
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去生意的那个地方的当地情况A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business
上拨下卖的method of selling whatever is allocated from above
与他们生意,千万要谨慎You shall proceed with every possible caution in doing business with them
与…做买do business with
与该国大规模交易的时机尚未成熟The opportunity is not mature for us to trade extensively with that country
为 …做广publicise
某人好准备make ready of (somebody)
为提高该公司的商业信誉的价值,这类广告很有必要In order to enhance the value of the goodwill of the company, such advertisements are needed
为海外旅游设备广告publicise the services of the tourist board
为鼓励你方出更大成绩,我们赋于你方这项特权We accord you this privilege in order to encourage you to make more achievements
事实上,该律师的法是,什么对案件有利就去执行什么In fact, the attorney carries out whatsoever is expedient for the case
汤姆借债的担保人He went guarantee for Tom
他们了许多促销工作,结果顾客的续订定单大量涌来They have done a lot to promote the sales, as a result, many repeat orders from our customers are rush in
他们不想答应没把握的事而招致麻烦They wouldn't like to court trouble by making promises to do what they cant do
他们从事一种顾客定业务,生意做得红红火火They drove a roaring custom-built trade
他们保证,他们愿意出你们所能接受的任何调整They assure you that they will be very glad to make any adjustment that would be acceptable to you
他们和史密斯先生通了几年的信,但一直未成业务They have been in correspondence with Mr Smith for a few years without concluding any business
他们在淡季中没法成大量交易They were unable to do a lot of transactions during the slack season
他们在该产品的销售上的努力未见成效Their efforts in promoting the sale of the product have proved unfruitful
他们确信能成这笔交易They are sure that they can put the deal through
他在外汇市场了多年的交易He has traded on the foreign exchange market for many years
代金券voucher-based system
仲裁人通常出最终公断Arbitrators usually render a final award
价格标定需调整call for a readjustment in pricing
作些试验,找出破裂的原因,这样是可取的It would be advisable to have tests made to locate the cause of the breaking
你不应任何足以造成撤销这类许可证的事情You shall not do anything that causes revocation of any such permits
你们所的与当地的公用事业管理条例不一致What you are doing does not accord with the local utility regulations
你方必须清楚地知道,我方这样是下不为例的You must know clearly that, in doing so, we are not establishing a precedent
你最好书面申请,附上一份学习及工作简历You'd better apply in writing, enclosing a cutting
信用证以下几方面的修改后方能接受The L/C will be accepted on revision in the following respects
买卖be in trade (生意)
冒险的股票买卖take a flier
strike out
make (某种举动)
perform work
半工be on half
多头buy a bull
多头going long
多头bull the market (抬高市面价格)
批量生产的准备get ready for (mass production)
店主open a shop
店主keep a shop
总结make a summing-up
pull the business through (交易)
pull off (a big deal, 大笔生意)
成交易make a deal with
成交易nail the bargain
投机生意play the market
每天的定额工作do one's daily stint
生意精明smart about business
头投机speculate on a fall (rise)
空头going short
空头forward selling
进一步讨论的时机尚不成熟It is immature to make further discussion
停止原来的工作go out of business
出勤到工但无工作可的工作日工资call-in pay
加工定"one off" production (货)
大使go on an embassy
去年我方与该公司了大量的交易We did a voluminous business with that company last year
国库券交易理论bill only doctrine (policy)
只有在中华人民共和国的法规授予此种权利的时候才能在中国这一行业的生意This line of transaction should be conducted in China only when authorized by the statute of People's Republic of China
负责和参谋体制line and staff organization
当地人大米、小麦、毛皮生意traffic in rice, wheat, furs with (the local natives)
商业跟单信用证统一惯例和uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit
因某人错事而羞辱他shame sb. for doing wrong
在…上做主play host to
在工程进行中,工程师可用图纸说明该项工程所需出的变动During the progress of the work, the engineer may illustrate changes in the work to be done by means of drawings
够格qualify as (an auditor, 审计员)
如果接受此价格,我方将跟贵公司一大笔生意We'll entrust you with bulk of our business if the price is accepted
如果这笔交易是通过欺诈或欺骗成的,我们就拒绝付款If the deal has been done through fraud or deception n., we shall refuse the payment
如这笔转让业务未成,购买价格将不能降低If such assignment cannot be effected, any abatement in the purchase price shall not be made
