
tech.许抽水量allowed pumping amount
tech.许抽水降深allowed pumping drawdown depth
tech.许拆除wrecking permit
tech.许振动permissible vibration
tech.许振动allowance vibration
tech.许掉头的交叉口turn crossing
sport.许掉棒运动员离开自己的分道捡棒The runner may leave the lane to retrieve the baton
tech.许接近速度permissible approach speed
tech.许摇摆程度lurching allowance
agric.许收割量allowable cut
tech.许放射性allowable radioactivity
agric.许放牧证permit holder
tech.许故障率admissible error
tech.许故障率acceptable failure rate
tech.许故障率permissible error
tech.许故障率allowable error
tech.许故障率acceptable failure error
tech.许数值permissible level
tech.许数字admissible mark
gen.许数据data enablement
tech.许文件输入file enable input
sport.许时间time allowed
tech.许暴露时间permitted exposure time
avia.许曝光极限permissible exposure limit
tech.许最低发热量admissible minimum of caloricity
tech.许最低回收率cut-off rate
securit.许最高贷款额maximum loan permitted
tech.许最高转速maximum allowable speed
gen.许M有达到Nallow M (N)
tech.许有一定增减的条款plus or minus clause
gen.许有…的小误差give or take
tech.许条件enabled condition
tech.许模式permissive mode
agric.许残留值tolerance value
gen.许每日摄取量acceptable daily intake
tech.许水力梯度permissible hydraulic gradient
tech.许污染极限permissible contaminant limit
tech.许污染物浓度admissible pollutant concentration
tech.许污水排放浓度allowable concentration of waste water disposal
tech.许污水排放量allowable discharge of waste water
tech.许波况acceptable wave condition
tech.许流速permissible velocity of flow
tech.许液面level allowance
tech.许淹没深度allowable flooding depth
tech.许渗透的排水管线drain pipe line allowing infiltration
tech.许渗透量permitted leak
tech.许温差allowable temperature difference
tech.许温度allowance temperature
tech.许烟雾浓度allowance smoke concentration
tech.许热损失permitted heat loss
tech.许状态enabled state
tech.许状态信号state enable signal
tech.许电压升降permissible voltage fluctuation
tech.许电平enable level
tech.许电流permissible current
agric.许界限permissible level
avia.许的子系统subsystem allowed
nautic., tech.许的最小角度allowable minimum angle
tech.许的最高水位allowable maximum water level
outd.许的泳姿permissible strokes
avia.许的设备清单allowance equipage list
tech.许的辐射级tolerance level
tech.许相对偶然误差admissible relative random error
tech.许着陆permission to land
avia.许着陆区authorised landing area
tech.许硫含量permissible sulfur
tech.许磨损permissible wear
tech.许磨耗tear-and-wear allowance
tech.许磨蚀度corrosion allowance
tech.许离差permissible deviation
tech.许程序存储programme store enable
tech.许程序存储program store enable
tech.许算术俘获arithmetical trap enable
tech.许算术俘获arithmetic trap enable
tech.许算术自陷arithmetical trap enable
tech.许算术自陷arithmetic trap enable
tech.许绝对偶然误差admissible absolute random error
avia.许缺陷deficiency in allowance
securit.许职工持股allow employees to hold some shares
tech.许腐蚀厚度corrosion allowance
gen.许自由进人allow free entrance to
tech.许荷载proof load
avia.许行动联系permissive action link
tech.许行动联络装置permissive action link device
shipb.许装载燃油证书fuel oil certificate
avia.许解admissible solution
tech.许解除permissive release
tech.许试样量permissible sample size
tech.许试验压力allowable test pressure
tech.许试验量permissible sample size
tech.许误差errors excepted
tech.许误差permissible error
CNC许误差tolerated error
tech.许负差negative allowance
tech.许质量指标acceptance quality level
tech.许质量指标acceptable quality level
tech.许起飞permission to take off
avia.许起飞重量allowable takeoff gross
tech.许超宽allowance over-width
tech.许超深over-depth allowance
tech.许超深allowable over-depth
