
Terms for subject China containing 儿童 | all forms | in specified order only
中国人民保卫儿童基金会Chinese Peopled National Committee for Defence of Children
中国少年儿童基金会Children's Foundation of China
儿童权利公约》关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
全国少年儿童工作协调委员会National Children^ Work Coordination Committee
全国少年儿童文化艺术委员会National Council on Cultural and Art Work for Children
在海上工作的儿童及未成年人的强制体格检查公约Convention Concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea
孤残儿童orphaned and handicapped children
学龄前儿童preschool-age children
少数民族适龄儿童school-age children of ethnic groups
拐卖儿童abduct and traffic in a child
拐卖妇女、儿童abduct and traffic a woman or child
收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童buy an abducted woman or a child
收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童又出卖buy an abducted woman or a child and sell the victim afterwards
残疾适龄儿童disabled school-age children
确定允许儿童在海上工作的最低年龄公约Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea
确定准许使用儿童于工业工作的最低年龄公约Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Industrial Employment
绑架妇女、儿童kidnap a woman or child
联合国儿童权利公约Convention on the Rights of the Child
被拐卖的妇女、儿童woman or child who is abducted and trafficked
被收买的妇女、儿童sold woman or child
适龄儿童school-age children
适龄女性儿童少年female school-age children or adolescents
麻醉方法绑架妇女、儿童kidnap a woman or child by means of anaesthesia