安排某人arrange for someone to do (something, 某事)
specific order production
make to order
对劳工不公平的unfair labor practices
将产权出售同时长期租用该产业的lease back
我们不应只外销We should not confine ourselves to export sales
我们从事合法的行业,合法的事情We engage in a lawful trade and perform lawful practices
我们企求在销售产品的过程中防止那些有害和不经济的We hope to prevent those detrimental and uneconomic practices in our distribution of the products
我们决定为该新产品广告We decided to advertise the new product
我们希望我们所的能有助于加强我们的关系We hope what we have done will help to strengthen our relations
我们希望明年在我们之间能成一笔更大的买卖We hope that we will do a larger dealing between us next year
我们库存已售光,无法再用非常低的价格交易了We shall be unable to repeat the very low prices when our stocks are exhausted
我们很遗憾得知你们为了扩大生产所的努力未能成功We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive
我们比较喜欢同他们生意We would prefer to do business with them
我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions
我们首先应该对当地的消费者保护法律一番调査研究,然后再开展我们的业务We shall look into local customer protection laws first before engaging in our business
我公司利用报纸、杂志、录音带、彩色图表等广告推销我方产品Our company advertises the sales of our products by means of newspapers, magazines, recordings, colour schemes, etc
我方价目单上的价格公道,定能使你方有优先与我方买卖的意向The moderate quotation in our price-list will surely cause you to have a preference for doing business with us
我请他我的律师,为我诉讼辩护I asked him to act as my lawyer to defend the lawsuit
sub-contract (转包的工作)
把工作推给别人shirk off work upon others
把所有的合约呈交法律部门是我们的一贯To submit all contracts to the legal department is our usual policy
拒绝与…做生enforce boycotts on trade with
政府间限制性商业法专家Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices
无工可out of work
最佳参与性best participatory practices
有资格qualified to (inf.)
服装店老板生意精明The owner of the drapery store is smart about business
未能成拒付证书failure to protest
每种鞋子4个尺码Shoes are made in 4 fittings for each kind
没有设计人的书面同意,不允许对既定的设计任何变动It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer
独占性竞争未能到最低平均成本monopolistic competition failure to attain lowest average cost
生意得熟练do business with skill
用出售股票方法成立这家公司的法完全失败了The float of the company was a complete failure
用纸牌的房子house of cards
直到代理合同期满,我公司才能与你公司买卖Our company couldn't transact with yours until the agency contract expires
看来你们生意比较稳重You appear to be doing business in a moderate way
约翰・史密斯先生了一家商行的合伙人Mr. John Smith became partner in a firm
纸牌的房子house of cards
继续不间断stick at
老板已对雇员们了口头解释The boss has already given a verbal explanation to the employees
老板想胁迫他的雇员这样,可是没有得逞The boss attempted to intimidate his employees into doing so but in vain
能够in a position to do (sth., 某事)
自她加盟我公司两年以来,已取得不少与外商生意的有用技巧She has acquired not a few useful skills of conducting business with foreigners since she joined us two years ago
草率地scamp (工作)
要求出裁决ask for a ruling
要求你方在商品经销业务中设法防止侵害性和不经济的You are asked to try to prevent injurious and uneconomic practices in the distribution of the goods
证券交易中的多空套double option
该公司出口业务The company is engaged in export business
贵公司应对我方损失出赔偿Your company should make an indemnification for our loss
走出去生意organize transactions tour
走出去生意organize sales tours
过去惯常某事used to do (sth.)
这位工程师有这项工作的专业资格证The engineer has the professional qualifications for the job
这是一家殷实的商店,每天能大量的交易It is a substantial shop, where substantial business can be done every day
这种付款方式是我们的习惯The mode of payment is our usual practice
这种洗衣机在投产前了相当大的改进The washing machine was modified considerably before it went into production
适于qualified to (inf.)
邀请投标人交易the invitation to treat
采取国外的习惯adopt customary methods abroad
work over
费用do-over costs
重新考虑后决定不think better of (或放弃)
销售代表有充分理由拒绝同该商号交易The sales representative has sufficient grounds for refusal for the business with the firm
销售部经理已和俄罗斯银行成了一笔大生意The sales manager has closed a big deal with a Russian bank
除了广告以外,他们并未做出任何特别开支They didn't make any extraordinary expenses other than for advertising
雇主employer practice
饮酒时成的交易a Dutch bargain (常指不牢靠或不公平的)