shipb.许超负荷持续额定功率continuous rating permitting over-load
shipb.许超负荷持续额定功率continuous rating permitting over load
tech.许超车free passing of cars
avia.许越障高度obstacle clearance allowance
tech.许趋近极限acceptable close limit
nautic., tech.许载荷重新分布的屈曲能力方法1buckling capacity accepting local elastic plate buckling with load redistribution Method 1
tech.许载荷量carrying capacity
avia.许载货量allowable cargo load
consult.许载重proof load
soil.许载重量allowable bearing capacity
agric.许输人enable input
avia.许输出output enable
gen.许过载的持续定额连续功率continuous rating permitting overload
tech.许过载的持续额定功率continuous rating permitting overload
avia.许进人的条件condition on admission
tech.许进位信号carry clear signal
avia.许进场approach clearance
tech.许通车间隔allowance gap
tech.许速度permissible velocity
avia.许速度allowable velocity
tech.许配带最大功率allowable mating maximum power
tech.许量分配模型tolerance distribution model
tech.许闩锁latch enable
tech.许间隙safety clearance
tech.许间隙permissible clearance
tech.许限度consent limit
gen.许M随意使用Ngive M the run of (N)
tech.许静水压力值allowable value of statical water pressure
tech.许静水压力值allowable value of static water pressure
avia.许项目调整allowance for program adjustment
tech.许预推信号allow to approach the humping signal
tech.许频率tolerance frequency
tech.许飞机通过clear an aircraft to pass
avia.许飞行包线permissible flight envelope
avia.许飞行航路permitted flying routes
inf.say yes (to)
tech.诺程度state of compliance
tech.收益率fair rate of return
securit.的意见impartial advice
avia.写人enable write
tech.农药许残留量pesticide residue tolerance
ecol.农药残留许量pesticide residue tolerance
sport.决赛时、每名参赛选手许有 3 次试跳、投掷等机会Each competitor is allowed 3 trials in the finals
securit.判断公价格determining fair price
tech.区段许速度permissive speed in district
tech.口头parol promise
tech.许的最大浓度maximum allowable concentration
tech.许角acceptance angle
tech.叶片的许速度bladed allowable speed
tech.各阶段最多许时间标准elapsed time standard
tech.含水层许疏干年限the number of years set for allowable aquifer dewatering
tech.含水层许疏干深度depth of allowable aquifer dewatering
tech.含水层年许疏干率rate of allowable aquifer dewatering
tech.噪声评价许值曲线NCA noise criterion allowable curve
tech.圆周焊缝的许偏移allowable offset in circumferential joints
ecol.土壤许侵蚀量permissible soil erosion
ecol.土壤有害物质最大许残留量maximum permissible residues of soil injurant
tech.土壤的许承载压力allowable soil pressure
tech.土壤的许耐力allowable soil bearing strength
gen.在美国,联邦法律许带近一升的含酒精饮品,及二百支香烟和一百支雪茄供个人使用In the U. S. , federal laws allow the importation of up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverage and up to 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars for personal use
sport.在规则许范围内within the framework of the law
tech.地下水许开采模数allowable mining modulus of groundwater
securit.坚定公执法carries out firm and fair enforcement
tech.基底许坡度allowable gradient of bed base
gen.天气许的weather permitting
tech.天然地基许荷载subsoil permissible load
ecol.天然药物资源年收量annual possible gathering volume of nature medicine resources
gen.如果东西是在免税商店购买的话,法律许你免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free, if purchased in a duty-free shop
gen.如果你许的话with your leave
gen.如果你许的话by your leave
tech.安全许公差safe tolerance
tech.安全许应力safe allowable stress
tech.安全许荷载safe allowable load
tech.室内温湿度许波动范围allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity
refrig.室内设计参数许波动范围interior parameters allowed fluctuation range
gen.对不起,这里不许吸烟Sorry, it is not allowed here
