
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
伽马射线环境成频谱仪gamma ray environmental mapping spectrometer
pixel A contraction of the words 'picture element'. The smallest unit of information in an image or raster map. Referred to as a resolution cell in an image or grid ("图像单元"的缩略词。最小单位的图像信息或光栅地图。指图像或网格的一个分辨率单元。)
卫星图satellite image A pictorial representation of data projected onto a two-dimensional grid of individual picture elements (pixels) and acquired from a human-made vessel placed in orbit round a planet, moon or star (一种图像显示,显示映射到独立的图形元素(像素)的二维网格中的数据。这些图像通过放置在行星、月亮或恒星轨道上的人造设备获得。)
受监视的影分类supervised image classification A graphical representation processing technique by which an analyst selects groups of pixels, determines their spectral response signature and trains a computer system to recognize pixels based on this spectral response pattern (图形表示的加工工艺,分析师通过它选择象素组,决定其频谱响应特性并在此光谱反应模式的基础上训练电脑系统以识别像素。)
影像分类image classification Processing techniques which apply quantitative methods to the values in a digital yield or remotely sensed scene to group pixels with similar digital number values into feature classes or categories (在遥感技术中的资料以过滤与其他程序,透过控制像素,产生能突显特征或视觉解释的影像。)
增强、影像强化image enhancement In remote sensing, the filtering of data and other processes to manipulate pixels to produce an image that accentuates features of interest or visual interpretation (在遥感技术中的资料过滤与其他程序,其目的是通过控制像素,产生能突显特征或视觉解释的影像。)
处理image processing The process of converting "raw" remotely sensed data into a usable form through the application of various transformations such as supervised and unsupervised classification schemes (通过各种转换程序,将原始的遥感资料转化为有用的形式的过程,例如经过监督性与非监督性的分类方法。)
处理数字系统image processing digital system A coordinated assemblage of computer devices designed to capture and manipulate pictures stored as data in discrete, quantized units or digits (一个电脑设备的整合系统,该系统被用来获得与处理图片,储存成离散化、量子化或数位化的单元或形式。)
影像过滤image filtering A remote sensing term related to image enhancement that refers to the removal of a spatial component of electromagnetic radiation (与影像强化相关的遥感术语,指移除电磁辐射的空间成份。)
配准、影像重合image registration The process of linking map coordinates to control points with known earth-surface coordinates. Related term: coordinate systems (连结地图系统过程,连接控制点与已知地表坐标的过程。)
重合配准image registration
数字图处理技术digital image processing technique Techniques employed in the calibration of image data, the correction or reduction of errors occurring during capture or transmission of the data and in various types of image enhancement-operations which increase the ability of the analyst to recognize features of interest (校正影像资料所使用的技术,例如修正或降低资料在获取或传递过程中,或者各种影像强化处理的错误,便于增加分析者识别兴趣点特征的能力。)
非监督图分类unsupervised image classification Unsupervised classification is a kind of classification which takes place with minimum input from the operator; no training sample is available and subdivision of the feature space is achieved by identifying natural groupings of the measurement vectors (非监督分类是一种有最小算法输入的分类,它没有训练样本。通过确定度量向量的自然分组来实现对特征空间的划分。)