
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一致性consistency assumption
一致性预期homogeneous expectations assumption
不实的虚陈述negligent misrepresentation
主要预测key forecast assumption
举债能力增长认为兼并后破产成本降低,公司举债能力增强,财务杠杆率提高的假说increased debt capacity hypothesis
习性behavioural hypothesis
人为设定虚股价fixing artificial prices for shares
仿制palming off
会计accounting assumption
伪证、证人false witness
低效市场low-effective market hypothecation
信息含量information content hypothesis
债务契约debt covenant hypothesis
买假卖fictitious bargain
债券straw bond
passing off
冒红利企业用认购股票的资金而非股票盈利来进行分红phony dividends
冒背书forged endorsement
分配pseudo distribution
受款人fictitious payee
定债务focal debt
定利率interest assumption
定影响hypothetical effect
定成本利息assumed cost interest
定汇率shadow foreign exchange rate
forged currency
bogus money
市交易false market (在证券市场上制造假象,拉高或压低股价以从中谋利)
报费用fraudulent disbursement
支票forged cheque
汇票dud draft
含贱金属的硬币base coin
突破false breakout
设人fictitious person
设价值notional value
设利润notional profit
设利率imputed interest rate
设利率assumed interest rate
设定价shadow pricing
设成本hypothetical cost
设承销人presumptive underwriter
设支付manufactured payment (融券者向股票出借者支付的红利)
设比率assumed rate
设的pro forma
设的利息imputed interest
设的所有权presumptive title
设结算日assumed settling day
设股息manufactured dividend
设订单shadow book
设账册shadow book
设费用assumed fee
falsified accounts
cooked books
账户fictitious account
货币forged currency
资产fictitious assets
building air
造业绩big bath writeoffs
造结算单falsify statements
金块投机gold brick speculation
金砖股gold brick share
forged banknote
cook the books
公司造corporate fraud
关联市场coherent market hypothesis
兼并浪潮merger wave hypothesis
再分配兼并意味着证券持有人的财富从被兼并股东转到兼并股东,从债券持有人转到股东手中redistribution hypothesis
分形市场研究股票、债券市场随机性和确定性的学说fractal market hypothesis
分红计划bonus plan hypothesis
利益趋同假设管理层的股票份额与公司市场价值之间存在正相关关系convergence of interests hypothesis
制造falsification of books
制造falsification of accounts
制造交易活跃的虚creating a false appearance of active trading
制造和散布虚信息fabricate and disseminate false information
制造证券交易的虚价格fabricating sham security trading prices
半强势有效市场semistrong-form efficient market hypothesis
反应过度overreaction hypothesis
反虚财务报告委员会的赞助组织委员会Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
另类alternative hypothesis
在开户文件中造making false declaration in account opening documents
坐在金矿上的信息披露使企业被低估的真实价值被发现sitting-on-a-gold-mine hypothesis
完美市场perfect market assumption
对不成熟设的故意披露股市上wilful disclosure of immature assumption
小心beware of imitations
谎称已执行而实际未执行的欺骗行为wooden ticket
弄虚作practicing fraud
当地预期local expectation hypothesis
意外非难kick-in-the-pants hypothesis
所有权结构ownership structure hypothesis
投票力量voting power hypothesis
投资者中虚的安全感false security among investors
披露虚信息disclose false information
披露虚信息诱导他人进行交易disclosure of false information inducing transactions
持续经营continuity postulate
持续经营going-concern assumption
资产feathered assets
提交虚证明submit falsified certificates
提供虚信息的刑事责任criminal liability on the provision of false information
提供虚或误导性信息provision of false or misleading information
政治成本political cost hypothesis
故意制造虚价格intent to cause artificial price
散布信息building air
散布虚信息dissemination of false information
星期日和日除外except Sunday and holidays
更加隐蔽的虚披露手段more subtle means of disclosure
替代alternative hypothesis
有关范围relevant range assumption
期货市场的定/前提premises of futures market
活跃交易的false appearance of active trading
流动性偏好liquidity preference hypothesis
玩忽职守的虚陈述negligent misrepresentation
理性rationality assumption
盲目blind assumptions
相似价格similar price supposition
真真假的信息poop and scoop
管理层预测management's forecast assumption
纯预期pure expectations hypothesis
编造虚财务信息making up fake financial information
股东权益设想股东从反收购行动中得到的好处超过了管理者防御的目的和影响shareholder interests hypothesis
菲舍尔Fisher hypothesis
营造虚繁荣行为manipulative conduct
交易mock trading
交易制造流动性好的假象wash trade
交易wash trader
交易artificial transaction
价格speculative price
价格artificial price
出资false capital contribution
分割artificial division
分红phony dividends
利润false profit
发行文件forging issuing documents
声明false statement
委托fictious order
存款window-dressing deposits
应收账款fictitious accounts receivable
或误导性的表述false or misleading representations
报告false reporting
指令fictious order
收人spurious revenues
收人distorted income
收购博弈论takeover false game theory
数字questionable figure
的报价sham bid
的现金余额distorted cash balance
票据fictitious paper
票据false bill
繁荣股市artificial prosperity
股份公司bogus stock company
股份账户dummy share account
股利fictitious dividend
股市交易bogus transaction
董事dummy director
表述false representation
记录false record
证明文件sham supporting document
账务deceptive accounting
账户garage account
购买put into play
贷款artificial loans
资产fictitious capital
资料false information
资本金额false capital amount
递延收费fallacious deferred charges
递延费用fallacious deferred charges
陈述making a false statement
行为behavioural hypothesis
记录虚信息record false information
证券看上去不错而实际价值低的股票gold brick share
谨慎conservatism assumption
超额合并溢价extra merger premium hypothesis
趋同convergence hypothesis
踢脚加大监督力度减少代理成本,使目标公司管理层提高警惕,提高管理效率不然将被兼并公司替代kick-in-the-pants hypothesis
juggling the books
window dressing
falsification of accounts
account rigging
账的案底false accounting records
账的记录false accounting records
重复认购申请中使用虚资料股票发行时using false information in duplicate applications
防止破产prevent false bankruptcy
随机变动random walk hypothesis
随机投资平均收益率高于其他投资的random walk theory
随机行走random walk hypothesis
零预付zero prepayment assumption
预期expectation hypothesis
马车效应随大流、跟风的理论bandwagon hypothesis
高效市场hypothesis of highly effective market