avia.导弹许发射区missile attack envelop
gen.就我们的情况而言,不许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance
tech.岩石许流速allowable velocity of flow of rock
ecol.工业许排水量permissible discharged water of industry
ecol.工业许水循环利用率permissible water cycle of industry
tech.异常exception enable
tech.当被许时when permitted
gen.得到…允许<#0>find acceptance in
agric.许捕捞量total allowable catch
ecol.许渔获量total allowable catch
sport.成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
gen.我们许您携带100英镑的免税品,所以您不必为您的手表和衣服上税了You are allowed £100 duty-free, so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit
tech.截齐许量allowance for trim
tech.批内许故障率lot-tolerance failure rate
tech.批内插许次品率lot-tolerance percent defective
tech.批内插许破损率lot-tolerance failure rate
tech.批量许不良率lot-tolerance percent defective
avia.拦阻着舰的最大许重量trap weight
tech.接缝许间隙joint allowance
tech.收缩许量allowance for shrinkage
tech.放射性许浓度permissible concentration of radioactivity
avia.放飞许偏差dispatch deviation
avia.放飞许缺陷despatch deficiency
tech.日平均最高许浓度daily average maximum permissible concentration
tech.暂行最大许含量temporary tolerance
tech.暂行食品最大许含量temporary food tolerance
tech.最低minimum permissible temperature
tech.最大许人体负荷maximum permissible body burden
tech.最大许使用温度maximum permissible service temperature
tech.最大许值maximum permissible value
tech.最大许偏差maximum allowable offset
avia.最大许剂量maximum permitted dose
tech.最大许加速度maximum permissible acceleration
avia.最大许压力maximum permissible pressure
tech.最大许含尘量maximum permissible dustiness
avia.最大许寿命maximum permitted life
avia.飞机的最大许寿命maximum permitted life
avia.最大许成本费用maximum allowable cost
tech.最大许抓取重量maximum allowable weight capacity
avia.最大许暴露高度maximum permissible exposure level
tech.最大许曝光量maximum permissible exposure
tech.最大许机体负荷maximum permissible body burden
avia.最大许概率maximum allowable probabilities
tech.最大许水位下降值maximum allowable water table decrease
tech.最大许水平maximum allowable level
tech.最大许流速maximum permissible velocity
avia.最大许浓度maximum allowable concentration
tech.最大许浓度maximum permissible concentration
tech.最大许浓度maximum acceptable concentration
tech.最大许浓度exempt concentration
tech.最大许浓度maximum admissible concentration
avia.最大许浓度maximal allowable concentration
tech.最大许牵引荷载maximum permissible drawbar load
avia.最大许着陆重量maximum landing weight authorized
avia.最大许空速maximum allowable airspeed
med.辐射最大许能级maximum permissible level
tech.最大许表速maximum permissible indicated speed
avia.最大许试样尺寸maximum allowable sample size
tech.最大许试样量maximum allowable sample size
tech.最大许误差margin of error
avia.最大许误差tolerance (仪表的)
tech.最大许转速maximum permissible speed
tech.最大许轴荷重maximum admissible axle load
tech.最大许载重maximum allowable load
tech.最大许辐照maximum permissible exposure (量)
tech.最大许进人内部maximum permissible intake
avia.最大许进气量maximum permissible intake
refrig.最大许通风损失maximum allowable draft loss
tech.最大许速度maximum permissible speed
avia.最大许里程maximum permitted mileage
avia.最大许重量maximum permitted weight
tech.最大许量maximum magnitude
tech.最大许高度maximum allowable level
avia.最大许高度maximum authorized altitude (在航路、喷气机航线或区域导航中代表最高可用高度或飞行层的公布高度,对于这些航路最低途中高度已经颁布,且确保接受适当的导航设备)
tech.最大可能许量maximum possible magnitude
tech.最小许含量minimum permissible content
tech.最小许流量minimum acceptable flow
tech.最小许电流minimum acceptable current
tech.最小许量minimum acceptable discharge
avia.最长许操作时间maximum allowable operating time
tech.最高工程造价fixed limit of construction cost
tech.最高许值threshold limit value
tech.最高许利率usury ceiling
tech.最高许压力maximum working pressure
avia.最高许操作温度maximum allowable operating temperature
tech.最高许速度maximum permitted speed
tech.最高许速度maximum permissive speed
tech.最高许速度maximum permissible speed
tech.最高许速度maximum authorized speed
securit.最高许限度upper tolerance limit
tech.最高产量与许产量之差shut in production
tech.有害杂质平均许含量admissible average content of harmful impurity
tech.有害组分平均许含量average allowable amount of harmful components
ecol.有害组分平均许含量allowable content of harmful impurities
gen.未鉴别放射性物质在水中的最高许浓度maximum permissible concentration of unidentified radionuclides in water
tech.极限许污染量limiting pollutional load
tech.极限许浓度limiting concentration
ecol.极限许浓度污染物permissible concentration limit
avia.正常许的时间normal allowed time
tech.残留许量practical residue limit
avia.每日许摄人量acceptable daily intake
tech.每日许摄入量acceptable daily intake
gen.每条床单都缝上了褶边,并经过严格的检查,不许有任何瑕疵Every bed sheet is hemmed and scrupulously checked for imperfection
gen.气候许的weather permitting
gen.气候天气许的weather permitting
tech.水平许偏差horizontal tolerance
gen.法律许您携带免税的两瓶酒和一条香烟The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free
tech.法律许的allowed by law
tech.注浆孔许偏斜率allowable deviation of grouting hole
gen.液面level allowance
tech.焊接许的最低温度lowest permissible temperature for welding
gen.焦急地等待获得许做某事strain at the leash
tech.环境许生物降解environmentally acceptable biodegradation
desert.环境变化的许极限tolerable limits of environmental changes (环境结构参数最大极值与最小极值之间的范围,一旦超过这一范围,环境趋于恶化或被破坏)
securit.现款透支许金额cash allowance
energ.ind.生产中许辐照剂量occupational tolerance value
gen.申请人许重新预约的次数有限,请妥善安排面谈时间以避免额外缴纳签证申请费用Applicants are limited to the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to pay another visa application fee
tech.目标变量的许变化范围allowable variation range of objective variable
tech.短期许承载力short-term allowable bearing capacity
tech.确认acknowledge enable
tech.管道许流速permissible pipe velocity
tech.纵向焊缝的许偏移allowable offset in longitudinal joints
tech.线路许速度railway permitted velocity
tech.线路许速度permissive speed on track
securit.许的交易permitted transaction
securit.许的银行借款permitted bank borrowing
tech.统计许极限statistical tolerance limit
tech.统计许极限statistic tolerance limit
tech.维修许公差maintenance tolerance
tech.缺点许率lot-tolerance percent defective
gen.be at liberty to (do)
avia.襟翼展开时的最大许飞行速度maximum flap-extended speed (它不同于操纵襟翼时的最大速度 V𝒻ₒ)
tech.计划planning permission
tech.设计许渗入量infiltration design allowance
tech.试验test tolerance
avia.试验许偏差test tolerance
gen.beg leave
gen.许我做某事make free (to do)
gen.许我这样做let me do so
tech.财务报表公fairness of financial statements
securit.账面许减记金额writing down allowance
tech.轴承许荷载bearing capacity
tech.较大许信号more favorable signal
gen.通常来说我国一般不许以下人员入境:精神病患者、传染病患者、刑事罪犯、从事不正当职业者Generally speaking, such kind of people are not allowed entry into my country as psychopaths, infectious people, criminals and people who are in illegitimate occupation
tech.通过车站许速度permissive speed of train passing through station
tech.锅炉水质许限度quality tolerance of boiler water
tech.长期许承载力long-term allowable bearing capacity
avia.预期许分离expected departure release
tech.验收许公差acceptance permissible variation
tech.验收许量acceptance tolerance
tech.高峰许负荷peak load allowance
tech.高峰许负荷peaking load allowance
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